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Overheat's Zero Contest (1 round ) ended


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1.must have 0 ATK points
2. can be any type of monster
3. if the monster card is summoned by the effect of a card add the card too (the 2 card will not be judged)



5. ~JG~
6. gustavosuarez
7. SuperAce100
8.  Omegacjs
9. Daily News 
10. bobyjoe5000
11.  Dark Justice



lvl 1 :free
lvl 2 -3 : 10 points
lvl 4-? : 15 points 



1 place : 2 rep and 30% pot. 
2 place : 1 rep and 10 % pot 



150 points


entry ends on 5/1/10

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I enter, i'll send my points :D





Once per turn you can equip this monster to a face-up monster on your opponent side of the field, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. Take control of the equipped monster. You can tributed the equipped monster by this card to make your opponent send 1 Tuner monster from his deck to your Graveyard OR 1 Synchro or Dark Synchro monster from his/her Extra Deck(A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, this card is destroyed instead.) If this card was destroyed by it's own eefect, you can Special Summon it on your next Standby Phase. If this card is Special Summoned this way, place 1 Anti Counter on a face-up monster your opponent control(Monsters with Anti Counters cannot declare attack or be tributed under any condition, also, the controller of a monster with Anti Counters cannot summon Synchro or Dark Synchro monsters.). If this card is in your Graveyard you can remove it from play to add 1 "Anti Synchro" monster from your Deck to your hand.[/align]

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i'll join points sent and here is my card 330730.jpg [spoiler=lore] Each time you send a fire type monster to the graveyard this card gain 1000 attack and this card gains a level. If this card was special summoned with a effect you gain 1000 life points. You can remove this card from play and in 3 turns it'll comeback on the field and it'll gain 1000 attack. If a effect is targets on this card, and it's remove from play you lose 500 life points (the damage from the effect doesn’t give you damage only the effect of this card). Put this card in the bottom of you deck shuffle it. If you draw it then you opponent will randomly send 3 cards from he/her hand from play.

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I'll join.



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing 4 Fiend-Type monsters on your side of the field. This card cannot be destoyed by battle. Once during each of your

Standby Phases, place 1 Shadow Counter on any monster on the field. If a monster your opponent controls has a Shadow Counter, the monster's ATK is reduced to 0. If there are 5 Shadow Counters on this card, you win the duel.

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im in. here is my card. points sent:)


[spoiler=effect!!] This card can only be Summoned by removing from play 5 DARK and 5 LIGHT monsters in your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. (Damage calculation is applied normally.) During either player's Battle Phase, you can remove from play 5 Trap Cards in your Graveyard to increase the ATK of this card by 3000 until the end of the turn. If this card declares an attack or is selected as an attack target, shift this card to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase. If this card is targeted the effect of an opponent's Spell or Trap Card, you can remove from play 5 Spell Cards in your Graveyard to negate the effect of the card and destroy it. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can remove it from play to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster that is removed from play.


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Here is my card. 383553p.jpg

[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by a Ritual Summon. This card can only be Ritual Summoned by the effect of "Dragon's Call". When this card is attacked, discard one card from your hand. This card's ATK and DEF is equal to the number of monsters on the field x 500. Send monsters from your hand or field to the Graveyard whose levels equal 10 or more to Special Summon 1"Custard The Emerald Dragon" from your hand.



And the ritual card:


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[spoiler=Twilight Chaos Beast]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by discarding 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your hand when a monster you control is destroyed. The ATK of this card is equal to half the combined ATK of the discarded monsters and the destroyed monster. This card cannot attack if its ATK is over 3000 during the turn it is Summoned. If this card destroys a monster by battle, increase the ATK of this card by the Level of the destroyed monster x50. If this card is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower monster from your Deck.




Also, I find it funny that you only wrote 0 ATK, but everyone has also made 0 DEF. Me included xD

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hey, i'll join.


[spoiler=my card]105450.jpg

As long as this card is Face-Up on the field, no LIGHT monsters can be summoned. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. As long as this card is in Face-Up ATK position, your opponent losses 300 Life Points For every monster on the field on your Standby Phase.


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Here is my card:





Lore: This monster can only be Normal Summoned by tributing 3 monsters you control (this monster cannot be Set). This monster cannot be destroyed by battle. You take no Battle Damage as long as this card is face-up on the field. During each of your End Phases increase the ATK of this monster by 1000.

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I'm registering for level 1.



Once per duel, during your Standby Phase, you can remove this card from play. While this card is removed from play due to its own effect, both players discard 3 cards from the top of there deck during each of there Draw Phases, this effect cannot be negated. If either player cannot discard 3 cards from their deck, Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position and shuffle both of your Graveyards' into your Decks'. During your End Phase, you can pay 500 Life Points to destroy 1 card on the field.

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I'm registering for level 1.



Once per duel' date=' during your Standby Phase, you can remove this card from play. While this card is removed from play due to its own effect, both players discard 3 cards from the top of there deck during each of there Draw Phases, this effect cannot be negated. If either player cannot discard 3 cards from their deck, Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position and shuffle both of your Graveyards' into your Decks'. During your End Phase, you can pay 500 Life Points to destroy 1 card on the field.[/i']


lolno, you're a 4 star. That's what he meant by level.

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1 place : Daily News

2 place : bobyjoe5000


just some comments :



Daily news : the card is great, a little OP but still considered a good card, the card would have been better if you would make the 3 card be a i specified type for ex (fiend spellcaster etc)


bobyjoe5000 : your card was simple but yet a very playable card with a lot of balance.

the only thing i did not like in your card is that its low level, if it would be lvl 5 and it would infect 200 points i think that would be a better card.


Dark Justice Wrote : the card is way to good for a now condition card, you can use its effect anytime, its to much of a life saver.


gustavosuarez : i liked the idea of the card but 5 dark and 5 light is way to much, you wont even finish a normal duel with that amount.


(the people that i wrote to are the people who could have won)

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1 place : Daily News

2 place : bobyjoe5000


just some comments :



Daily news : the card is great, a little OP but still considered a good card, the card would have been better if you would make the 3 card be a i specified type for ex (fiend spellcaster etc)


bobyjoe5000 : your card was simple but yet a very playable card with a lot of balance.

the only thing i did not like in your card is that its low level, if it would be lvl 5 and it would infect 200 points i think that would be a better card.


Dark Justice Wrote : the card is way to good for a now condition card, you can use its effect anytime, its to much of a life saver.


gustavosuarez : i liked the idea of the card but 5 dark and 5 light is way to much, you wont even finish a normal duel with that amount.


(the people that i wrote to are the people who could have won)

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1 place : Daily News

2 place : bobyjoe5000


just some comments :



Daily news : the card is great, a little OP but still considered a good card, the card would have been better if you would make the 3 card be a i specified type for ex (fiend spellcaster etc)


bobyjoe5000 : your card was simple but yet a very playable card with a lot of balance.

the only thing i did not like in your card is that its low level, if it would be lvl 5 and it would infect 200 points i think that would be a better card.


Dark Justice Wrote : the card is way to good for a now condition card, you can use its effect anytime, its to much of a life saver.


gustavosuarez : i liked the idea of the card but 5 dark and 5 light is way to much, you wont even finish a normal duel with that amount.


(the people that i wrote to are the people who could have won)

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