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Name Exchange (Xbox 360, PS3 & Wii)

Enma Ai

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[align=center]Okay first of all, I did not see a thread for this, so I am just making one now.


So, in this thread you can exchange or post your Xbox Live Gamertag, Playstation Network Name or Wii friend Codes.


You dont have to challenge people (because their is a thread for that I think) you can just post your names, for example, on Xbox Live, you post your gamertag here, I add you as a friend, we can play together / against each other online. Same goes for PS3 and Wii.


So here are my name(s):

Xbox Live Gamertag: Zoid Rose

Playstation Network Name: N/A

Wii Friend Codes: N/A


Add me as a friend if you want, just send me a message of who you are from YCM, I have a mic and am a very good player.






So, if their isn't an active thread for this, make this one active, by posting your online names!


[spoiler=[b]Names that have been submitted[/b]]

[spoiler=Dark Rose]

Xbox Live Gamertag: Zoid Rose



[spoiler=Cyber Altair]

Playstation Network Name: cyberaltair




Playstation Network Name: Pragnall1




Xbox Live Gamertag: Tkill93

Playstation Network Name: Tkill93




Playstation Network Name: Cedefia



[spoiler=Falcon 491]

Playstation Network Name: Falkon 491

Xbox Live Gamertag: Jay iz Tactical




Playstation Network Name: Umbra42



[spoiler=Lil Jevans]

Playstation Network Name: jevans019

Xbox Live Gamertag: jevans019



[spoiler=Lazer Yoshi]

Xbox Live Gamertag: Chokesmurf




Xbox Live Gamertag: jspamax









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