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Apex Academy, the TRUE Duel Academy Experience [PG13][Always Accepting][Started]


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Welcome to the Apex Academy.



The Apex Academy is a new venture by the Kaiba Corporation. Instead of being a normal Duel Academy focused only on dueling, this academy focuses on core subjects--Mathematics and the Sciences with Duel School mixed in. The result is a normal-feeling High School with a Duel Academy under the hood. It is a private institution but is not a boarding school, and is located in the electronics hub of a large city. Consequently, Slifer, Ra, and Obelisk 'dorms' have been eliminated and have been changed to normal 'Houses,' and students can choose which house they belong to.

It is currently the start of the first year of the Academy's existence; admissions are still going on. Why not join and see where life takes you?


[spoiler=Admission and Paperwork]


Appearance: (I'd rather you describe the person than just put up a pic.)

Desired House: (Slifer/Obelisk/Ra)

Backstory: (This ought to be at least one paragraph long.)

Personality: (Basically, how your character behaves.)

Deck used: (You can use YCM cards, but please don't use cards that are too powerful. It's also appreciated if you don't use a meta deck since we are talking about something that resembles an anime deck and thus it ought not to be perfect.)

Duel Disk: (Use this: http://www.duelevolution.info/duel-disk/ )

NOTE: You are assumed to be the age of an average high school freshman, i.e about 14/15.

If you apply to be a teacher, your application should be similar, but age given and subject taught rather than House.



[spoiler=Rules, and an IMPORTANT RPG INNOVATION]

Normal YCM rules apply.

I've decided to take a spin on the normal RPGing style. Since it's a school we're talking about, there'll be multiple locations (obviously.) To achieve a heightened sense of realism, before you post in character, type at the top of your post your location, bolded, so that people know who's posts to read. Thus, you interact with people in your location, rather than everyone just unrealistically crowded in one place. A list of locations is later in the post.



[spoiler=List of Locations]


School Grounds


Dueling Rooms

All the various classrooms

The Woods Behind the School

It's an open-ended RPG. Apex Academy has been strategically located in the business/electronics/shopping hub of the [unnamed] city so that you can go exploring. You may create locations as you wish.

When you believe that the conversation has ended in a particular Location, just say so.

Eg, I've ended the thread in the cafeteria, so I'd type Cafeteria/End to show it.



[spoiler=Current Events]

The first semister at Apex is about to start. Everyone is a newcomer. Friendships will be made and tested at the Welcoming Duel Tournament that is to be held in two weeks.





[spoiler=Slifer Students]

Jerid Wright (Blackx)

Zach Yurachuk (happygosplat)

Ken (ANBU_Leader)

Leon Maverick (Half Vamp Riku)



[spoiler=Ra Students]

Jonathan Arcwright (Hrash0 [me])

Otto Penelope Joltingson (Jolta)

Fuyu Ito (Stardust Wyvern)

Ryu Suzuki (kensei7272)



[spoiler=Obelisk Students]

Donny Pulvera (Shattered Sorrow)

Jarred Cyan (Dark Lightning)

Kristan Inayuke (magnet soldier)

Peter Tamaraku (Grasslands)

Taila Lee (pegasasu)

Soth (Soth The Death Knight)

Roy Burnhardt (Cardmakermaster12345)




Gemin (radio414) {Teaches Probability}

Kana Yoshida (bhicks2) {Teaches Chemistry}

Aschton Stanchik (Dark Paladin92) {Teaches Strategy.}




Have fun people!

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  • Replies 262
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If you said the slifer, ra and Obelisk dorms have been abolished then why would you still have them in houses? I mean you keep the name but it still feels dormish.


Change the names of the houses like "Gamma, Beta, Zemma" Something like that or something else like "Due House, Mathe House, Sci House."


Like Due house would be for those who prefer to duel with instinct like Jaden, Mathe house would be for someone like Syrus and Sci house would be like bastion.


You see what I mean?

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Name: Jerid Wright

Appearance: FireVile.png

Desired House: Slifer

Backstory: Jerid is always emersed in darkness and loves to have his "Death Knight" card. This is caused by a Obsesion passed on by his father. He obtained his cards through a transaction in which he traded his Zombie World deck up for a one of a kind World of Darkness Deck

Personality: Dark and Secritive

Deck used: World of Darkness

Duel Disk: Cyclone Black

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Name: Donny Pulvera

Appearance: Black Hair with a beanie, Black skull shirt with a red long sleeved shirt under, Regular Jeans, and Black VANS Shoes

Desired House: Obelisk

Backstory: Destined out for adventure after singley defeating his father in a Duel, his father was a great duelist one of his best and also has defeated the legendary Yusei and Jack Atlus. Donny went to the academy without telling anyone because he wanted to go out without his parents worrying. Now he resides

Personality: Mellow, Quiet, Gets fired up in a duel.

Deck used: Fury Hero Deck

Duel Disk: Cyclone Silver

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Name: Jarred Cyan

Appearance: f081eq.jpg

Desired House: Obelisk

Backstory: Jarred lost his eye at a very young age. He has had tough times as a child, but has matured more than most people think. He doesn't like it when people call him by his last name. Jarred has learned many lessons as life has gone on, although he doesn't admit it. He doesn't like to admit things, like the fact that he feels alone most of the time. Jarred has many 'friends' but only a few True Friends. He isn't one to fool around with girls, it doesn't seem to interest him much. Jarred also has a few phobias: Altophobia- Fear of heights, Isolophobia-Fear of being alone, Selenophobia- Fear of the moon. He also has a deep fear of trust, so he doesn't let many people in.

Personality: A Troublemaker. Sometimes moody, could be serious at random moments.

Deck used: Lord of the Storm

Duel Disk: Cyclone Black

NOTE: You are assumed to be the age of an average high school freshman, i.e about 14/15.

If you apply to be a teacher, your application should be similar, but age given and subject taught rather than House.

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Accepted, both added.

What about me lol?


Name: Jonathan Arcwright

Appearance: He's a pale sort of boy with blue eyes and black hair in a crew cut. He's usually found wearing a yellow t-shirt with a brown pullover on top and jeans. That's it.

Desired House: Ra

Backstory: His parents died when he was young and as a child he was raised in an orphanage. This orphanage was near a card manufacturing plant for Duel Monsters. One day while exploring, he found some cards that had been discarded as they were too strong to be used. Of course, he picked them up and learnt Duel Monsters. He's attending Apex because he won a scholarship at a duel tournament.

Personality: He is an extrovert. He loves to joke around and would never [purposefully] hurt a person. He does tend to get quite serious if he's dueling, however.

Deck used: Lightning Deck (custom cards, will post later.)

Duel Disk: Silver Battle City B

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I'll be the first teacher.

Name: Gemin

Age: 28

Appearance: Maybe 5 foot 10, decent build. Always seen wearing all white clothes, save a black tie and shoes. Dark hair, Caucasian. Brown eyes, and perfect 20/20 vision (no glasses)

Desired Subject: Probability (Advanced Mathematics)

Backstory: As a child, Gemin was a prodigy when it came to mathematics. He loved numbers. Sometimes, though, his love of numbers got him in trouble. It held him back in his other classes. When he finally finished those classes, and his colledge level mathematics, he came to the Apex Academy.

Personality: Loves math above almost everything. Funnyish, but when in a duel, he gets cold, and unfriendly.

Deck used: Arcana Force

Duel Disk: Battle city A Black

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Name: Otto Penelope Joltingson

Appearance: She is described to have pink hair, fair skin and purple eyes. She is usually found wearing the usual Ra outfit.

Desired House: Ra

Backstory: It all started off, one cold night in the winter, when she was all alone on the streets when she was adopted by her foster parents. She was raised by them and since she was three, she was fond of dueling. So her parents decided to send her to Apex Acedemy...

Personality: She is quite flirty. But in Duels, she is fierce and serious.

Deck used: Morphtronic Heart (Basically a Deck made from Female monsters and Morphtronics. And support. The strongest one being her queer level series Made from both Custom Cards and real cards)

Duel Disk: Cyclone Silver

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Name: Ken Takanawa

[spoiler=Appearance:] YGO__Genin_Ryou_by_mingming07.jpg


Desired House: Slifer

Backstory: Ken had always followed dueling even growing up with his family at his father's old dojo, his father still tried to teach him ninjitsu though only basic parts. Ken had been able to get his father to buy him cards every two or so weeks, after showing his father that there were ninja cards his father finally let him follow dueling properly and sent him to the Apex Academy.

Personality: He's usually quiet and only talks strategically or in riddles, but when dueling he talks even less only saying the name of the card he plays and attacking or activating spells/traps.

Deck used: Ninja Deck (with some cards from The Rebel Ninja's)

Duel Disk: Cyclone Black

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The wheels are really turning now! Both accepted. But Ken needs a surname.

We've got two in each house and 1 teacher. We'll start now, but things won't really get going until we've got say, 3 in each house and 2-3 teachers. I'll start.


(In Character)


John could hear the people in the Cafeteria talking. He had his silver Duel Disk on his left arm and his Deck in his pocket.

He entered.

The place was big, even compared to some dueling arenas he'd seen. There were chairs in neat rows. Usually there would be tables but because of the opening ceremony and orientation there were more chairs.

People were quickly filling in. He looked around for familiar faces from the Junior Dueling League and found none.

Someone bumped into him.

"Sorry," he said, turning around and taking a gander at the stranger.

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Name: Kristan Inayuke

Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20boy%20with%20gold%20eyes/BlackRoseMii/Anime%20images/Anime%20Boys/anime_boy.jpg

Desired House: Obelisk

Backstory: He was an orphan at three, found on the doorstep of an orphanage with a briefcase that wouldnt open for anyone but kris as it had his fingerprints match up on it. Inside the case was a dueldisk and a deck, the oblivion deck. He grew up in the orphanage dueling every body and never losing, at 13 years old he ran away from the orphanage trying to find a better life. He stumbled upon an aplication for the new academy and decided to join in order to find his better life. In public he wears a black cloak in order to not be seen.

Personality: Friendly and Kind but hates snobs and show offs. Hates people talking about his family and usually starts choking them if they do.

Deck used: Cyber Kuriboh (Custom/ In progress/ written) Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-176575.html

Duel Disk: blade silver

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Ken walks through the cafeteria looking around, eventually walking into John. "sorry" he says then quickly turning away walking down and taking a chair looking up towards the front row. "hmm.. well after this is finished i might try to see if i can find someone to duel" he thinks looking up. Ken then turns looking back at John then around the cafeteria. Ken looks back to the front waiting for the opening Ceremony to start, very quiet even compared to the fact that he barely ever speaks.

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Otto strolled along the cafeteria and saw Ken. She just walked up ahead like nothing happened and took a seat in the front row. All she liked was dueling. Well, maybe not that bad. She silently sat there, nothing happened. She literaly looked at her Deck. And literally wondered what to do.

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Ken saw Otto pass not realluy paying much attention. Ken then pulls out his deck looking through his cards and swapping some out with a few other ninja cards he had in his pocket which he always put carsds in that weren't in his deck then then places the cards he took out inb his pocket. "hmm.. i wonder what that girl was thinking.. from the way she stepped i know she was trying to hide something ohwell im too bored to bother nopw" Ken then puts his Deck away looking up towards the front row.

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Otto suddenly realised Ken was there. "How very queer he looks. Seriously queer. She's trying to see my strategies. Good thing I don't play friggin Meta Decks except cards that look cute," Otto thought. She was really bored now.


So she took out her Deck and looked at it once again.

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Ken Ducks down seeming 6o dissappear behind the chair then sitting back up. a Small Origami Crane stops near Otto's feet as Ken then looks around bored. "hmm.. guess i just better hope she doesnt yell at me for that". Ken then looks around waiting for the opening ceremony to start. " how longs this gonna take?" he thinks bored.

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Ooc: Donny is what girls call hot. Hes a chick magnet even though hes shy.


Ic: Donny sighed and walked into the cafeteria, alot of girls stared at him and giggled, Donny blushd and covered his face. "Am I some super model now?" He said to himself. Then he sat down in the front row and studied his Info Notes on other duelist in the room. Still girls were staring at him and giggling, one stood up and slid a note to him. He looked at it in confusement he picked it up and it was a note of saying how hot he was and asked if he wanted to go out with a girl . He blushed and hid his face again.

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Mathematics Room

Gemin entered the classroom. It was your typical classroom, mostly. There was a new smartboard, an overhead projector, and a state of the art labtop. Nice. Gemin set up his workplace for the day and oriented the smartboard to his liking. Then, he started on his lesson plan for the time being, creating smartboard slideshows for the various classes.

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ooc: OK, magnet soldier accepted.




Chuckling to himself at the childish display going on, John took a seat next to Donny. John was a bit of a flirt himself so he decided to associate himself with him (come on, look at all the attention he got from females!)

"Hey," he said, extending his hand to shake, "I'm Johnathan Arcwright. I'm in Ra. How about a duel?"

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OOC: Thanks.


IC: Cafeteria (OOC:Since thats where everybody is.)

Kris looked up as Donny entered. Well, atleast he's not acting like a snob. In fact he looks nervous. Kris thought. He called over a waiter((?)) And asked for a hamburger. When he got his burger he decided to go introduce himself. "Hello, I'm Kris and I'm in Obelisk. And you are?" Kris asked, sitting down on a spare chair.

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