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Mokemoke... *dances*

Hydra of Ages

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[spoiler= Monsters]

Radio Mokey Mokey

Light; Level 1


You may treat this card as a Tuner monster if there is another "Mokey

Mokey" monster card face-up on your side of the field. Negate the effect of a Synchro Monster summoned using this card as Synchro Material and change its Original ATK to 3000. If that monster is face-up on the field during your opponent's End Phase, return it to the Extras Deck and Special Summon as many "Radio Mokey Mokey" as possible from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.

Atk/300 Def/100


T.V. Mokey Mokey

Light; Level 1


You may Special Summon this card from your Graveyard or hand when you Summon a "Radio Mokey Mokey" to your side of the field. Increase the Level of this card by 3 for every "Radio Mokey Mokey" face-up on the field. Once per turn, you may decrease the Level of this card by 1.

Atk/300 Def/100


GPS Mokey Mokey

Light; Level 1


This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to be treated as an Effect Monster with this effect:

-You can tribute this card to add 2 cards with "Mokey Mokey" in their name from your Deck to your hand.

Atk/300 Def/100


Phonograph Mokey Mokey

Light; Level 1


Place 1 "Mokey Mokey" Counter on this card for every "Mokey Mokey" Summoned to the field while this card is face-up on the field. Once per turn, you may remove 1 "Mokey Mokey" Counter from this card to negate an opponent's card effect that would destroy a Synchro-Monster or "Mokey Mokey" monster on your side of the field and destroy it.

Atk/300 Def/100


Mokey Mokey Mecha

Light; Level 6


1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card's effect cannot be negated. When this card is removed from the field, you can Special Summon as many "Mokey Mokey" monster cards as possible from your Graveyard or hand.

Atk/300 Def/100



[spoiler= Spell and Traps]


Mokey Mokey Telecommunications Tower


Tribute one face-up "Mokey Mokey" Monster Card from your side of the field to Special Summon 3 "Radio Mokey Mokey" from your hand, deck or Graveyard to the field.


Mokey Mokey Antennae Control


Reveal 1 "Radio Mokey Mokey" from your hand or select a face-up "T.V. Mokey Mokey" on your side of the field. Draw 2 cards. Then, if you revealed a card from your hand for the cost of this card, discard 1 card at random from your opponent's hand. If you did not, remove from play 1 card from your opponent's Graveyard.


Mokey Mokey Radio Control


Discard 1 "Mokey Mokey" card from your hand. Then, Special Summon 1 "Radio Mokey Mokey" from your Graveyard or Deck to the field.


Channel: Mokey Mokey


Discard 1 "Mokey Mokey" card from your hand to add 1 "T.V. Mokey Mokey" from your Graveyard or Deck to your hand.


Mokey Mokey is Watching You


You can activate this card when your opponent activates a Normal or Continuous Spell or Trap Card. Special Summon 1 card with "Mokey Mokey" in its name from your Graveyard to the field in face-up attack position to negate the activation of that card and destroy it.


Mokey Mokey Bounce!


Once per turn, you may return 1 card with "Mokey Mokey" in its name from your hand to your Deck to return 1 card on the field to its owner's hand.




Overpowered? Underpowered?


Even I don't know...

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OT: I love Mokey Mokey. I'm not sure how usable the -1 Spell and Trap Cards are' date=' and the Synchro needs the requirements. But otherwise these are an awesome set. I love it! =3




Doh, can't believe I forgot the requirements.


Meh, all the -1 cards I figured would be much too OP-ed without the -1, considering otherwise we'd have Mokey-Mokey Monarchs kick Macro Monarchs in the balls.

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:D It's cool that lil' Moke finally gets some support. For Mokey Mokey Mecha' date=' I see that you can pretty much recycle that effect with cards like Interdimensional Matter Transporter.



Though the reasoning behind that might be shaky. Since Mecha summons stuff form the Grave and the Hand, one would assume that after you used it one turn, you wouldn't have much to re-summon next turn. Unless you're running some sort of turbo Monarch deck, I doubt it would be worth the effort.

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