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The Disturbed club [LOCK]


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I just wanted to started a club for all those ppl out there who were always left out of things and were always called weird. So to all you Disturbed ppl out there join the cause to stick up for your fellow ppl. If you dont care dont join but if you want to help ppl join up here!




1. Warnings: If you do not follow the following rules you will be warned

2 times. If you fail to comply I will ban you from the club.

2. No spaming/flaming/trolling

3. Must be active at least 3 times a week or talk to me to be out for a while with no penalty.

4. For all those newbies(1 star) to the site: I will alow 2 spams and after that you will get your first and second warning before I ban you from the club.(sorry to everyone else but you should know better by now)

5Talk about anything.







Are you disturbed?:

Dude or dudet:

favorite comp game:





[spoiler=members list]


Neko Kitten

.:Titan Dweevil:.





[spoiler=subject idea]

Ways to improve and advertise the club:

Obviously Im new to making clubs and, Was woundering if anyone wanted to be co-founder of the club to help me run things here. Also I was woundering if anyone had any new ideas for the club.






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Username: .:Titan Dweevil:.

Are you disturbed?: At school, theres this girl that hates me, so she spread a rumor that I took photos of her in the shower, and everyone believed her. I am also officially depressed.

Dude or dudet: Alien from Mars. (guy)

favorite comp game: Dunno.

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