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1st attempt sprite splice pokeon (wip)


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This one I am doing in MSPaint as photoshop tiest to be too helpfull it likes to blend everything. I will be having a look at Jappio's tutorial on splicing as I havent got round to trying much with mspaint. last time i used mspaint properly was in "Windows 2.0" (in greyscale or kind of Microsofts idea of greyscale.)


hope for a few pointers. most of the lighting is kept in line as from the same light source but I am not a spriter so try not to be too harsh with the CnC.




**NOTE: hope the mix works OK. **

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Well I would have been glad to do some C+C, and try to mention stuff or help you, but I don't think I can with the condition your sprite is in. It got all fuzzy and re-sized. I don't know if some of the fuzziness was caused by an improper saving somewhere in its creations stage, or in uploading, but at some point I want to say you made a saving error, and the pixel perfectness of .png was lost. The other error would be that resizing. Resizing should never be done unless by scratching. Sprites being on a pixel level don't easily change size, the pixels either get larger or smaller, and this distorts the shape a lot.


I'd mention more, but I can't tell what would be of your own error, or error caused by your resizing and saving flaws.

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