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Apex Academy, the TRUE Duel Academy Experience [PG13][Always Accepting][Started]


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Name: Peter Tamaraku

Appearance: A dark-haired boy. He has a blue shirt and decent red pants. His skin is pale, his eyes are white.

Desired House: Obelisk

Backstory: One day, Peter was taking a walk with his dad and mom. A group of people in dark robes grabbed his mom and took her away. No body knows what became of her. Peter decided to go to school afterward, and became a Grade-A Student. His dad gave him a deck and said it would guide him. This is the deck he still uses today. Now, he is often found in the woods behind the academy and recently learned about it, so he decided to join. Any memories of his mom upsets him.

Personality: A loyal, well-mannered boy. He will fight to the death to his friends.

Deck used: Immortal Angels (a deck that instantly revives in unique ways)

Duel Disk: Battle City B Silver

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"Oh C'mon, nobody like me?" Otto thought. So, she, feeling ignored, just stood there and did nothing. She didn't know who to talk to, and felt lonely. But, however, she didn't care. She still stood there. She just looked around and looked at the boys talking.

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"Yeah sure." Kris said, activating his duel disk. He drew his five first cards and smiled. Good, this shouldn't take to long. I got a world of hurt to deal to that rat who sold me out. Let's make this quick. Kris thought. "I'll Go first and I'll summon kuriboh in attack mode and I'll lay two cards face down. I'll end my turn with that." Kris said, smirking, "And don't underestimate Kuriboh. It'll be the death of you."

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Donny looked at the boy at his right, " A... A.. Duel? Me, ok sure whats your name? Wait dont tell me.." He flipped into his notebook and found info all about Jonhathan. He studied his notes and said, "Ok lets Duel name the place." Then some girls started whispering to each other and giggling.

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Peter walked into the cafeteria. When he entered, everyone looked away from him. He walked toward a table that had kids, but they instant they saw his ugly white eyes, they moved away. He sat alone in the corner, instead of a table, and started to cry. "Why do my eyes have to be such a strange color!" he said to himself. "I thought I could finally meet some friends here, but even here people walk away from me because of my strange eye color." Suicidal thoughts were going through his head at them moment. Peter soon paniced so much that he passed out on the floor. Everybody in the area ignored him.

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OOC: He challenged both of us but I replied first so....


"No he just challenged me and I've already done my first turn. Looks like you were too slow." Kris said to the boy next to him. It was strange that john challenged two people at once but Kris pushed it aside. This was his duel and that was what mattered. "Anyway, It's your move john. Make it count." Kris said.

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Mathematics Room

Within seconds, Gemin began to hate this room. There was a nearly paper-thin wall between his classroom and the cafeteria. Currently, there was some sort of commotion in the cafeteria, so Gemin went to check it out. He hoped it was a duel. A duel would be the only reason Gemin would take for this disturbance.


Gemin slided through the doors into the cafeteria and looked around. It was a duel that was causing the commotion. That was good. Since the duel looked like it had just started, he stuck around to watch.

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Jarred walked out of his dorm and into the partly filled hallways.

He walked by groups of people and blew his hair out of his face. A shy girl from one of the groups came out and walked towards him. Jarred stopped as she came

"Cyan, umm, how's it going?" she said.

Jarred put on a bothered face the instant she said 'Cyan'. He quickly answered her, not wanting to be rude or anything.

"Um...Jarred, it's...Jarred" he forced out.

"You go by Jarred...?"

Jarred nodded

"And it's...going fine, I guess..." he said.

The conversation went on in complete awkwardness. Until the girl had given Jarred her number and then walked away.




Jarred walked into the cafe and examined the people that conversed.

Everyone seemed to be busy... He looked at one guy that the girls seemed to obsess over.

"Well good, at least he keeps them busy, that means less girl troubles for me..." he whispered as he took a seat next to some people.

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"Come on already, I got somewhere to be." Kris complained to John. Kris was getting impatient as he needed to deal with that rat before he left the city. The cops wont search here but that rat wont stay in the city. He'll flee before long. I bet by the time I've finished this duel he'll be out of the country. Kris thought. He needed to get this duel over with and with John not even playing a card it wasn't going to be over quickly.


OOC: Come on Hrash, I'm seriously getting impatient.

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Donny looked at Kris and then said, " Ohh he dueled you first my bad... Well see ya then." He sat next to a random girl and didn't even know she was a girl then he started flipping into his book looking at all the notes he put down. Then Donny realises shes sitting next to a girl when he looked to his left and the person started looking at him in amazement. "Uhh...Umm..How...Are...Y-you", He said while pulling his collar.

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Donny looked forward and then he looked to his right and there was a girl sitting next to him then a whole swarm of girls sat on the table starring at Donny, "Umm..Hi..." Then Donny blushed as one girl brushed up next to him and giggled... He mouthed the words Help me to Jarred.

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Donny shooked his head and said, "Not really they swarm the doors and the back window I know, I've been to about 2 Schools." He peeked out the door and their was alot of girls starring at Donny. "There has even been girls that went into the Boys Bathroom once )=," Donny said in fright.

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Donny immedieatly jumped out the window but then he realized that it was 3 Feet to a cliff that had a 50 foot drop to the ocean right next to it and then he quickly grabbed a card from his deck it was Fury Hero - Robo Bird he said, " Robo a little help!" Then his picture quickly dissapeared and then Robo Bird grabbed Donny and pulled him back to the cliff and then he went back into his card. " That was close.."

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Jarred nodded as he looked down at Donny.

He exited the bathroom and then the girls approached him

"Are you a friend of Donny's?" said one of the girls.

"Not really..." Jarred said, blowing his hair out of his face.

Jarred started to walk away from them. He took a seat and waited for Donny. The girls whispered behind him and giggled

"He may not be Donny, but Cyan is still really cute..." he heard them say.

Jarred sighed.

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OOC: Sorry I was gone for so long, I was out of town for a day. Grasslands is accepted. I posted my character cards. Check 'em out.



"Huh," said John. "It's my turn. Draw!"

He drew a card, and smirked.

"I set two cards face-down," he said. "Next, I summon the Tuner monster, 'Messenger of Lightning Alphus!'"

Alphus, a monklike being in blue and white robes appeared on the field. His ATK was just 100.

"I use Alphus' effect! By discarding 1 card, I can Special Summon 1 level 6 or lower 'Lightning Fiend' monster from my deck! So, I Special Summon 'Lightning Fiend Devotee' from my deck!'"

It appeared, a pale fiend robed in silver and blue.

"Now, I Special Summon the monster card 'Lightning's Companion' which I can special summon from the grave when a 'Lightning Fiend' monster is summoned!"

Lightning's companion, a small fiend resembling a will-o-the wisp, appeared on his field in attack position, with only 0 ATK!

Smirking, John said, "I end my turn."

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Kris was impressed. This guy had managed to summon 3 monsters on the same turn and avoided attacking kuriboh.

"Well now it's my turn and I activate a spell card of mine called Cyber enhancement. Thiss card allows me to summon one of my infamous Cyber kuribohs and I choose Cyber kuriboh knight. Then I will normal summon my Cyber kuriboh pirate and synchro summon my Cyber kuriboh knighgt and pirate in order to summon my Cyber kuriboh captain! And now I activate Cyber storm meaning I discard a card and you lose all your spells and traps. Now attack his companion

(2600-0=2600. 4000-2600=1400.)

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You won't get away with making me lose my Spells and Traps so easily," laughed John. "I chain the Quick-Play Spell 'Fires of Doomsday' to your 'Cyber Storm,' summoning two Doomsday Tokens to my side of the field!'

The Doomsday tokens, like hairy twins appeared on John's side of the field.

When Cyber Kuriboh Captain attacked Lightning's Companion, John lauged.

"You haven't paid attention, clearly. 'Lightning's Companion' cannot be destroyed by battle, nor do I take battle damage from battles involving it. So I've got nothing to worry about.'

He smirked.

"Continue your turn."

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"Oh really, I activate my trap card, Divine wrath. I discard a card from my hand and your cards effect is negated and your card is destroyed, meaning I can choose another target. I choose Alphus. Now you take 2500 and instead of being down to 1400 your at 1500. And I also special summon my Cyber Kuriboh Defender from my grave in defence mode thanks to it's effect, and now it's effect allows me to destroy your devotee. My turn is over." Kris said, relaxing his shoulders.

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