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the fusion synchro club card contest 2!


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the new fusion synchro club contest is here!!! you must be A FUSION SYNCHRO CLUB member to join this contest. you can join by clicking the link in my sig. the rules are completely different than the old one. this time you must post a fusion or synchro card that has a FAKE TYPE!!! if you dont your post will not be counted. entry fee is free and the winner will recieve 3 reps! so post your cards!!












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I'll join this one.





1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, draw 2 cards. If you drew any Angel-Type monsters, you can Special Summon them. This card gains 100 ATK for every Synchro Material monster you used to Synchro Summon this card. If an Angel-Type monster you control is selected as the target of your opponent's Spell, Trap or Effect Monster cards, you may discard 2 cards from your hand to negate the effect of that card and destroy it.

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here it is:



1 Galaxy Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuners

When this card is Synchro Summoned, place 10 "Galaxy Tokens" on it. Increase the ATK and DEF of "Galaxy Sorceress" by 250 for every "Galaxy Token" on it. Every time this card attacks, remove 1 "Galaxy Token" from "Galaxy Sorceress".

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Can we post Dark Synchros?

Anyways, here's mah sychro. If you remember my fusion from a couple days ago, this is from the set i was making around it. k? let's go:


'Hero of Time - Sona' + 1 or more LIGHT non-tuner monsters.

This card can only be Synchro summoned if there is 1 or more card with 'Kosu' in the name in your graveyard. This card can be set in face-up defense position. Decrease this card's DEF points by 500 to return all monster cards in your graveyard to the deck, and place 1 in your hand. At the cost of 500 more DEF points, place more cards in your hand. Afterward, shuffle your deck. This effect can only be used once in the duel.

and yeah, there are other 'kosu' cards. kthxbai.

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awesome! i have recently fallen in love with dark synchros, even enough that i have edited a template in MSE to make dark rituals! i know somebody's already done it, but they didn't edit the card! hehe! is anyone else entering? i think its only three people so far...

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