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New Series: Undersea Pirates

Haou Devil 12

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This set is a series of WATER-Attributed Zombie-type monsters. I got bored and somehow came up with this idea, so here you go:


[spoiler=Monsters]Undersea Pirate - Lach

WATER / Level 4


ATK/1400 DEF/1000

If this card is destroyed by battle, remove this card from play instead. When you have 2 or more "Undersea Pirate" monsters removed from play, your opponent can't Normal Summon until the End Phase of his/her turn.


Undersea Pirate - Marco

WATER / Level 4


ATK/1200 DEF/1500

If this card is destroyed by battle, remove this card from play instead. When you have 3 or more "Undersea Pirate" monsters removed from play, when this card is summoned, add 1 LV4 or lower "Undersea Pirate" from your Deck to your hand.


Undersea Pirate - Leroux

WATER / Level 4


ATK/1500 DEF/1400

If this card is destroyed by battle, remove this card from play instead. When you have 2 or more "Undersea Pirate" monsters removed from play, once per turn, select 1 card in your opponent's hand and discard it.


Undersea Pirate - William

WATER / Level 4


ATK/1600 DEF/800

If this card is destroyed by battle, remove this card from play instead. When you have 4 or more "Undersea Pirate" monsters removed from play, if this card is attacked by an opponent's monster, switch the position of the attacking monster to face-down Defense Position.


Undersea Pirate - Paul

WATER / Level 3


ATK/1100 DEF/800

If this card is destroyed by battle, remove this card from play instead. When you have 3 or more "Undersea Pirate" monsters removed from play, when your opponent activates a Spell Card, inflict 600 points of damage to your opponent.


Undersea Pirate - Saul

WATER / Level 3


ATK/800 DEF/1100

If this card is destroyed by battle, remove this card from play instead. When you have 3 or more "Undersea Pirate" monsters removed from play, when your opponent activates a Trap Card, inflict 600 points of damage to your opponent.


Undersea Pirate - Russo

WATER / Level 3


ATK/1200 DEF/900

If this card is destroyed by battle, remove this card from play instead. When you have 3 or more "Undersea Pirate" monsters removed from play, when your opponent Normal Summons a monster, inflict 600 points of damage to your opponent.


Undersea Pirate - Ralph

WATER / Level 2


ATK/800 DEF/800

If this card is destroyed by battle, remove this card from play instead. When you have 1 or more "Undersea Pirate" monsters removed from play, by sending this card to the Graveyard, select 1 "Undersea Pirate" monster removed from play and place it in your Graveyard, then select 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck whose total level equals the combined level of this card and the selected "Undersea Pirate" and Special Summon it. (this summon is treated as a Synchro Summon)


Undersea Pirate - Captain Blackbeard

WATER / Level 5


ATK/2300 DEF/1500

"Undersea Pirate - Ralph" + "1 non-Tuner "Undersea Pirate" monster". When this card is Synchro Summoned, select 3 "Undersea Pirate" monsters that are removed from play and this card gains the effects of the selected "Undersea Pirate" monsters.


Undersea Pirate - Captain Redbeard

WATER / Level 5


ATK/2300 DEF/1600

"Undersea Pirate - Ralph" + "1 non-Tuner "Undersea Pirate" monster". When this card is Synchro Summoned, select 3 "Undersea Pirate" monsters that are removed from play and this card gains the effects of the selected "Undersea Pirate" monsters.


Undersea Pirate - Captain Silverbeard

WATER / Level 5


ATK/2300 DEF/1700

"Undersea Pirate - Ralph" + "1 non-Tuner "Undersea Pirate" monster". When this card is Synchro Summoned, select 3 "Undersea Pirate" monsters that are removed from play and this card gains the effects of the selected "Undersea Pirate" monsters.


[spoiler=Spells]Undersea Boat Graveyard

[Field Spell]

While this card is on the field, all "Undersea Pirate" monsters you control gain 200 ATK times the number of "Undersea Pirate" monsters removed from play. Once per turn, Special Summon 1 "Undersea Pirate" monster that was removed from play. When an "Undersea Pirate" monster is destroyed and removed from play by its own effect, Special Summon it during your Standby Phase.



More to come later on.

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Don't apply the "and sent to the Graveyard" part, it doesn't apply if they don't touch the Graveyard. They would if they didn't have the "instead" part.

You either remove them instead of having them touch the grave OR remove them after they are destroyed and sent to the Grave (in which case the "instead" part is not needed)


About Octoberon's comment, he's right. It can't be Once per turn if its going to last all the turn.


I guess like this? =D


Undersea Pirate - Lach

WATER / Level 4


ATK/1400 DEF/1000

If this card is destroyed by battle, remove it from play. If there are 2 or more removed from play "Undersea Pirate" monsters when this card is Summoned, your opponent cannot Normal Summon until next turn's End Phase.


Undersea Pirate - Marco

WATER / Level 4


ATK/1200 DEF/1500

If this card is destroyed by battle, remove it from play. If there are 3 or more removed from play "Undersea Pirate" monsters when this card is Summoned, add 1 Level 4 or lower "Undersea Pirate" monster from your Deck to your hand.

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