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_~_It's A Digimon's World_~_ (Digimon RP). [Pg-16/ Started/ Accepting Via Pm]

Mr. Hyde

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Zeed came at the end of his brothers announcement. "Good. Good. Altough, I hardly doubt ANY!...of these digimon even in a group of hundreds, could not take down a Royal Knight. Especially since They can become Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. You wimps would not stand a chance." He chuckled.




Omnimon nodded. "This is true. We've shared a lot of thoughts and feelings before. But how are you today?" He asked again.

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"Trying to show your troops that you're not just an empty seat like Alphamon, or a heartless bastard like Zeed? You really shouldn't, it's better if the army thinks of you as as close to a god as a mortal Digimon can possibly be" ExVeemon advised "Especially the new recruits, if they see you opening up as a person, they will never take you seriously. Just take a cue from LordKnightmon... or whatever the Hell he's calling himself today... and stop caring, or at least stop showing it."

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Omnimon glared at ExVeemon. "If that's how you want it...fine ExVeemon..I will not open up to one of my brothers." He looked at Strabimon and Flamon. "You two, off of your lazy asses. Today you become my students. I will train you in the ways of Digital Peace." He glared at Strabimon. "That is the exact skill you two will be perfect at." He crossed his arms. "You two will be sent on missions. And each day, you will fight me at any level I desire each day. Each battle you will have a certain task to complete. Do i make myself clear!!!"

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((It's true, nobody can agree on LordKnightmon/Crusadermon/RhodoKnightmon's name.))


Light giggled as Anja pounced on him. Though her weight wasn't in any way difficult to hold up with his eight resplendent fore-wings, he allowed himself to be brought to the ground like she tackled him there, and giggled along with her. After a few moments, they both rolled onto their backs and watched the clouds go by.


"So..." Anja muttered after a while. "Did you get in trouble with Zeed?" she said after a moment, flicking her eyes over to him.


Light smirked a little. "Well, he doesn't like me, which is good because I don't like him. Way too full of himself."


Anja blinked and giggled. "Because you know, you don't know anyone who's too full of himself, do you, Light?" she said with a playful smirk.


Light giggled a little. "Well, maybe I guess. But I don't have to like it when other people are." Light continued to smirk for a while, then paused and glanced over at Anja. "Hey, Anjee..." he muttered after a while, sitting up.


Anja blinked and sat up. "What's the matter, Light?"


"...Take this." he muttered, reaching into the air and shaping something. Moments later, a dull glow appeared as it was gently nudged into shape; A few moments later, he had formed a pinkish pearl about the size of a child's fist, emblazoned with the symbol of the Crest of Light. He took it in his hands, looked at it for a moment with a hint of regret, before handing it to Anja's pollon-covered claws.


Anja blinked. "Why do you want me to- Oh!" she said in mild shock as the pearl imploded in her hands into a mass of bright sparks, that swarmed around her. After a few seconds, they collected around her neck, forming a necklace of white string with a much smaller pearl tied to the end, also emblazoned with the same sigil. "It's beautiful... what's it for?" she questioned.


Light paused. "Look... I know I don't get along well with people. I'm afraid... Zeed might try to punish me through you. I gave you a bit of my power... a bit more than I usually give to you."


He gave a hint of a lopsided smile. "It's just a fragment, really, but it's still a piece of my whole being... so... keep it close to you always, okay Anja? It should help if anyone tries to hurt you, and I can't get to you right away..."


Anja nodded, clasped her hand around the small pearl, and nodded again. "I'll keep it on me always, Light." she smiled a little. "But I can take care of myself. You don't always have to worry about me like this."


Light blinked at her, then giggled childishly and cocked his head to the side. "Sorry. Just, ya'know, don't want you to be hurt for something I did, you know?"

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"Sir, yes sir!" Flamon said like an overeager cadet on his first day of boot camp "Sir, what is my first mission, sir?"


Strabimon shook his head and shrugged "Whatever, fine, just give me my damn mission."


ExVeemon simply walked off, shaking his head at his brother's immaturity. He looked at Omnimon over his shoulder "As Imperialdramon, I could probably take him." He said "Take him out, take back my sword, leave him powerless. That would prevent any unfortunate occurrences from happening." He shook his head "Yeah, sell my soul, attack my own brother, win a war and turn into the same type of monster that we're fighting to get rid of"

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Zeed sighed at Light's conversation. "It's not that i don't like you kid, it's just that you can get on my nerves." He then looked at Anja. "I will not destroy her if she means that much to you. I know what Love feels like for the first time. I just think it's funny that she would be able to 'protect' herself from me with a shard of your power. But whatever.."




Omnimon stated, "Your first mission is to escort a Kiwimon to Seiryu City. He has a very important package that needs to be delivered." A kiwimon ran past Omnimon and looked back. He eeked and ran back.

"Kiwimon reporting for Delivery Mission."

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Silence watched as Omnimon barked orders, he was nothing like her father described him at all. 'He's a lot more laid backed than I had imagined, to think I had feared approaching him to join before, deary me' she thought. Her mind was brought back to the Piddomon from earlier, she knew from her father to not tangle with angels, the fascination was a powerful tool, but it is not to be abused, that is why he spoke with telepathy mostly.

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Light grumbled. "You know, there's a thing out there called 'not joining conversations out of nowhere like you've been talking to us the entire time', I sugges' you brush up on it. And it's good that you don't understand how the protection's supposed to work, defenses generally work best if the people they're made to defend against don't fully understand them."


Anja blinked anxiously at Light, noticing his fairly insubordinate tone but not daring to speak, for fear of somehow making it worse. She poked Light with a thorn from his arm as a signal to be more quiet in the face of something stronger than he is, but the Angelic Child promptly ignored her.


Light cocked his eyebrows and smirked. "I'd be surprised if you do understand Love Zeed, it's a surprisingly rare trait, even among the Holy Angels. I do have love for Anjee, far more than the combined tolerance I have for the rest of everyone here would add up to. I doubt it's the kind of Love you're thinking about, but that said, I honestly don't care what you interpret our relationship as so long as you stay the hell away from her."


Anja squirmed in place awkwardly.




Lyet stretched out his wings and stood up, the feathery-white appendages now speckled liberally with cherry blossoms that had been shed by the tree at some point or another.


"So you're really going to go talk to her?" Clara said with a note of skepticism in her voice. Lyet chuckled and stretched his body to the side a couple times, touching his toes before he heard all the cracks from his bones that he needed.


"Course' I am. Why would I say I am when I'm not?"


Clara's wings fluttered a little again, causing the back of her cape to shift. She shrugged. "You're not the most motivated or reliable person in existence."


"Meh." Lyet said with a shrug. "Never claimed to be. Oh well." he said idly, walking to the area he had spied the brightly colored female walking to moments before. He entered an unfamiliar building, brow twitching beneath his iron helmet. "Never seen this place before..." he thought to himself. "What could it possibly be for?"

He blinked again when he noticed two smaller digimon receiving orders from Omnimon, and he chuckled.


"Right, right, it's a training facility... that would explain why I've never been here before." he mused to himself aloud.

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Nail had been running non stop, he hadn't eaten and he hadn't slept. The running was slightly more difficult than normal, Nail wasn't used to running with a blade on him. he was getting getting closer he could sense it, unfortunatley he also sensed something else. Usually he despised the draconic part of himself, but it was good having a feral side sometimes. He stopped and concentrated focusing on the feelings he had. Darkness, darkness was closing in.

I already knew that.

Deeper he went, searching, smelling,feeling.

Moving, the darkness is moving, Nail started running again. Not good. Definatley not good.




Myotim had finished preparing. He had recalled as many Alpha Bats as would be needed and he had rested himself. So now he was almost at full power. Using what Alpha Bats he had, Myotim appeared by his masters side.

"My Lord what may I do to help in the full conquest of the digital world?"

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"Team Alpha Bomb prepare for battle! Must I go over the rules of this again! You will be dropped by several Pteramon! At that point you will fire everything you've got at the enemy base as a diversion while me and Team Beta Blasters attack them while the base is focused on your squad do I make myself clear!" The Machinedramon was continuing to yell at his newly trained army of Machine-Based Digimon while waiting for his brother to give the signal for them to begin the attack. He then toke a small bit of his Zeed Minilliummon power to create a small portal sort of communication. He then yelled at his brother "Are we prepared to begin the war sir!"

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Strabimon shoved Flamon forward "Alright, good you're going easy on my pathetic little brother, that's fine, but what about me?" The Spirit of Light asked "When do I get my first assignment?" He asked, sharpening his claws against each other.


Flamon evolved to Agunimon and walked up to Kiwimon "General Agunimon, reporting for duty!" He said, with the same exaggerated enthusiasm as before.


ExVeemon sighed and shook his head "Oh dear God..." He muttered, shaking his head "We are SO @#$%ed..."

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Silence felt and unusual pull and turned around, looking eyes.....er, helmet with Lyet. 'The angel I saw before, curious that he would be here, his poetry seemed rather, in depth' she thought and turned away, trying to not make conversation and yet another fallen angel digimon. She in turn tried to focus her attention on Agunimon, whose faux enthusiasm left much to be desired. 'How did he become a general?' she wondered.

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"Morning." Lyet said cheerily to the demonic digimon before him, even going as far as to place a gloved hand on her shoulder briefly. He had a lopsided smile that he kept, even after he felt the shiver of the 'Fascination' go down his spine. It was rather weak, he noted, as if she were trying to suppress it; at this level, he hazarded a guess that even extraordinarily weak Angels might be fine around her as long as she didn't speak, where the majority of the Fascination would radiate from.


"Nice day for a stroll, innit?" he said conversationally, half-wondering how much prodding it would take for her to speak to him. Of course, he knew that even GranDracmon in his prime would likely have a behemoth struggle to corrupt him with his own Fascination, but he figured this one would quite be as aware of his inner strength. Though she might just communicate with him telepathically; he wasn't sure if the Dracmon line even had that ability, but he wouldn't be surprised.

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A shiver went down Silence's spine as well when Lyet put his hand on her shoulder. 'It's as if he wants me to talk to him, must get ou of this' she thought desperataly. Naturally, being a woman around a handsome man, there was only one course of action. She shoved his hand from her shoulder and ran, where too she didn't know and how long she would run, she just wanted to get away from him.

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Strabimon looked from Lyet to Silence then leaped into the air, coming down as KendoGarurumon, and immediately sprinted after the latter, Brothers, what are your thoughts? The Warrior of Light thought to the ghosts residing in his subconsciousness She is one of us, but, due to her parentage, we should be very cautious of her AncientWisemon said sagely, Hmph, we don't NEED another girl, you should just take her out, kill her Came AncientMermaimon's reply Quiet you vain sea-witch! AncientKabuterimon shouted Trust her, just be on your guard to kill her if need be KendoGarurumon nodded Dark Virus Digimon are not all evil, she has truly repented, trust her The Warrior of Light devolved into Lobomon and stopped twelve feet from Silence That's four votes to one, we're trusting her With that, he withdrew his mind from the pool of space where the ghosts of half the Ancient Warriors reside and snapped out of his semi-trancelike state.

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Zeed yelled back at his brother. "Did i say we should start an invasion! Omnimon is down there you fool. He could take out half of this army with his Garuru Cannon and the rest with his Grey Sword." He sighed and looked at Myotim. "No. You aren't even a VenomMyotismon yet."




Kiwimon nodded. "Let's get a move on." He said dashing towards Seiryu city. Omnimon looked at Strabimon.

"You'll be given a harder mission since i know you might be better than your brother." He smirked. "You must hit me with an attack while at Rookie level."

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Flamon chased after the bird/fruit Digimon and looked around "Ummm where IS Seiryu city?" The Spirit of Fire asked "I've never been very far from...well... here. No, here. Never mind, here. Here? Here! Or here? Here? Possibly here. Here!" He kept going on like this for a good five and a half minutes "Oh you get the idea I'm assuming."


Strabimon, meanwhile, was off with Silence and was in Lobomon form, and thus, didn't hear a thing Omnimon said.

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Kiwimon pointed with his bony nose. "It's north from here. We should be arriving at the Windy Plateu now. From there, all we have to do is run up a steep hill."

"Not if i can help it!" A mysterious voice said. "SPIDER SHOOTER!" A blast shot at Kiwimon

((I'll give you a rep if you can guess the guy before i reveal him.))


Meanwhile, Omnimon appeared infront of Lobomon. "Erhem...DID I SAY YOU COULD GO OFF! I GAVE YOU A MISSION!" he yelled. He knocked him to the ground smacking him with his Garuru Hand.

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((Rep thief... And it's been 15 minutes))


Flamon growled and leaped in front of Kiwimon "Beast Spirit Evolution!" He snarled, turning into BurningGreymon "Now, stay behind me... wait... that makes no sense... Get the Hell away from me!" He said


Lobomon jammed his outstretched palm at Omnimon's chest, devolving to Strabimon before it connected "Licht Nagel" He snarled under his breath.

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Kiwimon nodded out of suprise. "You got it. After all, you are protecting me." He ran up a tree and out of range of any of BurninGreymon's attacks.


The Infermon cocked his head at BurninGreymon. "I'll be needing that package."




An afterimage dissappeared as Strabimon made contact. Omnimon appeared above Strabimon. "Really? You actually tried that approach?"

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Silence stopped running when she felt a powerful presence, one that would make a nice snack. She turned on her waist like a creepy doll and looked back, seeing BurningGreymon fight an Infermon. 'I always liked canned food' she joked in her mind. She turned around and raced back the way she came, completely ignoring Omnimon and Strabimon, focusing on Infermon, she took to Burning's side. Fromt he flowing sleeves many rapiers extended out, which she held up defensively.

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BurningGreymon nodded at Silence "I've seen you somewhere right?" He asked "So I guess that makes you one of us, so, as one of us, would you kindly stay out of my way, this is my mission, and if I don't complete it Omnimon will... he never did draw out the consequences of my failure to complete this mission did he? How odd, so I guess I'll just complete this mission out of the fear of the unknown consequences that the boss may or may not give me when and if I fail this mission, which I will NOT"


A series of five parallel scratches appeeared on Omnimon's Garuru Arm "You need to know your students' attacks better." Strabimon said, getting back on his feet "My Licht Nagel attack charges BOTH my hands with light, not just one"

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Myotim couldn't believe what his ears were telling him, his master had given him the chance to prove himself then pulled it away. "Master, but you... Very well" Myotim already had a new plan forming in his head. "I will continue my duties here." He bowed then flew off in a flurry of Bats.


Nail was standing atop a hill side. He had reached his destination, the digimon in the town beneath had no idea what was going to happen in their future. So Nail had to help them while they still had a chance. He used his wings to jump higher than would be normal and glided down to the outskirts. He slowly entered the settlement and looked for any digimon that would listen. "Where is the leader of this town?" He asked one, "Try and get anyone you can to come to the town centre." He told another. Eventually he had the attention of everyone who lived there. Standing on a plinth in the town centre Nail looked around, there were many digimon living here, it would take alot of time to get everyone out.

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"Hey, wai...Beh." Lyet began before waving his hand as Silence ran away. "Why is it always running?" he whined out loud, before briefly covering himself in a sheet of luminescent data, emerging seconds later the same, but different. He wore a golden, decorous longbow slung over his shoulder, and a golden circlet with the Sacred Digital Code for 'Arrow', 'Passion' and 'Heat' inscribed upon them held danging around his right wrist. His wing count had suddenly increase, from a single pair to three, leaving three snow-white dovefeathered wings from his back, the top pair still sprinkled with Cherry Blossom petals. His helmet changed from a standard iron halfbowl to a pink-tinted visor, stouter than that of a MagnaAngemon, but with a pair of stylized wing-side guards made of the same rose material. A golden cross lay in the center of the helm, and a pair of metal wings adorned the boots of the new angel.


He stifled a yawn. "Wings of Arros." he said simply, his boots glowing a bright pink as he vibrated briefly, before disappearing completely. He appeared once more, yawning on a nearby structure overlooking the Infermon battle. He brushed a Cherry Blossom from his shoulder that had fallen from his wing, and stifled another yawn as he returned to his Champion, two-winged stage. He gracefully hopped from his perch near the other Digimon.

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