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Creative Deck Productions #1: Cyber Ogre

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December 12th 2007


Any duelist can use Monarchs or Gadgets and instantly become better than a lot of themed decks. These “meta” decks don’t really take much thought to conceive. True genius comes from making decks around cards not commonly used. That’s why I’ll be making a thread like this every now and then that makes an unused card into something adequate.








Deep Diver and Destiny Hero - Dasher: Deep Diver is currently the ONLY way to search for Cyber Ogre. The Diver Combos extremely well with Dasher, letting you summon Cyber Ogre without tributing.


Destiny Hero - Malicious: This card acts as a back-up strategy. If you can’t Special Summon Cyber Ogre, you can tribute this and get a free tribute for a later monster.


Monster Reincarnation and Destiny Draw: The two Destiny Heros I’ve chosen both love being sent to the graveyard and these are the cards to do it with. D-Draw helps you dig into your deck, and Monster Reincarnation lets you reclaim discarded Cyber Ogres. This is important since Cyber Ogre is dead on the field without having another in your hand.


Creature Swap: The main purpose of this card is to swap your Deep Diver to your opponent so you can destroy it faster and grab Cyber Ogre. This card can also be used to take your opponent’s big monsters in exchange for your attack position Malicious or a “dead” Ogre.


Cold Wave: Cyber Ogre fears Shrink. It’s whopping 3900 ATK becomes a dwindling 1950 at the might of that Quick-Play Spell. Cold Wave will hopefully protect your Cyber Ogres when it comes time to attack.

Made a mistake here. I forgot that Shrink only halves the ORIGINAL ATK of a monster. Thanks to Static for poiting this out.

When cyber ogre gets boosted 2000' date=' shrink only halves the ORIGINAL ATTACK.


Therefore, Cyber Ogre's boosted attack + Shrink = (2000) + (1900 * .05) = 2000 + 950 = 2950 attack.



Skill Drain and Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast: The effects of Deep Diver, Dasher, and Malicious all activate in the graveyard. Cyber Ogre’s and Cyber Dragon’s effects each activate while in your hand. Since your side of the field has become an effect-free area, you might as well make it the same for your opponent. Since we’re running Skill Drain, Fusilier Dragon will make a good addition, being both a machine and being able to play off of Skill Drain’s effect to become a 2800 beatstick with no tributes required.





Monsters - 18

3 Cyber Ogre

3 Cyber Dragons

3 Fusilier the Dual-Mode Beast

3 Deep Diver

3 Destiny Hero Dasher

2 Destiny Hero Malicious

1 Morphing Jar


Spells - 16

2 Destiny Draw

2 Monster Reincarnation

2 Creature Swap

2 Cold Wave

1 Premature Burial

1 Smashing Ground

1 Fissure

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Shield Crush

1 Pot of Avarice

1 Limiter Removal


Traps - 6

3 Skill Drain

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Trap Dustshoot


Total: 40


I hope you all enjoyed this little segment. If you did, please let me know you want to see more of “Creative Deck Productions” in the future!




Compulsory Evacuation Device - Sends Cyber Ogres from the field to your hand, but not the strategy of this deck, so it wasn’t included.


Cyber Phoenix - Guards against Shrink, but would get zapped by Skill Drain.


Generation Shift - Chainable to Mirror Force and Torrential Tribute, lets you get a new Cyber Ogre, but not enough room in the deck to be included.

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1. When cyber ogre gets boosted 2000, shrink only halves the ORIGINAL ATTACK.


Therefore, Cyber Ogre's boosted attack + Shrink = (2000) + (1900 * .05) = 2000 + 950 =


2950 attack.


2. If you set Fusiller, and you flip summon him, his attack is still 2800. (and you can use EEV on him while hes face down :) )

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Interesting. This can work.

Good idea and..... make one for Medusa Worm' date=' will you? XD?

Skill Drain's awsome :D


Thanks. I might do one on Medusa Worm, but I think that'd only be normal face-down support like the fortress structure deck.


I would love if u can make one for Cyber End Dragon i know there are a few but could u list the cards?

Sorry, Cyber End Dragon is too popular for my to make a deck out of, lol. Besides, I can't make a deck list for everyone that asks for one.


1. When cyber ogre gets boosted 2000, shrink only halves the ORIGINAL ATTACK.


Therefore, Cyber Ogre's boosted attack + Shrink = (2000) + (1900 * .05) = 2000 + 950 =


2950 attack.


2. If you set Fusiller, and you flip summon him, his attack is still 2800. (and you can use EEV on him while hes face down )

Thanks for catching that! I don't know how I didn't see that. I added a little "erreta" note to that part of post. Nice EEV combo, though maybe not one for this deck.

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Interesting. This can work.

Good idea and..... make one for Medusa Worm' date=' will you? XD?

Skill Drain's awsome :D


Thanks. I might do one on Medusa Worm, but I think that'd only be normal face-down support like the fortress structure deck.


I would love if u can make one for Cyber End Dragon i know there are a few but could u list the cards?

Sorry, Cyber End Dragon is too popular for my to make a deck out of, lol. Besides, I can't make a deck list for everyone that asks for one.


1. When cyber ogre gets boosted 2000, shrink only halves the ORIGINAL ATTACK.


Therefore, Cyber Ogre's boosted attack + Shrink = (2000) + (1900 * .05) = 2000 + 950 =


2950 attack.


2. If you set Fusiller, and you flip summon him, his attack is still 2800. (and you can use EEV on him while hes face down )

Thanks for catching that! I don't know how I didn't see that. I added a little "erreta" note to that part of post. Nice EEV combo, though maybe not one for this deck.


Not an original combo I must admit.


And I lol at your avatar. Reminded me of This. :P

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Interesting. This can work.

Good idea and..... make one for Medusa Worm' date=' will you? XD?

Skill Drain's awsome :D


Thanks. I might do one on Medusa Worm, but I think that'd only be normal face-down support like the fortress structure deck.



Yeah, or just Stumbling >_>

Cuz Medusa Worm + Stumbling = awesomness.

Sounds simple. Not sure if an ENTIRE deck can be based around it though, lol.




can you PLEASE make me a WATER attribute deck?


Ill give you 100 points, and 2 REP (like you need it...)~_~

lol, I don't really want to start making decks for people on request. I could however include Des Frog as a future "production" and make a deck around it.


Not an original combo I must admit.


And I lol at your avatar. Reminded me of This.

lol, I forgot about that card.

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God Kaze... i hail you


you always make good threads like these... And a Cyber Ogre Deck is great


I'm just wondering' date=' would Byroad Sacrifice and Cyber Ogre 2 work aswell?


lol, thanks. I enjoy making these threads. Byroad Sacrifise wouldn't really work in this deck. It tries to summon Ogre from your hand, while this deck tries to Special Summon it from the top of your deck. Malicous also acts as a less situational-Byroad Sacrifice in terms of summoning Cyber Ogre. Cyber Ogre 2 is ok, but not my favourite Fusion. Since it's a EARTH monster, you'd have to make it using Power Bond or Polymerization. But this deck doesn't really want 2 Cyber Ogres in the graveyard.

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Interesting. This can work.

Good idea and..... make one for Medusa Worm' date=' will you? XD?

Skill Drain's awsome :D


Thanks. I might do one on Medusa Worm, but I think that'd only be normal face-down support like the fortress structure deck.



Yeah, or just Stumbling >_>

Cuz Medusa Worm + Stumbling = awesomness.

Sounds simple. Not sure if an ENTIRE deck can be based around it though, lol.



Well, think of all the EARTH attributed Stumbing pwn monsters.... :P


Many are seen in Invinsible Fortress, but still XD

And we have that old Pegasus Deck guy, EARTH as well and with a rly helping effect if changed to DEF :)

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Cyber Ogre is a good card if used right.


You should add Premature Burial to this Deck. If you Special Summon a Cyber Ogre from your Graveyard, and activate Monster Reincarnation, you get a Cyber Ogre on the field and in your hand.


Cyber Ogre 2 isn't useful in this Deck, although Metalmorph would be. If you equip Metalmorph to Cyber Ogre, he becomes 2200, and gains the same effect of Cyber Ogre 2.


Are you going to keep this thread, or close it down like your other Legacys?

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Cyber Ogre is a good card if used right.


You should add Premature Burial to this Deck. If you Special Summon a Cyber Ogre from your Graveyard' date=' and activate Monster Reincarnation, you get a Cyber Ogre on the field and in your hand.


Cyber Ogre 2 isn't useful in this Deck, although Metalmorph would be. If you equip Metalmorph to Cyber Ogre, he becomes 2200, and gains the same effect of Cyber Ogre 2.


Are you going to keep this thread, or close it down like your other Legacys?


Premature Burial is in the deck. Metalmorph seem splashable in any deck, though not competively of course. I'm not keeping this thread. When I do make another article like this, I will be making a whole new thread.


Isn't this like a card of the week? Really nice! 10/10! Can't wait for more!

Sort of, though this is more fun, because I get to create something, rather then just review it.

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