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what was the nastiest thing you have ever seen?

dimented dimentio

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The most disturbing thing I've ever seen is umm... I'm not sure how to explain it. This woman like got into a box with saran wrap over it, then somebody else used a vacuum cleaner to make it shrink on her, suffocating her; yet preserving her body.


The nastiest thing I've ever seen is the BME pain Olympics.

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[spoiler=True Story]

Went with my Mom to this business area; lots of people with suits, ties, etc. She had to fill out some papers, so I sat down. Then I needed to go to the bathroom, so I did. First of all, it was a big place, so it took a while to find the bathroom. But when I got there, I entered the bathroom, which was really shiny, looked like a hotels bathroom, and I heard strange noises coming from that 1 really big stall for the handicapped people. I got the feeling there were more than 1 person in there... O_o I walked out immediately and thought 'it can wait'


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