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-THe WT's Puzzle Clubhouse- New Games Never Seen On YCM Ever Before


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[align=center]Welcome To My Clubhouse! Here,We Solve Puzzles,And WIn Prizes!! 8) THere's Spot THe Difference,RIddles,And MORE! ^_^



[spoiler=Spot THe DIfference (STD)]


This Is Our Week 1 Puzzle. THe Winner will take home 3 REPS if he/she solves this! Please Explain What Parts Of THe Tiger is different from the other one ^_^


The Next Riddle Features Next Week After This One! ^_^

STD 1-
STD 2-
STD 3-
STD 4-




[spoiler=WT's Riddles]

This Weeks Riddles:

"Striky The Electrike was stuck in a metal room with a metal door.The door was locked and there were no windows. The following items were inside the room:

a piano, table,a saw,and a bat.

How did he get out? (3 ways,Only Using 3 Items)"

HINT: I'll tell you the First Part,'First,Striky Plays the piano and finds the Right Key.'

FInd out the rest yourself!


Winner Will Take Home 40 Points if you solve this one! :D


"If you remove the first letter, a bit remains.

If you remove the second, bit still remains.

After much trying, you might be able to remove the third one also, but it remains.

What Was THe Original Word Of This RIddle?

HINT: Some of the answer is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU


Winner Will Take Home 50 Points if you solve this one! :D




[spoiler= Help Striky GO Through The Maze]


Striky The ELctrike Is Lost in a maze,Help Him By Going Thorugh It!


Winner Will Take Home 45 Points and an Animated Electrike with Treasure Sprite!! :D

U s e  P a i n t  o r  o t h e r  G r a p h i c  I t e m s  t o  m a r k  w h e r e  S t r i k y  i s !




[spoiler=Guess Where I Put My Coins!!]


Guess WHere The Coins Are Under! THe Boxes or THe CUps? Lots of people can win in this game.Vote Where They Are,And the right votes will get a PRIZE! The Most Votes before 5th Januray WINS!

Coin Guessing Form:
Is it in BOxes or Cups? :






Yu-Gi-Oh Dude- WT's RIddles #1

Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's- WHere's Striky #1


If you have any suggestions,Help,Or anything,PM me ^_^[/align]

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WT Riddles: Smiles because it has a 'mile' between each 's'. Thats a joke which I have heard years ago.



Wheres Striky: He is a bit to the left of the ice cream stand

WT RIddle Is COrrect! But i said use a Graphical Thing to mark where Striky is



Where's Striky - vyxf86.jpg

You WIn THe Reps!

Adding More New RIddles!

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  '.:Mimi:. said:

I can't find the other difference' date=' but I find the name you used for Spot the Difference highly amusing.


Spot The Difference (STD)


I thought you were like, 11, so I don't think you understand what's wrong with it.


Oh,Well i just called it STD so i don't have to type the long word all the time.STD is just quicker to use.

  'Ģค๓blє said:

Are you kidding me... To easy


STD 1-Eyes

STD 2-Stripe on arm

STD 3-Missing toe on back leg

STD 4-Missing toe-thing on front leg

Yes' date='I know. It's a Week 1 Puzzle,That's why ^_^

ANyways,You WIn!



[spoiler=Help Striky GO Through The Maze]Solvedmaze.png



And riddle #2 is Habit, heard it a million times before.

Yep,Ok then,You win.



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