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[align=center]Hiya There,WT here,And I am GLad To Present my Trophy Templates! ^_^ They are free to use,And they can come in different colours too!


If you want to request a trophy base,Then request one ^_^ Just say what colour,and it's Done! They're Not The Best,But use them if you want ^_^


Remember,YOU MUST GIVE CREDIT Those caught stealing my Templates,Will get 3 Negs and be Reported!


WT's Custom Trophies List

[spoiler=Gold,Silver and Bronze [Real-Colour Trophies] ]




[spoiler=Pink,Blue,and Green [Fully Custom Trophies] ]






That's All I've Got For NOw,BUt i will get more![/align]

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Ewww. Those are bad. And I mean bad. Stop trying to copy Skippy's idea and expect to get the same mass attention because they are just bad. You hardly put an work into them and the mistakes are easily show. Son' date=' I am dissapoint.



These are hideous, choppy, ugly, etc.

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