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Hard Worker[TAG]


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It's your 2nd ever tutorial, but you followed a signature -.- Idiot. And I am quite sure this is ripped, give me a few minutes to find proof.


EDIT: I fail to find the proof, but if anyone has it, post it, because I have seen this tag in a tut before, and it looks exactly like that.

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It's your 2nd ever tutorial' date=' but you followed a signature -.- Idiot. And I am quite sure this is ripped, give me a few minutes to find proof.


EDIT: I fail to find the proof, but if anyone has it, post it, because I have seen this tag in a tut before, and it looks exactly like that.


I followed the tutorial I didnt copy and paste anything besides the render it used.... to follow the tutorial, here is the tutorial.


Here is the finished product from tutorial.



I followed the tutorial!

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