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Yu-Gi-Oh!Duel Spirit[Advanced][Accepting via PM][Not Started]


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Duel Spirit[/align]



It has been several years since the last duel tournament was held. No one ever dueled since. Higherton, the largest duel city, hasn't had a duelist enter the city in 10 years. But several cloaked strangers entered the area bringing the game back. The cost of losing a duel to these cloaked strangers is the opponent's most valuable card. And so a group of skilled duelist have formed to defeat these idle wanders and find out their plans.But to do so they must enter into their tournament[/align]


[spoiler=sign up]Username:

Chracter's age:

Chracter's name:

Character descrption:

Character's Deck: [ADV BAN]you must have a full 40 card deck listed in a spoiler may be created card as long as it was rated by Max Darkness who I see as the best card rater ever!

Character's side: Hero/Villian

Chracter's valued card: must be in your deck this will also be your partner monster of which you will talk to


RP Mods

Just PM me if you want to monitor this RP as I will not be participating in it but writing the entire story in the fan fic section.


[spoiler=Being RP Mod] You will monitor duels in the RP (as an NPC) and PM me this form

P1 Name:

P2 Name:


(use the player's RP name plz)




[spoiler=Heroes and their Decks][spoiler=Jcbballer]Username:Jcbballer

Chracter's age:16

Chracter's name:Lind Yuki

Character descrption:As the grandson of Jaden Yuki, he shares his grandfather's strangely styled brown hair.(think 4th season) He wears blue jeans and a black shirt under a darker Slifer Red duel academy uniform that he wears open in honor of Jaden. Ever since he's remembered, Lind has loved to duel. He looks up to his grandfather, who is considered one of the best duelists in the world, and considered himself the one to carry on his grandfather's legacy.




Elemental Hero Avian x1

Elemental Hero Burstinatrix x1

Elemental Hero Clayman x1

Elemental Hero Sparkman x1

Black Luster Soldier x1

Elemental Hero Neos x2

Elemental Hero Bladedge x1

Elemental Hero Bubbleman x1

Elemental Hero Necroshade x1

Elemental Hero Wildheart x1

Elemental Hero Stratos x1

Beastking of the Swamps x2

Yubel x1

Yubel - Terror Incarnate x1

Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmarex1

Buster Blader x1

Drill Syncron x1

Hyper Syncron x1

Injection Fairy Lily x1



Swords of Revealing Light x1

United We Stand x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Polymerization x3

Fake Hero x1

Super Polymerization x1

Big Bang Shot x2

Future Fusion x1

Cost Down x1

Black Luster Ritual x1



Call of the Haunted x1

Trap Hole x1

DNA Surgery x1

Metalmorph x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Time Machine x1

Widespread Ruin x1



Stardust Dragon x1

Elemental Hero Darkbright x1

Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman x1

Elemental Hero Tempest x1





Character's side: Hero

Chracter's valued card: Yubel (English dub version)

[spoiler=myteogre]Username: myteogre

Chracter's age: 19

Chracter's name: Eric Hampton

Character descrption: American born, but he recently moved to a nearby apartment complex so he could be nearby the tournament area. He was sent there by his college as a representation of his region, having won several tournaments. If he loses in the tournament he loses his funding for college, so he is highly motivated and purpose driven. He is a quiet intellectual, only speaking when he feels he is needed. He usually wears blue jeans torn at the knees, along with generic color based t shirts. He loves to duel, and looks forward to any competition or battle.


[spoiler=Character's Deck:]




[align=center]3 command knights

2 mauradering captains

1 Silent Swordsman LVL 7

2 Silent Swordsman LVL 5

3 Silent Swordsman LVL 3

1 Silent Magician LVL 4

1 Mystic Swordsman LVL 6

2 Mystic Swordsman LVL 4

3 Mystic Swordsman LVL 2

blade knight

freed the matchless general

sasuke samurai #4

sasuke samurai #2

sasuke samurai






[align=center]The A forces

swords of revealing light

swords of concealing light

lightning vortex

united we stand

The Graveyard in the forth dimension

level up

level modulation

mage power

fusion sword murasame blade

reinforcement of the army

giant trunade

straight flush

inferno reckless summon

nobleman of extermination





2 xing zhen hu

2 compulsory evacuation device

bottomless trap hole

magic cylinder[/align]


Character's side: Hero

Chracter's valued card: Silent Swordsman LVL 7


[spoiler=AzNLycaN]Username: AzNLycaN

Chracter's age:15

Chracter's name: Donny Pulvera(QUICK Fact Pulvera means pulverise)

[spoiler= Appearance]




[spoiler= Character Deck]

Fury Hero Deck



x2 Fury Hero - Feral Man

x1 Fury Hero - Sub Zero Master

x3 Fury Hero - Micro Soldier

x1 Fury Hero - Zeon

x1 Fury Hero - Micro Zeon

x1 Fury Hero - Falcon Wing

x1 Fury Hero - Gun Brass

x1 Fury Hero - Robo Bird

x2 Fury Hero - Steel Raider

x1 Fury Hero - Micro Zeon

x1 Fury Hero - Aeon Talon

x2 Fury Hero - Mech Man

x1 Fury Hero - Holy Knight

x2 Fury Hero - Bumblbot Synchron

x2 Man-Eater Bug

x1 Fury Hero - Might Breaker

x1 Fury Hero - Sub Zero Zeon


Spell Cards:

x2 Pot of Greed

x1 Axe of Despair

x1 Mech Suit of Fury

x1 Fury Bird's Signal

x1 Hero Identity

x1 Polymerization


Trap Cards:

x1 A Hero's last breath

x2 Hero Trickster

x2 Force Field

x2 Magic Cyliander

x1 Bottomless Trap Hole

x1 Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell





Character's side: Hero

Chracter's valued card: Fury Hero - Robo Bird


[spoiler=Hawc]Username: Hawc

Chracter's Age: 19

Chracter's Name: Jessina Morova-Kora Haiki

Character Description: Being of Asian origins, Jessina's face shows this well, with her slanted eyes and petite nose. Her lips are pale, almost colourless, and her ears are small and curved. Her dusky black hair is long, flowing down just past her shoulder-blades, tied in a single ponytail. A white lotus clip is always worn in her hair, and she cherishes it for an unknown reason. She normally wears a traditional pink with white flower Japanese gown for comfort, but when she heads outside she wears skinny jeans, a plain white sleeveless top and some trainers that are in fact Nike, but the tick has been worn and come off entirely on both trainers.

Character's Deck: [spoiler=Deck]Monsters: 20

3x Rainbow Dark Dragon

2x Dark Grepher

2x Dark Horus

2x Darklord Zerato

2x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

2x White-Horned Dragon

1x Dark Armed Dragon

1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1x Morphing Jar

1x Phantom of Chaos

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

1x Red-Eyes Wyvern

1x Sangan


Spells: 16

2x Allure of Darkness

2x Foolish Burial

2x Hand Destruction

2x Monster Reincarnation

1x Brain Control

1x Card Destruction

1x Future Fusion

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Gate

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Reasoning

1x Recurring Nightmare


Traps: 4

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Mirror Force

1x Return from the Different Dimension

1x Torrential Tribute


Extra: 15

1x Five-Headed Dragon

1x Goyo Guardian

2x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

2x Flamvell Uruquizas

2x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

1x Iron Chain Dragon

2x Tempest Magician

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

2x Red Dragon Archfiend


Character's Side: Neutral Good.

Character's Valued Card: Rainbow Dark Dragon.



[spoiler=Villains and their Decks][spoiler=Daily News]

Username: Daily News

Chracter's age: 19

Chracter's name: Adrian Galer

Character descrption: Around 5'8 and 166 lbs. He wears a black shirt with red patterns and an "EX" on it that glows in the dark. Adrian sports a brown jacket that when zipped up says "HERO" in black letters. His jeans are a little ripped around the knees and appear a little tight on him. He wears a pair f black shades to cover his eyes.

Character's Deck: EX-Hero DAD (I will start RPing when the Decklist is done)

Character's side: Villian

Chracter's valued card: EX-Hero Chaous


Character Name: Arcan Silver

Character Age: around 18.

Username: argent. what else?

Character descrption: wears white clothes, and has a black cape. his hair and eyes are both pure white.

Character's Deck:


2X cyberdark horn

2X cyberdark edge

2X cyberdark keel

3X hunter dragon

2X masked dragon

1X cyber dragon

1X dark armed dragon

2X magna drago

3X exploder dragon


2X cyberdark impact!

1X heavy storm

1X limiter removal

1X pot of avarice

1X overload fusion

1X future fusion

2X foolish burial

2X allure of darkness

2X gold sarcophagus

1X lightning vortex

1X mystical space typhoon


2X dimensional prison

2X bottomless trap hole

1X mirror force

1X torrential tribute

1X fusion guard

40 cards

extra deck(7):

2X cyberdark dragon

1X chimeratech overdragon

1X five-headed dragon

1X stardust dragon

1X ally of justice catastor

1X red dragon archfiend


Character's side: Villain/anti-hero

Chracter's valued card: All of the Cyberdarks, but his favorite is Cyberdark Edge.

Bio:Arcan grew up as a perfectly regular boy (well, as regular as you can be with white hair and no pupils). He had good parenting, a nice school, and friends. He led a very normal life, except for 1 thing:

Arcan was absolutely obsessed with dueling.

This obsession eventually led him to find the forbidden "Cyberdark" cards. He was corrupted by the power radiating from these cards, and started dueling everyone he could find. When dueling ceased to exist, he eventually got a hold of himself...

But when the rumors of cloaked strangers bringing dueling back surfaced, Arcan started to obsessively search them out...

Arcan was once controlled by his cards, but isn't anymore. He is the way he is because it is fun. If he hears of a Dragon-themed duelist, he makes him/her his prime target, to give more power to his Cyberdarks. He respects cards and their power, but sometimes does not respect his opponent.





Just like the anime and card game you can do chains and the basic stuff

all you will need to do is use this format and the duel will run smoother

Card Name


EFFECT(if any)[/align]


[spoiler=Notice] I'm looking for a banner with Text Saying Yu-Gi-Oh!

Duel Spirit no BG images just the original Yu-Gi-Oh! text and your style of text for duel spirit.

I am only accepting 10 heroes and 11 villains the final villain will be the leader once we have that set the RP can start.

I am in need of RP monitors all I will be doing is updating decks which you can do so long as you PM me what card will be added and what card will be taken out.

Original Story will be written in Fan Fic but will have nothing to do with this RP.


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Username: argent. what else?

Character descrption: wears white clothes, and has a black cape. his hair and eyes are both pure white.

Character's Deck:


2X cyberdark horn

2X cyberdark edge

2X cyberdark keel

3X hunter dragon

2X masked dragon

1X cyber dragon

1X dark armed dragon

2X magna drago

3X exploder dragon


2X cyberdark impact!

1X heavy storm

1X limiter removal

1X pot of avarice

1X overload fusion

1X future fusion

2X foolish burial

2X allure of darkness

2X gold sarcophagus

1X lightning vortex

1X mystical space typhoon


2X dimensional prison

2X bottomless trap hole

1X mirror force

1X torrential tribute

1X fusion guard

40 cards

extra deck(7):

2X cyberdark dragon

1X chimeratech overdragon

1X five-headed dragon

1X stardust dragon

1X ally of justice catastor

1X red dragon archfiend


Character's side: Villain/anti-hero

Character Bio:


Arcan grew up as a perfectly regular boy (well, as regular as you can be with white hair and no pupils). He had good parenting, a nice school, and friends. He led a very normal life, except for 1 thing:

Arcan was absolutely obsessed with dueling.

This obsession eventually led him to find the forbidden "Cyberdark" cards. He was corrupted by the power radiating from these cards, and started dueling everyone he could find. When dueling ceased to exist, he eventually got a hold of himself...

But when the rumors of cloaked strangers bringing dueling back surfaced, Arcan started to obsessively search them out...

Arcan was once controlled by his cards, but isn't anymore. He is the way he is because it is fun. If he hears of a Dragon-themed duelist, he makes him/her his prime target, to give more power to his Cyberdarks. He respects cards and their power, but sometimes does not respect his opponent.


Chracter's valued card: All of the Cyberdarks, but his favorite is Cyberdark Edge.

hoping you'll accept.

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Username: argent. what else?

Character descrption: wears white clothes' date=' and has a black cape. his hair and eyes are both pure white.[/b']

Character's Deck:


2X cyberdark horn

2X cyberdark edge

2X cyberdark keel

3X hunter dragon

2X masked dragon

1X cyber dragon

1X dark armed dragon

2X magna drago

3X exploder dragon


2X cyberdark impact!

1X heavy storm

1X limiter removal

1X pot of avarice

1X overload fusion

1X future fusion

2X foolish burial

2X allure of darkness

2X gold sarcophagus

1X lightning vortex

1X mystical space typhoon


2X dimensional prison

2X bottomless trap hole

1X mirror force

1X torrential tribute

1X fusion guard

40 cards

extra deck(7):

2X cyberdark dragon

1X chimeratech overdragon

1X five-headed dragon

1X stardust dragon

1X ally of justice catastor

1X red dragon archfiend


Character's side: Villain/anti-hero

Chracter's valued card: All of the Cyberdarks, but his favorite is Cyberdark Edge.

hoping you'll accept.

accepted of course! btw i added character's age and name just post it and it will be complete sorry for the late notice

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Username: myteogre

Chracter's age: 19

Chracter's name: Eric Hampton

Character descrption: American born, but he recently moved to a nearby apartment complex so he could be nearby the tournament area. He was sent there by his college as a representation of his region, having won several tournaments. If he loses in the tournament he loses his funding for college, so he is highly motivated and purpose driven. He is a quiet intellectual, only speaking when he feels he is needed. He usually wears blue jeans torn at the knees, along with generic color based t shirts. He loves to duel, and looks forward to any competition or battle.


[spoiler=Character's Deck:]




[align=center]3 command knights

2 mauradering captains

1 Silent Swordsman LVL 7

2 Silent Swordsman LVL 5

3 Silent Swordsman LVL 3

1 Silent Magician LVL 4

1 Mystic Swordsman LVL 6

2 Mystic Swordsman LVL 4

3 Mystic Swordsman LVL 2

blade knight

freed the matchless general

sasuke samurai #4

sasuke samurai #2

sasuke samurai






[align=center]The A forces

swords of revealing light

swords of concealing light

lightning vortex

united we stand

The Graveyard in the forth dimension

level up

level modulation

mage power

fusion sword murasame blade

reinforcement of the army

giant trunade

straight flush

inferno reckless summon

nobleman of extermination





2 xing zhen hu

2 compulsory evacuation device

bottomless trap hole

magic cylinder[/align]


Character's side: Hero

Chracter's valued card: Silent Swordsman LVL 7

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Username: AzNLycaN

Chracter's age:15

Chracter's name: Donny Pulvera(QUICK Fact Pulvera means pulverise)

[spoiler= Appearance]




[spoiler= Character Deck]

Fury Hero Deck



x2 Fury Hero - Feral Man

x1 Fury Hero - Sub Zero Master

x3 Fury Hero - Micro Soldier

x1 Fury Hero - Zeon

x1 Fury Hero - Micro Zeon

x1 Fury Hero - Falcon Wing

x1 Fury Hero - Gun Brass

x1 Fury Hero - Robo Bird

x2 Fury Hero - Steel Raider

x1 Fury Hero - Micro Zeon

x1 Fury Hero - Aeon Talon

x2 Fury Hero - Mech Man

x1 Fury Hero - Holy Knight

x2 Fury Hero - Bumblbot Synchron

x2 Man-Eater Bug

x1 Fury Hero - Might Breaker

x1 Fury Hero - Sub Zero Zeon


Spell Cards:

x2 Pot of Greed

x1 Axe of Despair

x1 Mech Suit of Fury

x1 Fury Bird's Signal

x1 Hero Identity

x1 Polymerization


Trap Cards:

x1 A Hero's last breath

x2 Hero Trickster

x2 Force Field

x2 Magic Cyliander

x1 Bottomless Trap Hole

x1 Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell





Character's side: Hero

Chracter's valued card: Fury Hero - Robo Bird

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Username: Hawc

Chracter's Age: 19

Chracter's Name: Jessina Morova-Kora Haiki

Character Description: Being of Asian origins, Jessina's face shows this well, with her slanted eyes and petite nose. Her lips are pale, almost colourless, and her ears are small and curved. Her dusky black hair is long, flowing down just past her shoulder-blades, tied in a single ponytail. A white lotus clip is always worn in her hair, and she cherishes it for an unknown reason. She normally wears a traditional pink with white flower Japanese gown for comfort, but when she heads outside she wears skinny jeans, a plain white sleeveless top and some trainers that are in fact Nike, but the tick has been worn and come off entirely on both trainers.

Character's Deck: [spoiler=Deck]Monsters: 20

3x Rainbow Dark Dragon

2x Dark Grepher

2x Dark Horus

2x Darklord Zerato

2x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

2x White-Horned Dragon

1x Dark Armed Dragon

1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1x Morphing Jar

1x Phantom of Chaos

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

1x Red-Eyes Wyvern

1x Sangan


Spells: 16

2x Allure of Darkness

2x Foolish Burial

2x Hand Destruction

2x Monster Reincarnation

1x Brain Control

1x Card Destruction

1x Future Fusion

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Gate

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Reasoning

1x Recurring Nightmare


Traps: 4

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Mirror Force

1x Return from the Different Dimension

1x Torrential Tribute


Extra: 15

1x Five-Headed Dragon

1x Goyo Guardian

2x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

2x Flamvell Uruquizas

2x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

1x Iron Chain Dragon

2x Tempest Magician

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

2x Red Dragon Archfiend


Character's Side: Neutral Good.

Character's Valued Card: Rainbow Dark Dragon.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Chracter's age:16

Chracter's name:Lind Yuki

Character descrption:As the grandson of Jaden Yuki, he shares his grandfather's strangely styled brown hair.(think 4th season) He wears blue jeans and a black shirt under a darker Slifer Red duel academy uniform that he wears open in honor of Jaden. Ever since he's remembered, Lind has loved to duel. He looks up to his grandfather, who is considered one of the best duelists in the world, and considered himself the one to carry on his grandfather's legacy.




Elemental Hero Avian x1

Elemental Hero Burstinatrix x1

Elemental Hero Clayman x1

Elemental Hero Sparkman x1

Black Luster Soldier x1

Elemental Hero Neos x2

Elemental Hero Bladedge x1

Elemental Hero Bubbleman x1

Elemental Hero Necroshade x1

Elemental Hero Wildheart x1

Elemental Hero Stratos x1

Beastking of the Swamps x2

Yubel x1

Yubel - Terror Incarnate x1

Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmarex1

Buster Blader x1

Drill Syncron x1

Hyper Syncron x1

Injection Fairy Lily x1



Swords of Revealing Light x1

United We Stand x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Polymerization x3

Fake Hero x1

Super Polymerization x1

Big Bang Shot x2

Future Fusion x1

Cost Down x1

Black Luster Ritual x1



Call of the Haunted x1

Trap Hole x1

DNA Surgery x1

Metalmorph x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Time Machine x1

Widespread Ruin x1



Stardust Dragon x1

Elemental Hero Darkbright x1

Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman x1

Elemental Hero Tempest x1



Character's side: Hero

Chracter's valued card: Yubel (English dub version)

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