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Kari v DMG

Spirit of DMG

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1. Give reason for Vote

2. Vote based on whole card, not just Fake Type/sub-type

3. Rate based on the effect itself, not how much thought was put into it

4. No biased vote

5. First to 6 votes wins




she did the art in the pic herself!





While this card is face-up on the field, it is also treated as a Plant-Type monster. Increase this cards ATK by 200 for each Plant-Type monster in your Graveyard and 300 for each Fairy -Type monster in your opponents Graveyard. This card can attack your opponent directly when its ATK is less than 2500.



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Wow... Megami's pic is so much better... but DMG's OCG is better...


and the only way to take out kari would be return to hand/remove from play...


but it's really weak...


DMG's may become OP'd with alot of plants in the graveyard...


Ugh, too hard....


I vote Megami Seika...

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My vote...honestly goes to Kari.


Why? Cuz Divine Rose against the right deck is WAY OPed and against anything else is too UPed.

Both cards contain errors in OCG...but im not nitpicky enough to let that affect my decision. Kari's card is perfectly fine though. OPed? I'm sorry. Has nobody heard of Chaos Sorcerer, Skill Drain, or the ever-popular Brionac? Not overpowered at all. The only really useful effects is has is that it can be dark paladin for a turn and turn into synchro fodder...which can be useful...in more cases than Divine Rose...sadly.


anyway, final vote: Kari

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