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Deck Contest: I'm trying to make a point here, so here's a challange


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Since apparently just making a discussion topic isn't enough for this section, I'm going to make a contest. I asked Icy and he said "Sure lol", so this is approved to be here.


This topic is an exercise to the whole section in card balance theory so that people can understand it a little better, but there will be a prize if you want it.


The challange is to make a TCG/OCG compatible Deck, as competitive as possible, that has this card as a major element:

|Distraction of Destruction|

|Field Spell|

|When a card(s) on the field would be destroyed, either player can send 1 card they control to the Graveyard to negate that destruction.|

Ruling: It's effect is Spell Speed 2, so cannot negate destruction as a result of cards such as Divine Wrath

Ruling: If a card would destroy multiple cards on the field, you only have to send 1 card to the Graveyard to negate the destruction.

Ruling: The effect can negate destruction as a result of battle or as a result of effects during the damage step

If you want any other rulings on it, ask.

Hopefully you understand why I'm making this topic and learn the lesson I'm trying to teach.


There must be a playbook which includes reasoning, however short, for every card included and a summary of the Deck and why you made it the way you did.


End date for submission is Wednesday 6th of January, subject to change. later.

The prize can be any reasonable amount of reps or points or some graphics work/other reasonable request if you don't care for reps/points.


Decks will be judged on how well they included the card, how good the playbook is and how effective the Deck is.


And a +Rep for every serious Deck posted, because that apparently motivates you people.

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The first thing I thought up of when reading your Field Spell is utilizing the Northwemko engine. The field spell has built in protection and can protect other cards but at a cost. We want to find ways to limit that cost as much as possible and the best thing I could think of is using Northwemko as she has her own protection as well. The 2 cards work well in conjunction with each other so your opponent has very limited options in getting rid of 1 of these cards. If the plan was executed correctly you had the field spell on first then ritual summoned for Northwemko utilizing Djinn Releaser of Rituals to lock out your opponent's Special Summons. By doing so your opponent can't field swarm for a OTK and has to plan their strategies carefully to pull through but with 2 cards protecting each other it becomes very difficult. It essentially has the capabilities to lock out Blackwings, Twilight Decks, and Lightsworn. While carrying enough weight to get through on its own against less common decks.


I've opted to splice in a Dark engine into the deck for speed and consistency. With the amount of deck thinning capabilities the deck has you'll be able to rifle through your deck until you've got your pieces together.


Monsters (17):

2x Armageddon Knight - Serves multiple functions. It's a dark monster so it helps fuels Chaos Sorcerer, DAD, and Allure of Darkness. It also helps thin your deck by 1 by sending a Dark to the Graveyard to Summon DAD/Chaos Sorcerer or more importantly sending one of the new Ritual Support monsters to be RFG'd for North's summon.

1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind - A no brainer choice in my opinion. Gale gives you synchro options but more importantly it can halve the ATK and DEF of your opponent's monster which can allow most cards to attack over it or at least leave it crippled.

1x Chaos Sorcerer - With the amount of dark monsters in the deck on top of 6 Light Monsters (3x Manju and Northwemko) you'd be stupid not to run this card. I would like to run it in 2's if possible but deck space was too tight. It's an immediate answer to whatever troublesome monster is on the field and helps bypass cards like Stardust, Colossal Fighter, or Blackwing - Armor Master.

1x Dark Armed Dragon - No brainer card as well. We are running a lot of Darks so it's not difficult to get this guy on the field. Plus, the deck runs its own Graveyard management with Chaos Sorcerer's summoning costs as well as the ritual presiders & releasers. It's the choice tech card in any Dark engine deck.

2x Djinn Presider of Rituals - The Level 4 quotient for Northwemko and allows you to draw a card should Northwemko destroy a monster by battle.

1x Ritual Devil Curse Enchanter - Another Level 4 quotient but allows you to negate the effects of Synchro Monsters. Sort of the back up plan in case your opponent gets a card like Brionac or Blackwing - Armor Master on the field before you locked his Special Summons out with Djinn Releaser of Rituals.

3x Djinn Releaser of Rituals - The Level 3 quotient but also the most important quotient as it locks out all Special Summons for your opponent. If you get Northwemko out quickly you can easily take the lead in the duel. Most decks nowadays relies on field swarming and Synchro Summoning. This will help keep that in check.

3x Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands - No brainer in any Ritual deck. The most versatile Ritual tutor card you can get. It helps serve the quotient for the Ritual Summon while thinning your deck by 1.

3x Divine Grace - Northwemko - The primary focus of this Deck. The idea is to Ritual Summon her with the field spell on the field to have 2 way protection. Ideally you want to use the Ritual Presiders and Releasers to lock out key aspects of your opponent's deck giving you commanding control.


Spells (18):

3x Distraction of Destruction - Your field spell and also the key to challenge. It's the 2ndary focus of the deck and helps protect cards for both players but at a cost. It has the ability to protect monsters from being destroyed by battle as well so its a double edge sword. In order to make this card more advantageous to yourself you want to limit those costs as much as possible while wearing away at your opponent. With Nortwemko's built in protection you'll have less to worry about.

2x Allure of Darkness - With the amount of darks we are running you can't ignore a Dark's draw engine. It helps rifle through your deck for key pieces.

3x Burden of the Mighty - One of Northwemko's weaknesses is her 2700 ATK which can be easily destroyed by monster Synchro Monsters. In the event you failed to get Northwemko out with Releaser of Rituals to lock out Special Summons this card will allow Northwemko to be stronger than the competition. It also can serve as a cost to the field spells protection. Furthermore, it also helps keep your regular monsters above your opponent's and if they can stay alive longer they can serve as the cost for the field spell.

1x Burial from a Different Dimension - This could be side decked but with the decks high RFG capabilities it wouldn't hurt to throw this in to either fuel chaos sorcerer summon requirements, DAD's summon requirements/effects, or in case you want to Summon another Northwemko.

1x Heavy Storm - Staple card to clear the back row. Always, clear the back row before your big plays.

1x Mystical Space Typhoon - Good removal card to help keep the advantage but can be side decked. Just because the field spell protects destruction doesn't make this card obsolete. Your opponent still has to send a card on their field to grave to save a card. It'll always be a -1 to your opponent no matter what.

2x Preparation of Rites - Deck thinner and helps bring in the Northwemko pieces together.

3x Ritual of Grace - Need the ritual spell for Northwemko but it also keeps Northwemko protected on your turn so she can't be targetted by card effects.

1x Terraforming - Deck thinner and helps tutor in the field spell. I would have ran this at 2's but the deck space is tight and considering how fast you can rifle through the deck it's not entirely necessary to run this at 2's.

1x Brain Control - No brainer card. Can grab a monster for direct attacks or tributes for the ritual summon of Northwemko. Can be used to Sync with your Gale as well. It just helps to deal with an immediate threat or gain field advantage.


Traps (6):

2x Bottomless Trap Hole - Staple trap card to get rid of annoying cards. The field spell won't always be in play so this card can fed off annoying monsters and even if the field spell is on the field you still force your opponent to lose a card.

1x Call of the Haunted - Staple card for resurrection.

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast - A tech card to deal with annoying monsters or troublesome spell or trap cards.

1x Solemn Judgment - Need to be able to negate something serious at a moments notice. You have to play this card more wisely with it being limited now. Field spell can touch this card as it is a counter trap with Spell Speed 3.


Extra Deck(15):

Ally of Justice Catastor

Ancient Fairy Dragon

Archfiend Chaos King

Black Rose Dragon

Blackwing Armor Master

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Colossal Fighter

Dark-End Dragon

Goyo Guardian

Magical Android

Red Dragon Archfiend

2x Stardust Dragon

Thought Ruler Archfiend

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Boundary


The extra deck is rather standard and you should always use an Extra deck just in case. Ideally, you won't be using the Extra deck that much but it's better to be safe than sorry. I won't go over each monster choice since this is a rather common extra deck and by looking each monster up you should see clearly why they were chosen.


Side Deck (15):

1x Sky Scourge Invicil - An interesting idea to use but too situational. It helps lock out Spells or Traps but could become more detrimental to your strategy. It's a tech card depending on the deck you fight.

1x Gorz, Emissary of Darkness - A tech card depending on the deck you fight. I didn't main deck because there are a ton of cards that can remain on the field making this a potential dead card.

1x Krebons - Level 2 Dark Tuner that can stall out your oppponent.

1x Plaguespreader Zombie - One of the better Level 2 Dark Tuners that assists in Graveyard management. In case you need to shift to a synchro engine.

1x Mirror Force - Ideal monster removal that I wanted to main deck but deck space was too tight.

1x Torrential Tribute - Once again good monster removal but not enough room in the deck.

2x Compulsory Evacuation Device - Great tech card against Synchro's and can be helpful in tight situations but deck space prevented me from main decking it.

2x Dark Bribe - Good negation card with a balanced cost to your opponent. Something I wanted to main deck but again deck space prevented me from doing so. Plus, we want to focus on speed and control and I think the majority of these side deck cards didn't contribute to the main focus of the deck. They are all good cards that can be sided in after the first round.

3x Threatening Roar - In case your opponent is using a beat down deck you can use this to slow him down and rethink your side deck choices.

2x Dimensional Prison - RFG's an attacking monster which can be useful against beat down decks like little city or skill drain decks.


Essentially this is a semi-anti meta deck without relying on typical anti-meta cards. As you can see the deck has speed and consistency through its abilities to thin itself out rather quickly so rather than running a 40 card deck your more likely running 20 something to 30 card deck. It contains good typical tech cards that an opponent might use on you but you have the advantage in sealing out key aspects of their deck while not limiting yourself the same way.


As I've mentioned before the ideal strategy is having the field on the spell, then Ritual Summon for Northwemko using the Releaser of Rituals to lock out your opponents Special Summons giving you a commanding lead against typical Meta decks. With the 2 way protection of the field and Northwemko you can limit the costs of the Field Spell on yourself. With Burden of the Mighty you can guarantee that Northwemko will be the strongest monster on the field and it helps your other monsters maintain field presence. Some of those Ritual Support Monsters have beefy stats like 1800 ATK this allows them to maintain a beat down strategy on your opponent with Northwemko as they won't be able to Special Summon ace monsters. Furthermore, this helps your monsters as well as Burden become fuel for your Field Spell.


The trap line up is rather standard and helps maintain field advantage in small ways. I would have liked to add some other good trap cards but they sort of worked against the speed of the deck and with deck space being tight were not feasible in the end. Dark Bribe seems pretty key because you don't want the Ritual Spell to be negated as well. That's pretty much a run down on the deck.

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Ruling Question: If Optional effect monsters like Fortune Lady Light or Cross Porter are sent for this effect' date=' do they miss the timing?



Thinking with sense, I'd say that they should miss it. But the concept is too interesting not to want a look at. So sure, they don't miss timing.


The first thing I thought up of when reading your Field Spell is utilizing the Northwemko engine. The field spell has built in protection and can protect other cards but at a cost. We want to find ways to limit that cost as much as possible and the best thing I could think of is using Northwemko as she has her own protection as well. The 2 cards work well in conjunction with each other so your opponent has very limited options in getting rid of 1 of these cards. If the plan was executed correctly you had the field spell on first then ritual summoned for Northwemko utilizing Djinn Releaser of Rituals to lock out your opponent's Special Summons. By doing so your opponent can't field swarm for a OTK and has to plan their strategies carefully to pull through but with 2 cards protecting each other it becomes very difficult. It essentially has the capabilities to lock out Blackwings' date=' Twilight Decks, and Lightsworn. While carrying enough weight to get through on its own against less common decks.


I've opted to splice in a Dark engine into the deck for speed and consistency. With the amount of deck thinning capabilities the deck has you'll be able to rifle through your deck until you've got your pieces together.


[b']Monsters (17):[/b]

2x Armageddon Knight - Serves multiple functions. It's a dark monster so it helps fuels Chaos Sorcerer, DAD, and Allure of Darkness. It also helps thin your deck by 1 by sending a Dark to the Graveyard to Summon DAD/Chaos Sorcerer or more importantly sending one of the new Ritual Support monsters to be RFG'd for North's summon.

1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind - A no brainer choice in my opinion. Gale gives you synchro options but more importantly it can halve the ATK and DEF of your opponent's monster which can allow most cards to attack over it or at least leave it crippled.

1x Chaos Sorcerer - With the amount of dark monsters in the deck on top of 6 Light Monsters (3x Manju and Northwemko) you'd be stupid not to run this card. I would like to run it in 2's if possible but deck space was too tight. It's an immediate answer to whatever troublesome monster is on the field and helps bypass cards like Stardust, Colossal Fighter, or Blackwing - Armor Master.

1x Dark Armed Dragon - No brainer card as well. We are running a lot of Darks so it's not difficult to get this guy on the field. Plus, the deck runs its own Graveyard management with Chaos Sorcerer's summoning costs as well as the ritual presiders & releasers. It's the choice tech card in any Dark engine deck.

2x Djinn Presider of Rituals - The Level 4 quotient for Northwemko and allows you to draw a card should Northwemko destroy a monster by battle.

1x Ritual Devil Curse Enchanter - Another Level 4 quotient but allows you to negate the effects of Synchro Monsters. Sort of the back up plan in case your opponent gets a card like Brionac or Blackwing - Armor Master on the field before you locked his Special Summons out with Djinn Releaser of Rituals.

3x Djinn Releaser of Rituals - The Level 3 quotient but also the most important quotient as it locks out all Special Summons for your opponent. If you get Northwemko out quickly you can easily take the lead in the duel. Most decks nowadays relies on field swarming and Synchro Summoning. This will help keep that in check.

3x Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands - No brainer in any Ritual deck. The most versatile Ritual tutor card you can get. It helps serve the quotient for the Ritual Summon while thinning your deck by 1.

3x Divine Grace - Northwemko - The primary focus of this Deck. The idea is to Ritual Summon her with the field spell on the field to have 2 way protection. Ideally you want to use the Ritual Presiders and Releasers to lock out key aspects of your opponent's deck giving you commanding control.


Spells (18):

3x Distraction of Destruction - Your field spell and also the key to challenge. It's the 2ndary focus of the deck and helps protect cards for both players but at a cost. It has the ability to protect monsters from being destroyed by battle as well so its a double edge sword. In order to make this card more advantageous to yourself you want to limit those costs as much as possible while wearing away at your opponent. With Nortwemko's built in protection you'll have less to worry about.

2x Allure of Darkness - With the amount of darks we are running you can't ignore a Dark's draw engine. It helps rifle through your deck for key pieces.

3x Burden of the Mighty - One of Northwemko's weaknesses is her 2700 ATK which can be easily destroyed by monster Synchro Monsters. In the event you failed to get Northwemko out with Releaser of Rituals to lock out Special Summons this card will allow Northwemko to be stronger than the competition. It also can serve as a cost to the field spells protection. Furthermore, it also helps keep your regular monsters above your opponent's and if they can stay alive longer they can serve as the cost for the field spell.

1x Burial from a Different Dimension - This could be side decked but with the decks high RFG capabilities it wouldn't hurt to throw this in to either fuel chaos sorcerer summon requirements, DAD's summon requirements/effects, or in case you want to Summon another Northwemko.

1x Heavy Storm - Staple card to clear the back row. Always, clear the back row before your big plays.

1x Mystical Space Typhoon - Good removal card to help keep the advantage but can be side decked. Just because the field spell protects destruction doesn't make this card obsolete. Your opponent still has to send a card on their field to grave to save a card. It'll always be a -1 to your opponent no matter what.

2x Preparation of Rites - Deck thinner and helps bring in the Northwemko pieces together.

3x Ritual of Grace - Need the ritual spell for Northwemko but it also keeps Northwemko protected on your turn so she can't be targetted by card effects.

1x Terraforming - Deck thinner and helps tutor in the field spell. I would have ran this at 2's but the deck space is tight and considering how fast you can rifle through the deck it's not entirely necessary to run this at 2's.

1x Brain Control - No brainer card. Can grab a monster for direct attacks or tributes for the ritual summon of Northwemko. Can be used to Sync with your Gale as well. It just helps to deal with an immediate threat or gain field advantage.


Traps (6):

2x Bottomless Trap Hole - Staple trap card to get rid of annoying cards. The field spell won't always be in play so this card can fed off annoying monsters and even if the field spell is on the field you still force your opponent to lose a card.

1x Call of the Haunted - Staple card for resurrection.

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast - A tech card to deal with annoying monsters or troublesome spell or trap cards.

1x Solemn Judgment - Need to be able to negate something serious at a moments notice. You have to play this card more wisely with it being limited now. Field spell can touch this card as it is a counter trap with Spell Speed 3.


Extra Deck(15):

Ally of Justice Catastor

Ancient Fairy Dragon

Archfiend Chaos King

Black Rose Dragon

Blackwing Armor Master

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Colossal Fighter

Dark-End Dragon

Goyo Guardian

Magical Android

Red Dragon Archfiend

2x Stardust Dragon

Thought Ruler Archfiend

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Boundary


The extra deck is rather standard and you should always use an Extra deck just in case. Ideally, you won't be using the Extra deck that much but it's better to be safe than sorry. I won't go over each monster choice since this is a rather common extra deck and by looking each monster up you should see clearly why they were chosen.


Side Deck (15):

1x Sky Scourge Invicil - An interesting idea to use but too situational. It helps lock out Spells or Traps but could become more detrimental to your strategy. It's a tech card depending on the deck you fight.

1x Gorz, Emissary of Darkness - A tech card depending on the deck you fight. I didn't main deck because there are a ton of cards that can remain on the field making this a potential dead card.

1x Krebons - Level 2 Dark Tuner that can stall out your oppponent.

1x Plaguespreader Zombie - One of the better Level 2 Dark Tuners that assists in Graveyard management. In case you need to shift to a synchro engine.

1x Mirror Force - Ideal monster removal that I wanted to main deck but deck space was too tight.

1x Torrential Tribute - Once again good monster removal but not enough room in the deck.

2x Compulsory Evacuation Device - Great tech card against Synchro's and can be helpful in tight situations but deck space prevented me from main decking it.

2x Dark Bribe - Good negation card with a balanced cost to your opponent. Something I wanted to main deck but again deck space prevented me from doing so. Plus, we want to focus on speed and control and I think the majority of these side deck cards didn't contribute to the main focus of the deck. They are all good cards that can be sided in after the first round.

3x Threatening Roar - In case your opponent is using a beat down deck you can use this to slow him down and rethink your side deck choices.

2x Dimensional Prison - RFG's an attacking monster which can be useful against beat down decks like little city or skill drain decks.


Essentially this is a semi-anti meta deck without relying on typical anti-meta cards. As you can see the deck has speed and consistency through its abilities to thin itself out rather quickly so rather than running a 40 card deck your more likely running 20 something to 30 card deck. It contains good typical tech cards that an opponent might use on you but you have the advantage in sealing out key aspects of their deck while not limiting yourself the same way.


As I've mentioned before the ideal strategy is having the field on the spell, then Ritual Summon for Northwemko using the Releaser of Rituals to lock out your opponents Special Summons giving you a commanding lead against typical Meta decks. With the 2 way protection of the field and Northwemko you can limit the costs of the Field Spell on yourself. With Burden of the Mighty you can guarantee that Northwemko will be the strongest monster on the field and it helps your other monsters maintain field presence. Some of those Ritual Support Monsters have beefy stats like 1800 ATK this allows them to maintain a beat down strategy on your opponent with Northwemko as they won't be able to Special Summon ace monsters. Furthermore, this helps your monsters as well as Burden become fuel for your Field Spell.


The trap line up is rather standard and helps maintain field advantage in small ways. I would have liked to add some other good trap cards but they sort of worked against the speed of the deck and with deck space being tight were not feasible in the end. Dark Bribe seems pretty key because you don't want the Ritual Spell to be negated as well. That's pretty much a run down on the deck.




Perfect, accepted.

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Ruling Question: If Optional effect monsters like Fortune Lady Light or Cross Porter are sent for this effect' date=' do they miss the timing?



Thinking with sense, I'd say that they should miss it. But the concept is too interesting not to want a look at. So sure, they don't miss timing.


Thank you. In that case, I think I can try and build something like this:


[spoiler=Distracted Mill]


Monsters: 19

Sangan - Obviously a good monster with which to pay the field's effect, since it nets you advantage by getting you a new monster

Peten the Dark Clown x3 - Another card with which to pay the cost and keep it coming

Needle Worm x3 - A gret card in a Mill Deck which does not destroy

Morphing Jar - More mill, can be used to prevent the destruction of certain cards

Hiro's Shadow Scout x3 - Same as above. Combined with Morphing Jar, I can easily eliminate those pesky opposing cards in hand

Chainsaw Insect x2 - Make my opponent draw

Morphing Jar #2 x3 - a Mill Staple if ever these was one

Destiny Hero - Defender x3 - Makes my opponent draw, can be good food for Distraction


Spells: 12

Distraction of Destruction x3 - This card allows me to continuously keep cards in play so I can keep milling opposing cards

Book of Eclipse x3 - With most of my monsters being Flip Effect Monsters, resetting them is a must.

Book of Moon x2 - Same as above

Card Destruction - Draw for me, card elimination from opposing Deck

Hand Destruction x2 - same as above

Swords of Revealing Light - Extra Stall


Traps: 9

The Gift of Greed x3 - I make the opponent draw cards over and over again.

Desert Sunlight x3 - after I use Eclipse, I play this to reuse those mill effects

Greed x3 - My opponent will take a lot of burn with all this draw, so it makes sense I run this (especially with Distraction able to protect it)




Exactly 40 cards. Now, I don't know how well this would run, but it seems like it would be fine. Basically, the Sangan/Peten mechanic allows for stall while my jars and such are costing my opponent precious cards and Greed strips their Life Points, which they'll be losing vrom their own effects as well as these. It seems like it should work, especially with so many decks these days already drawing themselves quite a bit, but how much you like this Deck is for you to decide.

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