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Deck Contest: I'm trying to make a point here, so here's a challange


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I don't think I said that, if I did, I didn't mean to. This one set I already made was called something 'destruction' in it, but it has already been posted and ignore for uite some time, a few people like it, and all they ever did was comment how bad, overused the pics was, or etc. Nothing on the creativity of them, or ven the effects, which I wanted, but if you want, I'' dig up that old long lost thread and post it here, and than you two can tell me how balanced it is together. I'm sure not very, but than again, it might be.

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My mistake; it was BlazingHydra. Sorry 'bout that.


Thats alright, well, I would appreciate somone checking out these cards I made and tell me how good the OCG/Effects/balanced it would be, ignoring the pics. heres a link to it, and heaven plse, don't tell me their in the thread, just tell me here. I don't think it would connect to this threads idea, tho. but here is the link below.


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Monsters 18:

x3 Earthbound Immortal Uru - Field Spell + This = Profit

x1 Dark Armed Dragon - I like this guy. Works great.

x3 Sin Stardust Dragon - Protects Field Spell and is easy to summon.

x2 Destiny Hero - Malicious - D-Draw target for Special Summon

x3 Destiny Hero - Plasma - D-Draw + Trade-In + Allure Target

x3 Destiny Hero - Dogma - D-Draw + Trade-In + Allure Target

x2 Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude - Speeds up the Deck a bit. Tribute fodder for Uru.

x1 Plaguespreader Zombie - Synchroing. Can Special Summon from the Graveyard.

x2 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn - Special Summons when you + opponent control nothing. Target for Allure.


Spell Cards 14:

x3 Distraction of Destruction - ....

x1 Terraforming - Searches "Distraction of Destruction".

x3 Destiny Draw - Epic Win Draw Engine.

x3 Trade-In - Discard Dogma/Plasma/Uru for 2.

x2 Allure of Darkness - Must run with DARK monsters in the Deck.

x2 Pot Avarice - Recycle Monsters.


Trap Cards (8):

x2 Bottomless Trap Hole - Negate a Summon.

x2 Waboku - F**** Honest and Kalut in the face.

x1 Trap Dustshoot - Returns a monster to top of Deck. Might stop an Honest or Kalut.

x1 Mirror Force - Epic Win Field Raep.

x1 Call of the Haunted - Special Summon from grave.

x1 Torrential Tribute - Field clear after summon.

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