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How To Post Your Cards



If anyones new and don't know how to post cards like i din't now not long ago i'll help you. Make the card save and generate it. Load it up in the preview. Highlight the code under the preview card and copy it. Go to a new thread and paste it. Now press preview it. It should load the picure. You can now do more, edit or post it. I hope this helps for all of you.


Till next time, bye!




Double Bye!

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16 answers to this question

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you don't have to remake them. as long as you saved them you just go back to card maker. pick the card on the list you want. click on the blank card. it should load up and the image code is at the bottom. you copy it and paste it into a tread. hope this helps.

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i'm welcome to help thecentaur. plus i love dragons so i'll check out yours once you have some. another thing is you could look on google images and make some cards with those images as a beginning step. then you can create some. and no thanks needed.

i forgot o say thecentaur if you want to change what's under your username go to user cp and edit profile and then you can set it to like i am the dragon lord! or something.

also the o is supposed to be to.

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At least it will help new members.

I'm tired to see 10 threads per day asking for it.


Move to tutorails


Actually' date=' come to think of it, it shouldn't be moved to tutorials either. There's already this, as well as thousands of other questions in Q&H relating about how to make cards, post cards, etc. IMO this should be locked on the spot.

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