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Kingdom Hearts trivia 6 points per answer


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I shall make a complex riddle.
You must answer all parts at the same time.
Go to - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tCY_gG-uZE&feature=related
Watch the video.
Two reps for completion.

1. What video game does this come from?
2. What video game does this foretell?
3. Who are in this video?
4. What is the name of the heartless in this video?
5. Where does this video take place?
6. At 2:45, who is that?
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I will give out one rep to Skuldur and Xion.


1. KH Final Mix

2. 358/2

3. what Skuldur said

4. Neoshadow

5. Dark City

6. Xion


@2: Nope, it's KH2. It foretells KH2. If it were 358/2 Days then it would be in the secret ending in Kh2. The secret ending always foretells the next big game in the series.


@6: It's been confirmed that it is Xemnas. He fought against Sora in the Final Mix and came back to tell Roxas that he saw him.

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