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Pokemon Rework / Custom Composite (WIP) Work In Progress


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Normally I wouldn't have commented here, but I saw my name mentioned. I have to say I laughed when I saw it, but not in a bad way. I can't give any critique as it's not the traditional sprite type thing. If anything I could mention how the head looks odd with how it's connected, or the wings are off center.


Still though seeing non sprite based splicing always makes me laugh. Also an interesting combination to say the least.

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Normally I wouldn't have commented here' date=' but I saw my name mentioned. I have to say I laughed when I saw it, but not in a bad way. I can't give any critique as it's not the traditional sprite type thing. If anything I could mention how the head looks odd with how it's connected, or the wings are off center.


Still though seeing non sprite based splicing always makes me laugh. Also an interesting combination to say the least.



Thank you for your comments. The wings are supposed to be in line with his stance. i have made the wings from scratch. then asses a machamp. with a steelixes head. but the wings when straight had no depth. So I added perspective to the one to our right(the pictures left). If you will notice his left leg is in a slightly crouching position and his left arm stretched out. so it needed to have perspective on the wing otherwise it would not be connected to his scapular bone and the anatomy would be off. Maybe I should have worded this as a Composite and not a splice as your splices all refer to sprites. I may have not got the right grammar when I titled this post. I will correct this title. Thank you for the corrective remarks. I wondered why everyone kept saying strange things on my thread. the composition still needs alot of work and that is why I put work in progress (WIP) in the title. Thanks.

Can't wait 'till Jappio sees this.


So we sit and wait....


LOL now I see what you were going on about.

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Splice is a plenty fine term for this actually. Splices aren't strictly sprite based, just more commonly splices are done in the simpler form of sprites. I looked because I saw that there was a splice involved, as I do with anything that seems sprite related, but I stayed and commented on it because a certain someone decided to call me out =P


Glad you were perhaps able to get something out of the weak C+C I was able to offer. Good luck with the final product.

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