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Call of Duty WaW 1.5 [PG-16/Advanced/Accepting/Not Started]


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[spoiler=Plot]It is almost the end of World War 2, the Japaneese have suprsingly recaptured Peliu Island killing out the Marines and fending for themselves. The Wechmarct have fallen back to an unknwon place and has formed up with a new ally, The Imperial Army. The Nazi's are now invading the Russians helped and now the Nazi's are taking over Russia 1 by 1, while the Imperial Army defend Pelilu. Now the Red Army must form up with the Marines to win for Russia and America.


[spoiler= Application Form]

Appearance(No Flippin Anime Pictures -.-):


Gender (Male only):




Country(Nazi, Imperial, Marine (If Marine say State), Russian): Marine, Mississipi

Weapons(No Modern Weapons, Weapons like Thompsons, M1 Garand):





[spoiler= My Application]



Name: Conroy Huxley

Age: 24

Rank: Private

Squad: 728

Country: Marine

Weapons: M1896 Trench Gun, M1 Garand, and a Colt

Biography: Conroy was the son of the famous Leeroy Huxley(Call of Duty 3), now World War II has now raged war and he wants to take the fight in the name of the family, again.



NOTE: Michico CANNOT Enter this RP she is too Unrealstic and very clinche.

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Ill join.


Name: Treacy Dougan

Nickname(if allowed): Tre

Age: 19

Rank: Private

Squad: 23

Country: Marine, California

Weapons: Kar 98k, FG42 Model 1, M92 Automatic

Biography: Tre was drafted because his home was in the middle of a marine navel base. He tried to get out but he was threatened with jail, so he joined forcefully only to find that his brother(Who everyone thought was dead) was there.


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I wish you would make a Nazi ZOmbie RP :x


I would call Dempsy ;D


Appearance(No Flippin Anime Pictures -.-):




Name: Captin TJ


Gender (Male only): Male


Age: 35


Rank: Captin


Squad: 20


Country(Nazi, Imperial, Marine (If Marine say State), Russian): Marine, Mississipi


Weapons(No Modern Weapons, Weapons like Thompsons, M1 Garand):


M19191Browning - Side Arm: Magnum.44


Biography: N/A

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[spoiler=Plot]It is almost the end of World War 2' date=' the Japaneese have suprsingly recaptured Peliu Island killing out the Marines and fending for themselves. The Wechmarct have fallen back to an unknwon place and has formed up with a new ally, The Imperial Army. The Nazi's are now invading the Russians helped and now the Nazi's are taking over Russia 1 by 1, while the Imperial Army defend Pelilu. Now the Red Army must form up with the Marines to win for Russia and America.


[spoiler= Application Form']

Appearance(No Flippin Anime Pictures -.-):


Gender (Male only):




Country(Nazi, Imperial, Marine (If Marine say State), Russian): Marine, Mississipi

Weapons(No Modern Weapons, Weapons like Thompsons, M1 Garand):





[spoiler= My Application]



Name: Conroy Huxley

Age: 24

Rank: Private

Squad: 728

Country: Marine

Weapons: M1896 Trench Gun, M1 Garand, and a Colt

Biography: Conroy was the son of the famous Leeroy Huxley(Call of Duty 3), now World War II has now raged war and he wants to take the fight in the name of the family, again.



NOTE: Michico CANNOT Enter this RP she is too Unrealstic and very clinche.


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Appearance(No Flippin Anime Pictures -.-): halomarine55.jpg

Name: Jason

Gender (Male only): Male

Age: 19

Rank: Corpral

Squad: 20

Country(Nazi, Imperial, Marine (If Marine say State), Russian): Marine, Ariozna

Weapons(No Modern Weapons, Weapons like Thompsons, M1 Garand):

Ak-47, Magmum .44, M4A1

Biography: A fighter hard core and uses whatever he picks up for some sort of weapon. Loyal and always taking bullets, this soilder will fight for his country and take a shot for anyone.



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