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The Battle of the Best Finals! [XP_Lulz wins, LOCK]

Necro Pheonix

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This is it. The final round of the battle of the best. The one on one that will decide it all.

XP_Lulz VS. Max Darkness


Card must be a fusion monster between 2 real life cards that would have absolutely nothing in common. EX: NOT BEWD and REBD(both dragons). The card must be under 10 stars, over 5 stars and under 1800 ATK and DEF.


1.all votes must include a reason for the votes

2. First to 5 votes wins.

3. Winner recieves 1000 points.


End Date: whenever a person wins, or 1/4


Max Darkness:


Lore: "Ancient Sacred Wyvern" + "Earth Effigy"

This card is also treated as a WIND Rock-Type monster. This card's ATK and DEF is equal to the number of Dragon and Rock-Type monsters in your Graveyard x 600 (Max. 4200). This card cannot be destroyed by battle while in Defense Position. Any Battle Damage this card's controller takes is reduced to 0. While this card is face-up on your side of the field, your opponent cannot select a face-up monster as an attack target except "Primeval Gaia Dragon - Quetzalcoatl". When this card is Summoned, destroy all other cards you control. Once per turn, you can reduce this card's ATK and DEF in multiples of 100 to gain an equal amount of Life Points. Once per turn, before your Battle Phase, you can remove 1 Dragon or Rock-Type monster in your Deck from play. If you do, you can Normal Summon once more this turn, except Tribute Summon. During your second Standby Phase after this effect was activated, return the removed from play monster to the bottom of your Deck. When this card is removed from the field, you can remove Dragon and Rock-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play whose total Levels equal 9 to Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position.





Lore: Dark Verger + Chaos Sorcerer

This card is also treated as a LIGHT Plant-type monster. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 DARK monster and 1 LIGHT monster from your Graveyard. Until your End Phase, all on your side of the field and in your Extra Deck are treated as Plant-type monsters. This card can only be used for the Synchro Summon of a Plant-type monster. When this card is used for a Synchro Summon, you can:

•Special Summon 1 "Dark Verger" from your Graveyard.

•Remove from play this card, 1 DARK monster, 1 LIGHT monster, and 1 Tuner monster to Special Summon 1 "Chaos Sorcerer" from your Graveyard, excluding Special Summon requirements.

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