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Kikoutei Waizeru Infiniti de Kougeki!


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Since I'm doing a fanfic later on that involves Placido dueling, I wanted to review some ogf my planned Wisel cards. Keep in mind that fanfiction-only cards have a certain standard of power that's above OCG or TCG - let's say, 25% more power allowed or whatever you'd say is equivalent.


Wise Core 3


Level: 3


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. You can Tribute 1 "Wise Core" to Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is destroyed by a card effect, destroy all monsetrs you control and Special Summon 1 "Machine Emperor Wisel ∞", 1 "Wisel Top 3", 1 "Wisel Attack 3", 1 "Wisel Guard 3" and 1 "Wisel Carrier 3" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.

ATK/ 0

DEF/ 0


*Never understood why the Core is DARK when Wisel is EARTH. Sky Core is WIND.


Wise Core 5

LIGHT / Level 5



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. You can Tribute 1 "Wise Core 3" to Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is destroyed by battle, destroy all monsters on the field and Special Summon 1 "Machine Emperor Wisel ∞", 1 "Wisel Top 5", 1 "Wisel Attack 5", 1 "Wisel Guard 5" and 1 "Wisel Carrier 5" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.


Wisel Top 3


Level: 3


Destroy this card if you do not control a "∞" monster. Once per turn, you can send 1 card equipped to a "∞" monster you control to the Graveyard and draw 1 card.

ATK/ 800

DEF/ 0


Wisel Carrier 3


Level: 3


Destroy this card if you do not control a "∞" monster. "Wisel" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

ATK/ 1100

DEF/ 900


Wisel Guard 5


Level: 5


Destroy this card if you do not control a "∞" monster. Your opponent cannot attack "Wisel" monsters you control.

ATK/ 0

DEF/ 2800


Wisel Attack 5


Level: 5


Destroy this card if you do not control a "∞" monster. If a "∞" monster you control attacks, at the end of the Damage Step, inflict 2000 damage to your opponent.

ATK/ 2000

DEF/ 0


Wisel Top 5


Level: 5


Destroy this card if you do not control a "∞" monster. Once per turn, you can send 1 card equipped to a "∞" monster you control to the Graveyard and draw 2 card.

ATK/ 1100

DEF/ 0


Wisel Carrier 5


Level: 5


Destroy this card if you do not control a "∞" monster. "Wisel" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle or by your opponent's card effects.

ATK/ 1400

DEF/ 1200


Wise Breaker


Level: 3


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned by controlling 1 "Wise Core" monster. When this card is Special Summoned, destroy this card and 1 other card on the field, and the controller(s) of those cards draw 1 card for each card they controlled that was destroyed by this effect.

ATK/ 1600

DEF/ 1200


Wise Wave

Normal Spell

Activate by sending 1 "Wisel Attack 3", 1 "Wisel Guard 3", 1 "Wisel Attack 3" and 1 "Wisel Carrier 3" you control to the Gravyard. Special Summon 1 "Wisel Attack 5", 1 "Wisel Guard 5", 1 "Wisel Attack 5" and 1 "Wisel Carrier 5" from your hand, Deck to Graveyard.


Wise Armour

Continuous Trap

After activation, equip this card to a "Machine Emperor Wisel ∞" as an Equip Spell card. The equipped monster cannot be destroyed by battle.


Wise Gardna

Normal Trap

Activate only if you control a "Wisel" or "∞" monster. All Effect Damage you would take this turn becomes 0. You can remove this card in your Graveyard from play to make all effect damage 0 this turn. You cannot activate this effect during the same turn you sent this card to the Graveyard.


Wise Bomb

Normal Trap

Activate when your "Machine Emperor Wisel ∞" is destroyed by a card effect. Destroy all monsters on the field.


Infinity Blast

Counter Trap

Activate only when your opponent declares an attack while you control a "∞" monster. Remove from play all Attack Position monsters your opponent controls.


Deck Destruction Computer Virus

Normal Trap

Activate only if your opponent controls a monster. Destroy 1 DARK Machine-type monster you control and send the top 10 cards of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.


More to come.

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Improved Wisels. I like. If I may?


Wise Gardna

Normal Trap

Activate only if you control a "Wisel" or "Infinity" monster. All Effect Damage you would take this turn becomes 0. You can remove this card in your Graveyard from play to make all effect damage 0 this turn. You cnnot activate this effect during the sme turn you sent this card to the Graveyard.

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Improved Wisels. I like. If I may?


Wise Gardna

Normal Trap

Activate only if you control a "Wisel" or "Infinity" monster. All Effect Damage you would take this turn becomes 0. You can remove this card in your Graveyard from play to make all effect damage 0 this turn. You cnnot activate this effect during the sme turn you sent this card to the Graveyard.


You know by now that you may. Added, with a Spell Card for ground duels (since I have Placido doing both).

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How about this:


Wise Core 5

LIGHT / Level 1



When this card is destroyed by battle, destroy all monsters your opponent controls and Special Summon 1 "Machine Emperor Wisel Infinity", "Wisel Guard 5", "Wisel Top 5", "Wisel Attack 5", and "Wisel Carrier 5" from your Deck.


This will go great with the other Core support monster.

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How about this:


Wise Core 5

LIGHT / Level 1



When this card is destroyed by battle' date=' destroy all monsters your opponent controls and Special Summon 1 "Machine Emperor Wisel Infinity", "Wisel Guard 5", "Wisel Top 5", "Wisel Attack 5", and "Wisel Carrier 5" from your Deck.


This will go great with the other Core support monster.



Make it Level 5 though. It's a little broken that a Level 1 can Summon an indestructible beastly thing.


I've done these cards so that for every rung (2 Levels) Wisel's parts to up he gets +1000 so... a Level 1 to summon a 4500 anti-meta monster that can be Limiter Removaled? No. I'll fix the Core, and add it along with a Spell

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