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A new X-mas theme

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I was thinking this myself, and I agree 100%. Had YCMaker not already got a Theme Designer then YCM Theme Workshop would still be open and we would have created one. This won't happen, as if it were then it already would.


As for new themes on a whole, we just have to wait for YCMaker's Theme Designer to create them. I guess.

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I was thinking this myself' date=' and I agree 100%. Had YCMaker not already got a Theme Designer then YCM Theme Workshop would still be open and we would have created one. This won't happen, as if it were then it already would.


As for new themes on a whole, we just have to wait for YCMaker's Theme Designer to create them. I guess.



YCMaker has a theme designer? Well, I learnt something new today.

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Yes and 1 other thing.. I sware I really didn't fully understand what you wrote


this forum is boring not chinging it theme in the holidays I say we put a new crismas theme on


1. The Forum is not boring you mean how the Forums format is boring I do not agree this is the best YCM can offer really. The Santa Hat on the Y of Yugioh Card Maker thats festive If you ask me.

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