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Mrs. SHINee <3

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Cyrus sighed. "Then dispose of the truck. I can't absorb objects back into the book, and they have minds of their own. I can exert some kind of controll, but when they're out for too long..." He trailed off as some leaves russled behind a tree, followed by a soft growling. "Oh heavens to Betsy." He stood up. "No sudden movements. She's nearly blind, and almost deaf. SHe sences movement, like a real cat would." He quivered, standing with extermely slow movements."

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Tsukune smiled at Cyrus, "Really... Me worry about some wildcat?" He stood up slowly and leapt at the rustling leaves. He missed the wildcat, but scared it slightly and it attacked him, "Damn you know you're very annoying!" He shoved the cat off of him and stood, "I'm gonna make you run, so kitty, what do you say?" The wildcat started growling at him and he took a step forward, changing his eyes to their blood red color and his pupils to slits. The wildcat started to backdown with the sudden change and turned and ran. Tsukune turned his eyes back to normal and walked back to the group. "See that wasn't so hard." His shirt was torn to shreds, but all his cuts and scratches were already healing, "So shall we head to Mrs. Paup's place?"

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Nikun then wondered about how to get to where the hell ever that Tsukune was talking about. but she had an Idea, although it took some energy to do. She opened the door and went into her room and Prayed that this will work, She bent the Boundary between Dream and Reality again, Causing a Pale blue Armlet to appear on Daki's arm. Daki looked at the Armlet and wondered what it did, then she felt as she had an idea. Just with her Demented little imagination, and her hands, She turned Heaping Ruins of the Giant Black metal bird, into a Helecopter that held Nikun's Room. She falls down to the loss of energy, but doesn't pass out. soon after, The Armlet turns into Dust.......

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The imp glared at Keisuke intently, sighing softly as he quickly closed his eyes. "Look kid, it seems as if your now my master and hell I haven't had one in ages specially since I thought the bloodline of the book readers was dead." The imp gave out another sigh, implementing that he wasn't exactly excited about his new role. "Now listen because I really don't want to repeat a word of this, it seems like you've been injected with blood that belongs to the ancients and someone gave you a book of Lucavi. This makes you special yet at the same time it also makes you cursed since your own powers will in fact corrupt you into your pretty much a demon. Understood?" The teen had a puzzled look on his face, he was in a daze from the brief summary of his new found gift. "So in other words your my jabroni and work for me, if I keep using this power I'll become some powerful evil bad ass and I'm trapped by the feds. Sounds like fun, I think I'm going to take a look around to see what's up. Your free to come if you wish imp." Without another word Keisuke quickly sprinted out his tent with the imp in tale and the tome stuck between his side and his elbow. What laided beyond the tent happened to be a giant tree and a man standing in front of it.

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Cyrus sighed with relief. "Oh, just a wildcat. I thought it was something worse, like a bear, or Basetet..." He trailed off as a woman with the head of a cat and the body of woman, albit a heavily furred body, stepped out of the trees. SHe spoke in a language that nobody in the grove knew how to speak, but everone could understand, somehow. You have just killed my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great- granddaughter 459,008 times removed! You dare you, spit in the face of the great Basetet of Egypt! You face the cat goddess of the river nile!" And with that, she lunged towards the group, mouth wide open and flashing, with several dangerously sharp, pale teeth within.

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Tsukune saw the helicopter that Nikun and Daki built, "Well that could work... We could even give it to Mrs. Paup in exchange for leting us merge your room with her house." Then he heard the Basetet, *Oh sheet, did Cyrus summon that by accident, or something?* "Hey Cyrus did you bring this thing out accidentially?" Then he turned to the creature, *Well this one seems to have a brain, but it's not using it.* "Hey, I'm the one who fought that cat, and I didn't kill it you stinking freak!" He let his power build again turning his eyes bloodred and changing his pupils to slits, feeling the massive flow of power, *No matter how much I use it, this feels great!* He looked up at the Basetet, smiling with a bloodthirsty look on his face, "Now back off or I'll kill you!"


[spoiler=New Character]

Name: Sarah Wagner

Age: 15

Gender: Female


[spoiler=Click Here]




Power: Fire Creation and Manipulation


Unlike Deadly Beauty's Britney, Sarah can only use fire. Also it doesn't just come from her hands it can also come from her mouth and from generally her body itself.



Bio: Before all of this with the government, Sarah was a young girl who went to a private school, had excellent grades and lots of friends. But in a matter of minutes, while she was going home from school, that all changed.

Side: Not yet determined.



Sarah was walking home from school when she had a bad feeling that she was being followed. Instead of turning back to look she just quickened her pace a bit. She was less then 30ft from her house when she heard the sound of screeching tires, Sarah turned back to see a black van with blacked out windows round the corner and speed up the street. She had not doubts as to who or what they were after and she sprinted hoping to make it home before they got to her. As she was about to turn into her yard and jump the gate, the van stopped and three men leapt out, one caught her hands, another grabbed her legs, and the third covered her mouth with a cloth. She slowly, weakened and succumbed to sleep.


As Walker watched the men take down the tree that had torn Building 3 apart he turned to see a boy and an imp looking at him, *He's one of the injected children, but why is he looking at me like that? If he's spoken to any of the other children then he knows that I'm the one who has had them all collected and brought here, that I am responsible for the upheaval of their lives.* Walker made eye contact with the boy for a second and then turned back to watch the construction.

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Taryn looked around the facility, the metallic silver band still on her wrist. She couldn't take it off, and it was really starting to annoy her. Taryn sighed as she sat down in a corner, holding her knees to her chest. Why did this have to happen? Why do they want to use KIDS as some kind of army? It was horrible, really. Taryn sighed. But it was going to be this way for a long itme...

~Edited, sorry

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Tsukune held his ground staring at the Basetet, waiting for it to make a move, *Dammit why is it that just as everything is going well something goes wrong?*


Sarah woke up in what seemed to be a tent. She woke up a bit more and noticed that is was a brown leather-like tarp, *Why am I in a tent?* Then she remembered what had happened before she fell asleep. *Where am I?* She stood and walked out of the tent only to see hundreds of other tents exactly like hers, *Oh, no, what is going on here?* She walked throughout the camp seeing other children, but avoiding them. She eventually came to the edge of the camp and saw in the distance on her right another camp and in the distance on her left she saw a large building with a tree sticking out of it on all sides. Sarah started walking out of the camp toward the other when a guard appeared infront of her, "Where do you think you're going? All injected children must stay in this camp." He gestured to a bracelet on her left wrist, *Huh? Where'd that come from?* She turned back to the guard, "Where am I? What is going on here?" The guard just laughed and began pushing her back toward the camp. Off to her right she saw a guy standing looking at the building with a book in his hand and an imp-like thing at his side, she screamed at him, "Please help me!"



A techy ran over to Walker to give him a status report on Building 3 and the tree damage, "We will be able to remove the tree, but the machine is damaged beyond repair due to the damage dealt by the boy and the tree. I'm sorry, sir." Walker shook his head, "It's not your fault, I was the one who let him destroy it. Can we rebuild the machine?" The techy was he one to shake his head this time, "No sir I'm sorry, but the records and data were destroyed as well and even if we did rebuild it we wouldn't be able to connect with the chips inside the two girls who escaped. In about two hours the chips will be flushed out of their system." Walker waved the techy off and went to get a better examination of Building 3 for himself.

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(Yay I have interaction food now.)


With all the new things happening in his life Keisuke could only emit a soft sigh before turning to his imp. "Go ease drop on that suit down there, I'm going to save that girl." The imp nodded quickly as it flew towards Walker in other to get more information. "So guard, I'll give you one chance to let her go before I kill you." The teen quickly opened up the tomb and read the second sentence that laid with in, causing a pair of hands to grab the guard by the ankles and then proceeded to slowly drag their trapped victim down into the dirt. //It's a good thing this second spell does something, I thought I would have to use my fists... Then again that girl is pretty cute.....//

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Sarah looked up at Keisuke from the ground, "Thank you." then she noticed that the guard was getting dragged into the ground, "Oh no stop it if you kill him we'll be in so much trouble!" She reached over and grabbed the guard and tried to pull him out. Then she looked up at Keisuke, "Please stop!" She was trying futily to save the man and trying to get Keisuke to stop before he killed him. All the while she was hoping that other guards didn't come because then they'd really be in trouble.


Walker heard the flapping of wings behind him and smiled to himself, *So the boy wants to learn about me, then I may as well introduce myself.* He stopped as another techy ran up to him, "Sir the rooming in Building 5 is finished and ready for the children so we can move them there out of the tents and away from the elements." Walker nodded, "Of course, prepare camps 1 and 2 for transportation. I want them in by nightfall. We'll move camps 3 and 4 in tomorrow." The techy nodded and went back to work. Walker decided to formally introduce himself to the boy and the annoying imp that was following him. So he reached into his jacket and pulled out his 'Battle Baton' as the maker named it. He spun around and fired, the end of the baton shot out and released a net large enough to cover Walker. The net covered the imp and Walker activated it's second feature, which he'd used on Tsukune earlier, and electric current ran through the net and shocked the imp over and over. Walker walked over to the struggling imp and kneeled down, "Let's go meet your master shall we?" Walker recoiled the cord making it so that on the end of his baton the imp was hanging in a net, "If you try to escape then I'll shock you. Don't worry I'll let you out in a bit, after I talk with your master." He lifted the baton with the imp and started walking back toward the camp.


Tsukune still stood there holding his ground. He was determined to not let the Basetet anywhere near the others.

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"Well since you asked I can let him live, don't know how to pull him back up from the ground though, hell I didn't even realize that this would suck him under...." Keisuke started to read the incantation backwards, hoping to stop the process. Thankfully the hands faded back into the ground, leaving the guard stuck in the ground from the torso up. "So what's your name" Mines Keisu...." But before the teen could finish another word his sight started to go blurry, his hands had started to bleed into the book. Keisuke quickly turned towards him imp and noticed that it was in pain from Walker's power. //Damn.... so if the creatures in this book die or feel pain I feel a fraction of it...."

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Sarah smiled when Keisuke stopped the spell, "Thank you, I just didn't want you to kill him for that." She blushed and looked up at him just to see him start spasming. She ran over to him, but was afraid to touch him thinking she might hurt him more, "Keisu? Are you alright?" Then she heard a voice behind her, "He'll be fine in a minute or two, don't worry. And you're touch won't hurt him." Not turning to see who it was Sarah grabbed Keisuke and held him in a sitting position, "Are you alright? Please answer me."


Walker had seen Keisuke feel some of the pain that he'd inflicted on the imp and walked over only to see a girl kneeling over him, afraid to touch him. *So as long as I hold this imp I have a weapon against him. Well time to have him wake up.* Walker released the imp and took a step back.


(In the woods)

Tsukune still stood there between the Basetet and the others, "Hey leave them alone will you! I'm the one who fought the stinking cat, and by the way... I DIDN'T KILL IT!"

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After feeling the instant pain from the bond of his imp the teen quickly undid the cantrip, allowing the imp to return to the book to heal as the boy's blood started to fill the first page. "Thanks..... as I was saying before the name's Keisuke but this jabroni decided to but in by capturing my imp." Keisuke set his gaze towards Walker, allowing his hate to engulf him. "So let me guess, your the head honcho of this place and wanted to keep my pet from easedropping. Look if you want to take your rage out on someone let me be your guest but don't hurt her."

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Walker smiled at Keisuke and lifted him up to his feet, "I have no problem with either of you and I'm not an angry person, had I known that hurting the imp would hurt you I wouldn't have done it. I simply wanted you to keep control of your power and to understand where your position is here." He gestured to the camp. "Here I am, as you said, in charge. I am in complete control of this facility. You may call me Mr. Walker." He walked over to the guard who was still trapped in the ground and examined him for a moment, "How did you stop the sinking?"


Sarah was happy that Keisuke was alright and held onto him as Walker lifted him up to his feet. She got the impression that Mr. Walker, as he called himself, was unafraid of the fact that Keisuke could trap him in the ground to die with a few simple foreign words. She waited to see what would happen next.

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Name:tsukune kyomi


Appearence: (Pic or Description)dark brown hair with a tint of blond. very tall (6.5)

Power: (Limit is two)can draw pics and make them come to life. can duplicate myself

Bio: (3 lines or more) tsukune was a average kid with no wish but to remain average.

Side: (Rebels or Loyalties)rebels:P

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Keisuke glared at Walker, trying to keep his cool while Sarah was still holding on to him. "The same exact way I put him in there, I would of thought that as the boss of this place you would know the powers of those inside." The Teen proceeded to hide the book under the black of his shirt then turned his attention to Sarah, emitting a smile. "You know... you still haven't told me your name, maybe we can check this place out together?" Little did Keisuke know that the tome that he hid behind his back had already fused into his body, hiding it's presences from all.... for now.

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Walker smiled at Keisuke, "I'm asking because your friend doesn't seem to want to leave this guard here and I believe that however you stopped his from sinking all the way could reverse the process if you repeated it." He looked at Sarah as if waiting for her to deny it.


Sarah held onto Keisuke still trying to help him stand then she looked up at Keisuke, "He's right, I don't want to leave him there. Can you try to free him, please?" She then stopped and waited to see how Keisuke would respond, *Now that I think about it Keisuke is kinda cute...*


Tsukune stood there and held his ground, he stared at the Basetet, refusing to back down and refusing to let the Basetet anywhere near the others, "Just go away! I'm the one who fought with the wildcat and I didn't kill it."

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Keisuke's smile quickly faded, he was unsure if he could completely reverse the progress, hell he didn't even know that he could stop it. "Well... in theory I think he can be dug up, I'm getting some sort of vibe saying that he would of been trapped in the dirt and nothing more if I didn't stop the hands... I can probably have my imp do the unplugging but I'm not even sure if I have the energy to do that much." The teen sighed, he knew something wasn't right but he wanted to impress Sarah. //I just can't act like my normal self... I can't let my tongue slip and I might have to save this guard but one thing is certain, I don't trust this Walker guy....//

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Daki looked at Tsukune, then Grabbed Cyrus and Put him in the helicopter, Then got into the Helicopter herself, looking at Tsukune and the Basetet, Waiting for Tsukune.....


Nikun then hear the commotion outside, so she broke off a long crystal off the wall of her room and ran out the Helicopter and stood in front of Tsukune, and said "Let me handle this, Get in the chopper now...."

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Basetet suddendely spat and turned around. "Bah. Humans." She muttered, dissappearing into the under growth. Cyrus shook his head. "At least that saves Tskune some trouble." He then leaned back in his seat, not wanting this to take any longer then it had to. He felt tried and unwanted. He wondered if the 5 or so seeds he had dropped at the facility had made any difference to anybody there.

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Tsukune calmed down and changed back to normal. Then he grabbed Nikun, turned, and jumped up into the helicopter. He yelled to Daki over the sound of the rotors, "Alright let's get this thing moving. Once we get near the town I'll direct you to Mrs. Paup's place." He went up into the cockpit, "Until then head that way!" He was pointing to the east, "If we go that way we'll be near the town in a matter of minutes."


Sarah gripped Keisuke's arm a bit tighter and whispered, "Please at least try if it's too much then you can give it up." *I don't want him to hurt himself, but I don't want to leave the man there. Keisuke, please just try.*


Walker looked Keisuke directly in the eyes, "Yes, please at least try. I'd rather not spend the man-power to dig him out, besides don't you want to know if you can do it?" He simply stood there with a blank look on his face. Suddenly Walker's cell phone went off, "Hmm, what is that? Ah... well, track the signal and report to me when they stop moving."

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Daki then heard a Signal on her headgear, So with that, She said "It is very possible that we have to keep moving, There might be a bug on this thing, but I think i can get rid of it!" Suddenly, the Helicopter's Black Paint job becomes the Government's colors with a snap of a finger, then a Jammer was placed on an area of the Helicopter, so that all signals emitted from the helicopter, The Helicopter took off into the air and headed eastward......

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Name: Jack Philips


[spoiler=Appearance] _1-6.jpg


Power: super speed, transformation

Bio: Jack was stolen from his casual life for these "experiments" and he was glad he has powers but he was pretty mad for them taking him away so he decided to rebel. So far he thinks he can use his speed and ability to change shape and appearance to gather intelligence maybe soon he can.

Side: Rebels

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As Daki changed the outside of the helicopter it bucked a bit tossing everyone in the back, Tsukune turned to Nikun and Daki, "Hey what was that all about? Was there something wrong with the way it was?" He was completely confused and a bit annoyed, "Well?"


Sarah gripped Keisuke's arm a bit tighter and whispered, "Please at least try if it's too much then you can give it up." *I don't want him to hurt himself, but I don't want to leave the man there. Keisuke, please just try.*


Walker looked Keisuke directly in the eyes, "Yes, please at least try. I'd rather not spend the man-power to dig him out, besides don't you want to know if you can do it?" He simply stood there with a blank look on his face. Suddenly Walker's cell phone went off again, "Hmm, what! You lost the signal? Well use the data you have and try to predict their course."

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Jack taking a walk he noticed someone behind him and began to speed up and slow down, he followed his movements. Jack turned around a corner then ran but the man caught up to him quickly. Jack ran into a nearby alleyway but it was a dead end and the man walked up to him slowly then hitting Jack's head knocking him unconscious.

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