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X-Men High //PG-14-16||Started||Accepting via PM\\


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As Lianous finishes cleaning up, he realizes that class didnt start for another ten minutes. "Yo Cyclops can I go now?" "Yes you can go, but if your not here on time I'll lock the door and if anyone else is late your get the blame for making them miss class." "What ever dude I'll be back in an hour." Lianous walks off laughing to him self, listening to cyclops mudder something he doesn't quite understand. "Know where is the computer lab?" Searching for a computer lab he finds an elevator that only goes down..."Ohh..Lets see where this goes." He walked into the elevator and went down. Little did he know that he was going into the X-Men's secret base. "WOW!! Man there is so much sweet tech in here. Ima have some fun now." "Leave Here!" Says a loud voice coming from the air. "huh?" "LEAVE!!!" Lianous runs down the hallway attempting to escape the voice, suddenly stumbling into a room with different outfits for one person. "What the?...DUDE!! This is professor x's outfit room. I read about this." Little did he know Beast was watching him, then he walked up to Lianous..."What are you doing down here?", "Sorry sir, I'll go know", "Good and dont come back here."

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"I know a fast way to class," Jake replied, hooking his fingers into the grooves into both walls. "Hold on tight!" He backpedaled so there was enough potential energy to launch them. "Gum-gum..." he looked behind him to see her face, she was pretty cute. "Rocket!" his arms retracted, sending them screaming down the hallway. 'Here's our stop,' Jake thought, holding on to Alyssa as he used his sneakers to stop, making them screech. Loudly. Finally coming to a stop just in front of the doorway, he let her down. "Here, we are; Tactics with Cyclopes!"

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"Well I still never found the computer lab." Lianous walks back to the tactics class. "Yo cyclops I made it."

" thought you said you'd be back in an hour."

"Well I decided to come back thanks to beast."

"Get in your seat." as Lianous looks around only the same person and someone else was in the class. "Crap your still here, what are you still doin here mr teleport?" DING DING DING.. The bell rings as Lianous looks out the door and see's other students rushing to class.

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Zak threw the last piece of metal in to a pile & then morphed back in to his human form. "I should probably get to class now." He said to himself as he left the danger room & headed to his next class, Power Control. "My control is still limited with fresh morphs. I guess this is why i actually pay attention in this class." He shuttered when he remembered the first time transformed in to a lion. He almost ate his neighbor.

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Lianous walks around the class and wonders across a computer, "Yo Mr. Summers."

"Yes Mr. Keay?"

"Can I have this computer?"

"Sure..." Lianous picks up the computer and goes to his seat. "Damn this thing is seriously damaged, it wont even turn on." Lianous puts his hand on the computer and it turns on as if it were never broken. "Sweet so uhh...when does this class start anyways?"

"It starts in two minutes, Why do you ask?"

"Just woundering how long I have to hack the U.S. Bank?"

"You do that and you'll be in detemtion for a month."

"what ever."


EDIT: Edited my crush in the app.

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Name: Lily Jane

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearence:(Description or Picture. Both are accepted.) Blonde wavy hair that is threee inches below her shoulders long. Chocolate brown eyes.

Power: Manipulation of all plant life

Power's first appearence: WHen Lily was five years old, her small sunflower wasn't growing. She had always liked sunflowers, and she wanted it to grow nice and tall. She waved her hand, and 30 sunflowers had burst to full hight.

Bio: (4 line min.) Lily had always liked to be in the garden in her backyarxdd when she was a kid. She would tend to the flowers, help them grow. Her mother always said she had a "green thumb". Lily could talk to the plants, tell them secrets, socialize. People would always think of her as the crazy plant girl, because she talked to plants, but she wasn't crazy. When she was 10, she had been taken away by the government to test on, to search for a "cure". She was tested on for six years. Then, when she turned seventeen, she had escaped from the clutches of the government.

Brotherhood?:(Yes/No) no

Crush: (Opt.) ---

Home Country: South Korea

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Appearence:Red hair spiked up,black shirt with a skull on it,black pants,stand 5ft 6in,average build,blue eyes.


Power's first appearence:At the age of 10 Shawn was playing in the street when all of a sudden a car came straight at him.Shawn closed his eyes in order not to see it hit him.When he opened his eyes the car was floating in mid-air.Shock Shawn ran inside and the car fell.

Bio:When Shawn told his parents about what happened with his power they thought he was crazy.Shawn tried to talk sense into them but they would listen.He was grounded for lying to his parents.That night he planned to escape his house and run away.He found a place,X-men High.So he packed his things and set out.Upon getting there he saw alot of people and wondered if he would make friends.


Crush:If any girl wants to.

Home Country:North America

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OoC: no shortposting, and the brotherhood MUST come active sometime soon.


IC: Alyssa looked at her notes she had taken so far during Tactics. The class was boring but she knew that it would be useful. She played with ice crystals she formed beneath her desk to form different sculptures of small ice. She smiled as she remembered her family. She then frowned when she remembered how strict they were.

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Lianous woke up from his little nap and noticed that he was still in tactics class "Crap" He whispered. "Yo Homie Cyclops can I go take a leak?" Cyclops rolled his eyes and looked at Lianous saying "First of all dont ca..." Lianous cuts him off mid sentance saying "Alright thanks, dont worry dude I'll be back in a bit." -Lianous walks off out of the room.- So where is the restroom[/i] he thought. Suddenly he stumbled across a small empty room. "This should do." He said sneaking into the room. Opening a small device he sends off a signal to all of the Brotherhood. "Ok this should do it." The signal was telling the brotherhood that he was in and he was awaiting his next mission.

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Jason got the message and he to realised it might be time to start the plans he looked up

"Sir sorry can I go to the toilet" he couldn't believe he just apoligised he started to stand as he said yeah sure he walked through the school and himself sent a message to the brotherhood.

"Whats the plan" he said as he sent the message he could barely see in the room but didn't wanna risk being caught as he finished he went back to class and took his seat he was ready he knew it almost time to start the plans.

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Getting the message back he recieved from the brotherhood he sent out the message to all of the brotherhood members that were in the school [To all my fellow followers, the time has almost come to join up and stand against the X-Men traitors. We will just require you to learn a little about this secret base that my young Lianous has found. For all you out there that have not fallen to the traitors side, find Lianous and he shall tell you what to do from here.] After sending the message he went back to class.

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Jason got the message and waited till the end of class for the first time he was excited

"its time" he thought over and over he looked around the room

"all these people are traitors and they will all come crashing down the brotherhood shall gain control" he smiled as he looked back to the front of the room

"find Lianous" he thought he wondered who this was but decided that if the brotherhood trusted him then he shall trust them to.

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"Yo Cyclops, Im back. Whats kicken. Oh yeah I forgot, Go suck it!!"

"What did you just say to me!! Go to the principals Lianous Keay" Cyclops yell as Lianous laughed and looked as he looked at Jason giving a signal with his eyes telling him to meet him after class,then saying "What ever dude, you know I wont, later guys see ya after class." walking out of the class he apologizes to all the girls for his harsh language. "I didnt mean to sound bad in front of you girls, I apologize for my rude language. Please forgive me."

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Jason finished up class and left the class he headed to meet Lianous he smiled as he walked through the halls

"Lianous, so whats the plan what are we doing" he said amusing himself flicking his flame on and off

"I knew it was time maybe we should go somewhere more private somewhere where prying ears and eyes wont be around he said pointing off we will discuss the plan there shall we, I am intrigued about what our mission is"

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Lianous grabbed Jason and threw him up againts the lockers on the wall shouting, "Who are you, and what were you doin walking by the room that I was in! Also you say whats the plan, but how do I know your really who you say you are!! Tell me now!!" Lianous only says these things because he has trust issues, he knows that Jason is one of them but he just wants reasurrents.

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"You really don't wanna do this what reassurance do you need" he pushes Lianous off

"Don't do that again were on the same side here and if you dont believe don't I really dont give a sh*t" he says as he backs off now do you trust me or not, and to answer my first question my name is Jason" he ignites his hands as he speaks

"and I can do this he turns around and throws a Fireball down the corridor and out the end door, so tell me do you trust me Lianous"

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"Alright sparky, just follow me." As Lianous goes through the hallway, he notices a small shadow behind him. They walk out the back door and into the main field of the campus. "over here." Lianous leads Jason to an old gym were he gives Jason the comunicator that the Juggernaut told him to give the first brotherhood member he found. "Keep it, my boss will send you a message, just wait." Lianous walks off.

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Kenny teleports just missing Lianous as he gets closer to Jason. "since it seems you get the messages now give me a signal or something when they give you the mission". Kenny then turns around teleporting rapidly seeming out of breathe yet continously teleporting until he escaped sight. "everyone inside this school isn't going to know what hit them, with me going through them all without then seeing me much combined with message boys Fireballs and whatever it is the over guy does we would be pretty much destroying this place when we have an attack order". Kenny then sits, resting as he was exaughsted from teleporting everywhere.

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"I'm not too sure," Alyssa said. "All I know is that when I imagine a temperature change or ice in my hand or anywhere, when I blink it becomes true." She said simply, staring at the ground and making a pile of snow appear. They walked along the hallway and got to a classroom. "Is this it?" she asked Jake as they looked inside and saw a teacher and a classroom slowly filling up with students.

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