~Kip~ Posted January 29, 2010 Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 Cafeteria Peter noticed someone talking to him. He looked around, then noticed Kenny looking at him. "Did you say something, Kenny? Oh and, sorry I haven't been talking much. With all the duels I was in, I only one 1 of them, and the other guy ran Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth HS Megamorph OTK. Therefore, I'm thinking since that's the only duel I've one since I was 6, maybe I should quit. I was never good at dueling. Maybe I should just only to the tests, and no duels." Peter said, having a sad face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted January 29, 2010 Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 Name:Zach YurachukAppearance: Zach has long Dirty Blonde hair with a red and black bandana on his forehead. He wears black geans and his Slifer red coat.Desired House: SliferBackstory:Zach was born in 1994. He has entered lots of torneys and has only won 1 torney. He has spent most of his live dueling and doing alot of homework. He doesn't have very many friends and is a straight B StudentPersonality: He has a great sense of homour. and is Respectful to everyone who is Respectful to him.Deck used: SpellcastersDuel Disk: Cyclone Black Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrash0 Posted January 30, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 30, 2010 I'm so happy that you three have pushed some life back into the thread that I'm repping all 3 of you.Oh and happygosplat is accepted. Welcome to Apex Academy! IC:InfirmaryBoth Donny and the teacher--Gemin were unresponsive to his last provocation. Throwing his hands up, John sighed. "Fine," he said. "I'll seeya later."He left the room and went back to the Cafeteria.CafeteriaHe walked in just as Peter began degrading himself. He heard the whole statement and shook his head.He walked up to Peter and grabbed his shoulder tightly. "No," he said, "We all have things to learn, some more than others. That's what the Academy is for. Don't you understand? The Duels are the tests!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted January 31, 2010 Report Share Posted January 31, 2010 CafeteriaZach walked into the Cafeteria and sat into a random seat. He needed to seen needed to Upgrade his deck if he would do any good in dueling class. He wrote down his Deck on a piece of paper:[spoiler=Deck List]Monsters:1x Exdioa the forbidden one1x Left Arm of the forbidden one1x Right Arm of the forbidden one1x Left Leg of the forrbidden one1x Right Leg of the forbidden one1x Injection Fariy Lily3x Copycat1x Blue Gadget2x Morphing Jar1x Exxod The Master of The Guard2x Golem Sentry2x Guardian Statue1x Guardian Sphinx1x Criosphinx2x Giant RatSpells:1x Unity1x Graceful Charty2x Shifting Shadows1x Level Limit - Area B1x Mystical Space Typoon3x Hammer Shot2x Lightning Vortex1x Swords of Revealing Light3x Shield and SwordTraps:1x Gravity Bind2x Ordeal of a Traveler1x Mirror Force1x Call of the Haunted After he finished the deck list he called out " Does anyone know if this deck needs improving! "Well he waited for an anwser he got his Lunch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrash0 Posted January 31, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 31, 2010 OOC: We've got a new player: Taila Lee of Obelisk house, played by pegasasu, who joined by PM. Welcome to Apex Academy! Oh and happygosplat you *can* use made-up cards if you want, just saying. IC:CafeteriaHoping he had hammered the message into Pete's head, he strode over to Zach."Hey dude," he said, extending his hand. "I'm John, Ra Yellow. I heard that you wanted to have your deck improved? Well, we all have to know what we've to improve before we improve it. How about a Duel to test that nice deck of yours out?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pegasasu Posted January 31, 2010 Report Share Posted January 31, 2010 CafeteriaTalia sat down in the cafeteria, looking through her "Double D's" deck. Hopefully, she would be able to upgrade the deck throughout the year at Apex Academy. She watched a boy walk over to another boy, and most likely, was asking him to duel. She decided to sit in and watch the duel, just to see how good the students decks were, and what their dueling style was."Do you mind if I watch?" Talia said, as she walked over closer to where she would be able to actually see the duel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted January 31, 2010 Report Share Posted January 31, 2010 CafeteriaKris sighed. "Ok, I'll go first. I draw." Hm, alright card, but I'll use it later. He added the card to his hand and left his hand hovering over his hand. He finally picked a card. "I'll activate kuriboh dispersion so I can summon all of the level four or lower kuribohs at the cost of 1000 life points. So now I summon cyber kuriboh, cyber kuriboh chick and cyber kuriboh defender. Then I have to discard one card and so do you. That card is coming back though at the cost of my Chick because I activate chicks effect, destroying it and allowing Cyber kuriboh dragon in it's place. I place one face down. Your turn." Kris said with a yawn. He was getting bored of duelling. OOC: [spoiler=Cards][spoiler=Cyber kuriboh chick]LVL: 3ATT: FireType: machineATK: 600DEF: 600Effect: When this card is summoned discard one random card from both your's and your opponent's hands. You may discard this card to special summon one machine type 'Kuriboh monster or A 'Cyber Kuriboh Dragon' From your hand or graveyard. The turn this effect is activated you and your opponent cannot take damage.[spoiler=Cyber kuriboh]LVL: 1Att: DarkType: MachineAtk: 300Def: 200Effect: This card can only be special summoned when a card with 'Kuriboh' in it's name is on the field. You take no battle damage from battle involving this card.[spoiler=Cyber kuriboh defender]LVL: 4Att: EARTHType: MachineAtk: 500Def: 2000Effect: You may special summon this card into defence mode when it is discarded to the graveyard. When this card is special summoned this way destroy one card on your opponents side of the field.[spoiler=Cyber kuriboh dragon]LVL: 8ATT: FireType: DragonATK: 2600DEF: 2500Effect: While this card is on the field neither you nor your opponent can take damage from a direct attack. When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponents life points, increase your life points by the same amount. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted January 31, 2010 Report Share Posted January 31, 2010 ooc: I am using a created card Blue Gadget is my created card. Cafeteria"Sure lets duel I will go first." He grabed his duel disk and and said " my turn"He looked at his hand. How interesting a exdia piece already. " I summon Blue Gadget in face-up attack position.[spoiler=Card] I set two face downs in the Spell trap Zone and play the spell card Graceful Charity!I end my turn" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sorrow. Posted January 31, 2010 Report Share Posted January 31, 2010 Donny saw a new face he wrote down notes, If I ever go against him I can easily deflect that. Donny started taking more and more notes. He planned down a strategy for all of that.. His notes wen't something like this: Name: ZachCard Types:Strategy: Counter Strategy: Blue Gadget is blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah. Blah, blah blah blah.Wins: 0 Loses: 0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrash0 Posted February 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 1, 2010 OOC: Shattered Sorrow, remember the rule about stating where you are, since the last place you were was the Infirmary.And wow happygosplat, that's a ridiculously OPed card. Just saying.IC:CafeteriaHe's probably got an Exodia piece already, John thought nervously, and with Graceful Charity's effect maybe more. And that Blue Gadget is one heck of a leel four monster. 2000 attack and attacking monopoly! He shook his head. "I hope you've discarded the two cards from Graceful Charity's effect. Now, I draw!"He looked at the card, and then his hand with grim satisfaction. The poor boy'll take 2000 damage on the first turn, he thought grimly."To start off, I'll pay 800 Life Points to activate the normal Spell Card Brain Control! As I'm sure you already know, it allows me to take control of your Blue Gadget! Next I'll summon my Messenger of Lightning Alphus and discard 1 card-- Lightning's Companion from my hand--in order to activate his effect, allowing me to Special Summon a Level 6 or lower "Lightning Fiend" monster from my Deck-- and I choose to summon Lightning Fiend Devotee! And since I Summoned a "Lightning Fiend" monster, the "Lightning's Companion" in my Graveyard which I discarded appears on the Field. And now I shall tune my Lightning's Companion and Lightning Fiend Devotee with my Messenger of Lightning Alphus!"He sighed deeply. "Three particles bounce off each other in unision to create lightning that dominates the skies! Synchro Summon! Lightning Fiend Dragon!"It appeared, a giant blue-and-black dragon with an astonishing ATK and DEF of 3000. It might just be in my favor, he thought, smiling."Next I use Lightning Fiend Dragon's effect, Tributing your Blue Gadget and inflicting damage to your Life Points equal to it's attack! The downside is that Lightning Fiend Dragon can't attack this turn, else I'd end this Duel right now. Thus I set 1 card and call it a turn." OOC: Here're cards I used:[spoiler=Cards]Messenger of Lightning AlphusLVL1, Thunder/Tuner/Effect, WINDOnce per turn, you can discard 1 card to Special Summon one level 6 or lower "Lightning Fiend" monster from your hand or Deck.100/100 Lightning Fiend DevoteeLVL6, Fiend/Effect, WINDYou can Tribute this card to destroy 1 card your opponent controls. 2100/1000 Lightning's CompanionLVL1, Thunder/Effect, WINDWhen a "Lightning Fiend" monster is Summoned to your side of the field, you can Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed by battle, and you take no battle damage during battles involving this card.0/0 Lightning Fiend DragonLVL8, Dragon/Synchro/Effect, WIND1 "Messenger of Lightning" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monstersOnce per turn, you can Tribute 1 monster card with 2000 or less ATK you control and inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the Tributed monster. 3000/3000 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted February 1, 2010 Report Share Posted February 1, 2010 CafeteriaKen draws a smile on his face "now my friend i don't think you're going to like my move here after all, i'm taking out your big hitter". Ken then summons Rebel Ninja Aiko and activates it's effect "now by discarding one ninja card from my hand i can special summon one from my deck, now i discard Rebel Ninja Akahana and because it was discarded by a ninja monsters effect you lose 500 lifepoints and it is returned to the deck". "Now i shall special summon my Rebel Ninja Asuka and use her effect discarding another card, a Rebel Ninja Aiko and it shall also return to my deck due to being discarded by a ninja now due to Asuka's effect your dragon is destroyed but Asuka can't attack, i shall end with a face-down go!". ooc:[spoiler=cards]LP: 4000cards on field: 2 monsters 1 s/tcards in hand: 1cards in Graveyard: 2[spoiler= cards used][spoiler=Rebel Ninja Aiko] [spoiler=Rebel Ninja Akahana] [spoiler=Rebel Ninja Asuka] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted February 1, 2010 Report Share Posted February 1, 2010 CafateriaWow 2000 life points already that isn't a good way for me to start the duel. "alright I draw!I set 1 facedown monster and play the spell card Level Limit - Area B. so all level 4 and higher monsters switch to Defence Mode. Now I play the spell card Swords of Revaeling Light! I set 1 card facedown and end my turn." Lets just hope he doesn't play Heavy Strom or I might be in for some thing big. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sorrow. Posted February 1, 2010 Report Share Posted February 1, 2010 Ooc: Woops I haven't RPed here in a while ^^ Ic: Cafeteria Donny started writing in his notes furiously like his deck. Setting.. Back.. Opponent throwing them.. into submission very intereseting. Donny looked at Zach seeing that he had some what of a worried face, Donny shook his head. Donny looked at his notes one more time before looking at the duel again. Name: ZachCard Types: MachineStrategy: I see that he loves to throw people into submission and he wants to prepare for a final attack.Counter Strategy: Blue Gadget is blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah. Blah, blah blah blah.Wins: 0 Loses: 0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted February 1, 2010 Report Share Posted February 1, 2010 Cafateria" Come on man I don't have all day I might want to get a nap going later. " He waited and saw that there was a kid spectating my dueling skills. " Hey you the 1 spectating me. Why you writing my deck on a piece of paper? Its like your going to send a evil dude to defeat me in a shadow game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wyvern Posted February 2, 2010 Report Share Posted February 2, 2010 heres my app!Name: Fuyu ItoAppearance: She is short, small, and looks like she could be younger than she is. Her eyes are ice blue and large, making her seem cute. Her hair is also ice blue, put up in long pigtails with white ribbons. She wears a shirt and a skirt that are white with blue lining.Desired House:RaBackstory: Being taught to be friendly, Fuyu grew up helping others win duels, so she isn't that good herself. But she aspires to be, since her dad was very good at dueling. Her family is based around Elements. She is ice, her father is fire, her mother is air, and her older sister is earth.Personality: She is nice, generous, and caring. Her warm heart welcomes anybody, unless they are unjust/unfair to others. She is always happy and smiling, but serious when it is needded. She knows her limits, and is very cautious. Deck used: Blizard WarriorsDuel Disk: blade silver Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
radio414 Posted February 2, 2010 Report Share Posted February 2, 2010 Lounge((OoC: Umm, this is kind of turning into an arena style RP. Don't you think we should Time Skip a bit?))Entering the Teachers Lounge, Gemin immediately went to a chair. He needed to think things through. First, there were adolecents fainting upon summoning a powerful card, second, there was a Dark Syncho out there, and finally, there was chaos everywhere Gemin could think of. He needed to actually teach, and soon, or he would need to retire at his still semi-young age. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrash0 Posted February 2, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 2, 2010 OOC: Stardust Wyvern accepted, welcome. Oh and radio, I know, I was waiting for Stardust Wyvern (who applied first by PM before being requested by me to join in-topic) to join. After I win this duel :P Headmaster Peake will be making his opening speech and then we'll skip 3-4 days, what say? IC:CafeteriaJohn cringed after Zach's jibe."Level Limit won't protect you from my dragon's effect. And now I DRAW!'He drew a card. Another 'Lightning's Companion.' This would work to his advantage. "Now! I Normal Summon my Messenger of Lightning The Trigger! Next, I activate my face-down Spell Card: Persistent Storms! Every time a monster is Tributed to activate the effect of a 'Lightning Fiend' monster, you lose 200 Life Points--which means I've basically won this Duel!"He smirked. He knew what was going through Zach's mind. He'd run an Exodia deck once and lost the Duel with 1 piece left to draw-- the Left Leg of the Forbidden One. What had to be done, had to be done however."Now, using my Lightning Fiend Dragon's effect, I Tribute 'Messenger of Lightning The Trigger'" (1900 ATK) "to inflict 1900 points of damage to you! And that's not all--since I Tributed a monster to activate the effect of a 'Lightning Fiend' monster, you take an additional 200 points of damage, bringing you to a grand total of--0. Good duel."The holograms dissapeared. He was about to walk over and shake Zach's hand when a deep voice boomed out."Good morning everyone, and welcome to Apex Academy! I'd like you all to be seated!"He whirled around to see Headmaster Peake adressing them all. OOC: [spoiler=Cards used.]Messenger of Lightning The TriggerLVL4/Thunder/Tuner/Effect/WINDThis card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster except for the Synchro Summon of a "Lightning Fiend" Synchro Monster.1900/1500 Persistent StormsContinuous SpellWhenever you Tribute a monster for the effect of a "Lightning Fiend" monster, inflict 200 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points and Special Summon it during your opponent's Draw Phase. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sp1at Posted February 2, 2010 Report Share Posted February 2, 2010 Zach shaked his hand when he heard the Headmaster adressing them. Zach toke a seat beside John and listened to the headmasters boring speach witch he fell asleep half way through. " Well I'm off to my room for so more z's." After that he went to his room and fell asleep again in his bed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 2, 2010 Report Share Posted February 2, 2010 OOC: Ok lets just skip that duel Anbu. Say it ended in a draw. I just made a card which does that. [spoiler=Self destruct]Type: quickplay spellEffect: Activate only when you have less than 1000 life points. Both you and your opponent lose 4000 life points. This cards effect cannot be negated. IC: Cafeteria"Good duel mate. I haven't had to use that card in about three years. And even then I still won. But thats a story for another time, I believe the head's going to give a speech." Kris said, shaking Ken's hand. He turned towards the Head teacher and pulled a bottle of water out of his bag. For crying out loud. I try to go anywhere and they have a guy with a speech there. Kris thought, sighing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sorrow. Posted February 2, 2010 Report Share Posted February 2, 2010 Cafeteria:Donny closed his book and sat down he sighed as he sighed he heard girls going Aaahhh. Donny blushed and sat down opened his book and shoved his face in there so no one or girl could see his face. Then Donny looked at the page then his eyed widened. He pulled his head out of the book. There was writing in the book I'm going to get you Donny he had never wrote his in his book. Could some one have took my book? I always keep it on my side... How? Donny thought to himself suprisingly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
radio414 Posted February 3, 2010 Report Share Posted February 3, 2010 CafeteriaEntering the Cafetria as the headmaster started speaking, he sat at a nearby seat, and listened. Or, at least, tried to. The events of a hectic school day were flying around in his mind and he missed most of the point that the headmaster was trying to get across. By the end, though, Gemin had just dismissed the entire incedent. He couldn't worry about it on the job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrash0 Posted February 4, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 4, 2010 IC:CafeteriaJohn nodded as Zach left. "Seeya 'round," he added as the headmaster continued.The headmaster was a pudgy little man. "Let's cut right to the chase; you're duelists. You all came here to Duel and to improve your Dueling skills and meet new people and blahbety blahbety blah. Basically this is where you go to hone your skills before entering the Turbo Duel Circuit. We recognize that. "As you all know, we will be having a Welcoming Duel Tournament next month. The fact is that it is a Ground Duel tournament; however, you will still be using a Field Spell, such as Speed World during your Duels to get you prepared for Turbo Duels."John raised a hand. "Will we be using 'Speed World?'" he asked."A good question," said the headmaster looking at him. "You will not, but you will use a Field Spell very like it. The Spell Card is called 'Apex Speed.' You'll get a first look... right now." With that, Peake took a card out of his pocket and put it in the Field Spell slot of his Duel Disk. It became visible to everyone. The lore was as follows:This card's name is also treated as "Speed World." If you activate a Spell Card other than a "Speed Spell," take 500 damage. During each player's Standby Phase, place 1 Speed Counter on this card (max 12). By removing a number of Speed Counters from this card, activate one of the following effects:-4: Draw 1 card.-8: Draw 2 cards.-12: Destroy 1 card on the Field. "It's not Speed World. It's a modified version."John began reading the card and imagining the possibilities, as he imagined everyone else was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 4, 2010 Report Share Posted February 4, 2010 OOC: The image actually doesn't work here Either. IC: Kris sighed as he recieved the card. "Not a very good card. I've always hated speed world so this is a nightmare." He sighed. He stood up and placed the card in his pocket. "Well, I'd better get a little nap before tomorrow. Big duel tournement must tire you out." He said to himself as he left the cafeteria. "Now then, where's my room?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrash0 Posted February 5, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 5, 2010 OOC: Oh, so I suppose it's not a problem with my internet connection or computer. Thanks for the info. But you keep forgetting to note your location!EDIT: I got it to work by typing the internet URL instead of from my computer. Thanks for trying it anyway magnet! The old post has been updated as well.IC:CafeteriaJohn saw other people start to leave. The headmaster seemed done with whatever he had to do so he left as well. He needed to nap. The first day of classes was approaching. He got up and left.Cafeteria/End OOC: So that brings us to the end of the first day in our RP! I'd like the next person who posts to post in a context... say 3-4 days after these previous events? We'll do a time skip. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted February 5, 2010 Report Share Posted February 5, 2010 ooc: Do I get a rep for trying? Oh and kris has been in a fight and is currently in the infirmary with a broken nose. The others guys werent sso lucky. All five of them have broken legs and one has a fractured shoulder. If anyone also wants to have been in the fight just join me in the infirmary. IC: InfirmaryKris laughed as he saw the face of the guy he'd thrown into the barrier as they were dragged in. He just held his nose and laughed. He sat down on The bed the nurse pointed t and chuckled as he saw the other five slump in with a nurse holding each of them up. "Weaklings." He muttered to himself. He laughed again as he grabbed a bottle of water next to him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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