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► Jolta's Contest of Survival ◄ (10 spots, 5 rounds.)


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[align=center]So, here's how the contest works, every round, 2 contestants will be eliminated. Then, during the fifth round... It will be 1 on 1.



1st prize - 2 reps 300 pnts

2nd prize - 1 rep 100 pnts

3rd prize - 1 rep


End date:

4st January 2010 (May extend to 10th Jan)



1. Fake Types, Fake Subtypes and Fake Attributes are allowed.

2. Divines are also welcome here.

3. Cards must have Realistic Effects, Pop Culture Cards are allowed.

4. No spamming

5. The rules apply.

6. PM me the card.

7. You must be 5 stars or higher to participate. (There are exceptions, for e.g. If I find your card making skills to be good)

8. You have 48 hours to submit your card, If you are late, you will be eliminated.


[spoiler=The judge]

► Jolta ◄



[spoiler=Round 1]

Create any Female monster, any Level, any Type, any Attribute, any Subtype.


[spoiler=Round 2]



[spoiler=Round 3]



[spoiler=Round 4]



[spoiler=Round 5]





Yu-gi-oh Dude - Card Entered

Kotaro - Card Entered

Wanderley - Card Entered

Kimimaro Kaguya - Card Entered

Deustodo - Card Entered

jk233_ultimatemaster - Card Entered

Monkey - Entered

~JG~ - Card Entered

Tomtekorv - Card Entered

bobyjoe5000 - Card Entered




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He said PM the card.


Jolta' date=' does the 48 hours start from now or from when you get all contestants?



When I get all contestants.


Sure I'll join.


Sorry, you are below 5 stars.

I'll start adding you guys to the first post.


Edited the rules.

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