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Dragon Ball Z Questions. +1 REP for correct.


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Once per person. One who gets correct gets + 1 rep

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Daily News

el make







How did Gohan turn Super Saiyan 2?

[spoiler=Answer]Cell crushed #16's head


Who is the first person Goku meets not including Grampa Gohan?

[spoiler=Answer]No One Answered


What is the main cause for future trunks turning Super Sayain?

[spoiler=Answer]Future Gohan's death at the hands of the Androids


Did Gohan turn Super Sayain 2 in episode 170 or 169.(Only once per person).

[spoiler=Answer]No One Answered


What happened when Gohan puched Perfect Cell in the gut?

[spoiler=Answer]No One Answered


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