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OmegaWave (1) V.S. ► Jolta ◄ (0)?


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[align=center]You want to step in the ring with OmegaWave?!


Anyone want their ass handed to 'em?! Bring it!



Create an Insect-Type monster OR Insect Support Card.



- No Pop Culture Cards


The loser gives 1 Rep to the winner.

First person to 10 votes wins.




[spoiler=► Jolta ◄]117444u.jpg

1 "/Assault Mode" Tuner + 2 or more "/Assault Mode" non-Tuner monsters.

This monster can only be Synchro Summoned if "Indifferent Lv 10" is in the Graveyard or removed from play. Once per turn, you may toss a coin. If heads, you may add 1 Assault Counter to this card(max. 9). For every each Assault Counter on this card, this monster gains 100 DEF. If tails, you may toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, you gain 400 Life Points. If you call it wrong, roll the six-sided die. If the number of the die is 1, you lose 400 Life Points. If the number of the die is 2, destroy 1 face-up FIRE monster on your opponent's side of the field. If the number of the die is 3, destroy 1 face-up WATER monster on your opponent's side of the field. If the number of the die is 4, destroy 1 face-up EARTH monster on your opponent's side of the field. If the number of the die is 5, destroy 1 face-up LIGHT monster on your opponent's side of the field. If the number of the die is 6, toss a coin. If heads, destroy 1 face-up DARK monster on your opponent's side of the field. If tails, you may control 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. For every face-up monster on the field, this monster gains 200 ATK. When there are 5 face-up monsters on your opponent's side of the field, this card may attack your opponent directly. When this monster is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "/Assault Mode" monster from your Graveyard, ignoring all Summoning requirements.


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I was planning to make a Pokemon. Good thing I made 1 very Special Friend of mine. It is from a very unique Level Series. Level Series monsters may have dull effects, but this one doesn't. I spent approxiamately a few minutes typing the effect. I'm sending the card now.

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