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Measuring Intelligence: Internet Style!

Amethyst Phoenix

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Internet Intellect

On the internet' date=' intelligence is determined drastically differently than it is in reality. This test is designed to determine your internet intelligence.

There are 5 categories used to determine this:


[center']“People just assume that if you use good grammar, are masterful at sarcasm, know your memes, think everyone is idiotic, and dive into deep, inapplicable philosophical BS nobody gives a s*** about, you're a f***ing genius.”[/center]


Please answer honestly if you want "Accurate" results ;D



[spoiler=The Test]

Section 1: Grammar


Question 1: What goes at the end of every sentence?

Umm... Depends on what type of sentence it is...


Question 2: How do you begin sentences?

Ummmmm... ?


Question 3: Do Good, or Do Well?

Depends on the environment. Do well if snobs are around, do good if it's casual.


Question 4: What made the last question somewhat confusing from a grammatical stand point?

The comma and the lack of elaboration...


Question 5: If I say “plz” because it’s shorter than “Please”, what would you say and why?

I wouldn't say anything because it doesn't really matter.


Question 6: Do you correct other’s grammar constantly?

Not really.


Question 7: Is Nexev correct here: “Hi Amythest!”



Question 8: Is one, both, or neither of these list formats correct – “One, both, or neither” ; “One, both or neither” ?



Question 9: “Sneaked” or “Snuck”?



Question 10: Spot- the instance of err.





Section 2: Memes


Question 1: _______________ Punch!

FALCON, and it's PAWNCH not Punch!


Question 2: What is good too?

A cat?


Question 3: Who said “It’s only a flesh wound!”?



Question 4: What or who is not a meme?

Millhouse. Though, technically his not being a meme... makes him a meme.





Question 6: They set us up the ____________



Question 7: What is a lie?



Question 8: Why can’t I stop you?



Question 9: Click this link -




Question 10: Who is the IPU’s nemesis?




Section 3: Disdain


Tell whether or not the following is stupid and/or beneath you. If it’s a phrase, answer yes or no as to whether or not you use it with any regularity.


Question 1: “Lol”



Question 2: Sarcasm on the internet.



Question 3: People that haven’t logged as much time on a website as you have.



Question 4: Arguing politics.



Question 5: Arguing religion.



Question 6: “lolno”



Question 7: “gtfo my interwebz”



Question 8: “TL;DR”

Depends. It's appropriate when bastards try to be philosophical by posting some long ass article no one feels like reading.


Question 9: Anime and/or Video Games outside the genre you prefer, or are in the genre of your favorite game and enjoyed more than said game by others.

I don't like Anime. Don't like many video games. But I'm not going to say either are "beneath me."


Question 10: People that are fans of music yet got into it via guitar hero.






Section 4: “Deep” Stuff


Question 1: Do you think arguing religion is pointless?

No. Religion stops so many people from becoming civilized it's ridiculous.


Question 2: Do you argue that morality is pointless due to different definitions of right and wrong?

No. People know right from wrong. People who pretend they don't can get fragged for all I care.


Question 3: Do you use the terms “Categorical Imperative”, “Moral Relativism”, “Invisible Hand”, or “Laissez-Faire” with any regularity?

No. Nobody does.


Question 4: Do you have a ridiculously detailed explanation for why Communism or Capitalism is better?

Both of them are flawed when corrupt people are the pioneers. Che Guevara himself, a known revolutionary figure, was corrupted on some levels. He killed tons of Cubans. Even America's forefathers were brutal in accomplishing what they did.


Question 5: Do you frequently “win” arguments by bringing up such trivial and complex abstract ideas that your opponent dies of a migraine?

No. I usually win arguments by stopping because I don't agree.


Question 6: Have you ever asked someone “Can you prove this whole reality isn’t an illusion?”

No. People can see and feel. Reality isn't an illusion.


Question 7: Do you use the possibility of everything being an illusion as the basis of your arguments, default to the illusion scenario for most examples or counters, and/or “Win” arguments via these?

I believe that far-fetched retarded ideas like that aren't worth thinking about.


Question 8: Have you ever insinuated that animals, inanimate objects, etc might have emotions or think on a human level?

I don't believe Humans are above Animals, seeing as they are animals.


Question 9: Do you claim to have “Empath Abilities”?

No, and people who do claim to have such abilities DON'T have such abilities.


Question 10: Do you frequently Mindfuck people by overanalyzing everything they say?

Maybe jokingly.


Section 5: Sarcasm


Question 1: Have you ever needed to attach Sarc tags to your posts?

No. If people are too stupid to understand when sarcasm is implied, they don't need to know.


Question 2: Do your sarcastic remarks frequently induce lulz?

I don't know.


Question 3: Do you settle all intellectual discussions via witty remarks?

I use witty remarks in any situation.


Question 4: Do you ever type in a dry tone?



Question 5: Do you ever Start talkin liek dis?

Only when people say something extremely narrow-minded.


Question 6: Do you frequently shift to a “higher” vocabulary when making sarcastic replies?

I don't usually switch my vocabulary up. It's pretty much constantly at an intermediate level. When people try to act like their vocabulary is more extensive than mine however, I do.


Question 7: Have you given a snarky/deadpan answer to ANY of the

questions on this test?

Yessa ma'am.


Question 8: Is your reply to this thread going to be something along the lines of “This is so valid and enlightening. Really.”?



Question 9: Have you ever done a “Weather Report” Style review/edit of someone’s story/fanfic/poetry?

I don't edit fanfics or stories or poems. I tell people that their sheet sucks if I think it does. People should take my insults with a grain of salt though.


Question 10: Do you scoff often?

Scoffing is for degenerate losers who pretend they're better than the people they're scoffing at.






Please post your answers in spoilers, and await grading. Afterwards, there will be cake.






ֆפṬ. Ṫᴚᴧᵥᴣᴉᴲᴙ - 26.5%


Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S - 20.5%


Skuldur - 55.25%


Larxene - 70.5%


Mindscatter - 20%


Awesome66 - 53%


Captain Lawless - 32%


Crab Helmet - 62.5%


Rinne - 84%


Davok - Huckleberry%


FM6 - 36%



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Section 1 Grammar:


Question 1: What goes at the end of every sentence?

A punctuation mark.


Question 2: How do you begin sentences?

With a word, most likely with a capitalized first letter, unless it's a name with no capital letters.


Question 3: Do Good, or Do Well?

You do an action well. An item is good.


Question 4: What made the last question somewhat confusing from a grammatical stand point?

I didn't find it confusing.


Question 5: If I say “plz” because it’s shorter than “Please”, what would you say and why?

I wouldn't take notice, because I often use "plz".


Question 6: Do you correct other’s grammar constantly?

Not constantly... A lot, but not constantly... And only if it's absolutely deplorable.


Question 7: Is Nexev correct here: “Hi Amythest!”

Well, using a comma after the "Hi" is completely optional, and is based on how you were taught English. Besides that, as long as Nexev is talking to Amythest, yes.


Question 8: Is one, both, or neither of these list formats correct – “One, both, or neither” ; “One, both or neither” ?

I haven't a clue. I'm not that much of a nerd... Yet.


Question 9: “Sneaked” or “Snuck”?

All a matter of perspective.


Question 10: Spot- the instance of err.

I don't understand the question.





Section 2: Memes


Question 1: FALCOWN Punch!


Question 2: What is good too?



Question 3: Who said “It’s only a flesh wound!”?

The Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Question 4: What or who is not a meme?




Sorry, he's not home right now.


Question 6: They set us up the ???


Question 7: What is a lie?

The cake


Question 8: Why can’t I stop you?

Because I'm nowhere near you and we only communicate across the internet?


Question 9: Click this link -


Response here: I love the Rick Roll song! I have it on my mp3 and listen to it all the time. (If that's not what it is, oh well. I'm not clicking the link.)


Question 10: Who is the IPU’s nemesis?





Section 3: Disdain



Tell whether or not the following is stupid and/or beneath you. If it’s a phrase, answer yes or no as to whether or not you use it with any regularity.


Question 1: “Lol”



Question 2: Sarcasm on the internet.

Neither stupid nor beneath me.


Question 3: People that haven’t logged as much time on a website as you have.

Read question 2.


Question 4: Arguing politics.

Stupid. I don't care about politics anyways.


Question 5: Arguing religion.

Stupid. We can't change people. Most of the time, anways.


Question 6: “lolno”



Question 7: “gtfo my interwebz”



Question 8: “TL;DR”

No. I always read anything.


Question 9: Anime and/or Video Games outside the genre you prefer, or are in the genre of your favorite game and enjoyed more than said game by others.

Read question 2.


Question 10: People that are fans of music yet got into it via guitar hero.

Read question 2.





Section 4: “Deep” Stuff


Question 1: Do you think arguing religion is pointless?



Question 2: Do you argue that morality is pointless due to different definitions of right and wrong?



Question 3: Do you use the terms “Categorical Imperative”, “Moral Relativism”, “Invisible Hand”, or “Laissez-Faire” with any regularity?



Question 4: Do you have a ridiculously detailed explanation for why Communism or Capitalism is better?



Question 5: Do you frequently “win” arguments by bringing up such trivial and complex abstract ideas that your opponent dies of a migraine?



Question 6: Have you ever asked someone “Can you prove this whole reality isn’t an illusion?”

No, why?


Question 7: Do you use the possibility of everything being an illusion as the basis of your arguments, default to the illusion scenario for most examples or counters, and/or “Win” arguments via these?

Nope. People who think that are conspiracy theorists.


Question 8: Have you ever insinuated that animals, inanimate objects, etc might have emotions or think on a human level?

No, but I saw the think about all creatures having a sort of ESP on Mythbusters. (Where they hooked up the plant to a polygraph machine and sent thought images and physically abused it and stuff.)


Question 9: Do you claim to have “Empath Abilities”?

Dunno what Empath Abilities are, sorry.


Question 10: Do you frequently Mindfuck people by overanalyzing everything they say?

No. Internet users usually don't overanalyze what I say, because I've already done so for them.



Section 5: Sarcasm


Question 1: Have you ever needed to attach Sarc tags to your posts?



Question 2: Do your sarcastic remarks frequently induce lulz?



Question 3: Do you settle all intellectual discussions via witty remarks?

There is an equivocal possibilty.


Question 4: Do you ever type in a dry tone?



Question 5: Do you ever Start talkin liek dis?

I talked like it all the time in my now dead Lol Club, I even used a lolspeak translator.


Question 6: Do you frequently shift to a “higher” vocabulary when making sarcastic replies?

Refer back to query three.


Question 7: Have you given a snarky/deadpan answer to ANY of the

questions on this test?



Question 8: Is your reply to this thread going to be something along the lines of “This is so valid and enlightening. Really.”?

All I'm putting are these answers, I'm not typing anything else.


Question 9: Have you ever done a “Weather Report” Style review/edit of someone’s story/fanfic/poetry?

Nope. Never actually read much in the fanfic section for some reason.


Question 10: Do you scoff often?




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Answers to the quiz:


Part 1:



1. Punctuation

2. With the subject (noun)

3. Do well

4. The sentence had no subject (incomplete sentence)

5. I couldn't care less. It's your prerogative

6. Not usually...

7. Yes; It's an exclamation

8. The second (One, both or neither) is correct. You don't put commas in front of "and" or "or" when finishing a list

9. Both

10. ???




Part 2:




2. ?

3. Sounds very familiar, but I can't put my finger on it...

4. Mike Tyson


6. ?

7. ?

8. ?

9. Ehehe, not fallin for the rick roll pal

10. ?




Part 3:



1. www.Yugiohcardmaker.net

2. Overused and annoying

3. Meh, who cares

4. Pointless, I never do it

5. Also pointless. I rarely ever do it

6. Never use it

7. I don't even know what that means...

8. Same as question 7

9. I only play games within certain genres so...

10. They don't appreciate real music




Part 4:



1. It is for the most part because people will believe what they want but I will argue if someone starts unfairly bashing religion or theism.

2. Right and wrong are subjective. Therefore morality or lack thereof is completely subservient to the user

3. No

4. No, they both suck

5. No, its usually the other way around, but I still end up winning :)

6. Yes

7. No, only if a person is ready to confront that possibility; Only if their mind can handle the intangible paradigms of reality and its existence

8. Never. Animals are stupid. Have you ever seen 2 giraffes fight? That solves it right there

9. No

10. No, but I could if I wanted to...




Part 5:



1. No

2. No, I usually don't make sarcastic remarks online...

3. No, I settle them with logic, facts and truth

4. Not really

5. On one occasion. But it was only for comedic effect

6. Anytime I'm in a serious discussion I always revert to my usual vocabulary which is pretty advanced

7. Maybe some

8. No not at all. its actually been pretty interesting. (No sarcasm)

9. No

10. Sometimes



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[spoiler=Answers]Section 1: Grammar


Question 1: Punctuation mark, but sometimes I use a smiley or ~


Question 2: With a capital~


Question 3: Do well.


Question 4: It gets people confused many times, like my dreadful mother who asks me about her grammar cause English is her 3rd language D:


Question 5: I'd answer it normaly as if you did say "please."


Question 6: Nope. But I do complain about it. =D


Question 7: Only if he meant "Hi Amethyst!"


Question 8: Aren't they the same list format? I dunno, I feel confused.


Question 9: Snuck.


Question 10: I wish I understood D:


Section 2: Memes


Question 1: Falcon Punch!


Question 2: Your mom. D:


Question 3: Still don't know T______T


Question 4: Me~! =D


Question 5: Ummm T____T


Question 6: They set us up the... Err... what?


Question 7: The CAKE is a lie D:


Question 8: Cause I have a chainsaw.


Question 9: Click this link -


Response here: I'm okay, rather not. x]


Question 10: Me, of course.




Section 3: Disdain


Question 1: No.


Question 2: Of course not. [/sarcasm]


Question 3: No.


Question 4: Nope.


Question 5: Nope.


Question 6: lolyes


Question 7: Nope.


Question 8: I don't even know what it means D:


Question 9: Yeah.


Question 10: Sure? I dunno. I feel confused.


Section 4: “Deep” Stuff


Question 1: Yup. I feel like it shouldn't matter. What? Do you need someone from the internet to accept your religious views and/or join it? I rather not.


Question 2: Only when it's brought up.


Question 3: Nope.


Question 4: Not really.


Question 5: Not on YCM. But elsewhere.


Question 6: Yes actually. x]


Question 7: No.


Question 8: My computer thinks at a human level, and can sometimes be smarter~


Question 9: Sure.


Question 10: Only in real life. xD ...And this is how you lose friends.


Section 5: Sarcasm


Question 1: Nope.


Question 2: I'm not humorous when I try to be x]


Question 3: Rarely.


Question 4: Yes.


Question 5: Goodness, no.


Question 6: Supposedly.


Question 7: Deadpan? Like one worded? ...Sure?


Question 8: Nope, guess not.


Question 9: Nope.


Question 10: Not exactly.


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Seriously now...


[spoiler=Answers]Section 1: Grammar


Question 1: Another sentence or nothing.


Question 2: "Excuse me" or "hey" or "you know, *insert name here*" or "jabroni"


Question 3: The expression is "Do Well", although I find absolutely no reason for why "Do Good" is wrong.


Question 4: "Good" and "Well" were capitalized.


Question 5: I would tell you to f*ck off, because the "z" in plz has no reason for existing whatsoever, as the word "please" does not contain any "z". But if you say "pls", I won't mind,


Question 6: It is " others' ", dude! But I said that as in response to the question, I don't really correct grammar that often. Standing Lexadin is sometimes hard, but I got used to it.


Question 7: No, because you need a comma after "Hi".


Question 8: The first is correct. But this grammar structure in itself appears only in Germanic languages and I as a Romanian hate it.


Question 9: Sneaked.


Question 10: Say what?





Section 2: Memes


Question 1: Falcon Punch!


Question 2: Death


Question 3: Dark Knight


Question 4: Orson Scott Card.


Question 5: Leroy?


Question 6: They set us up the trap.


Question 7: Cake


Question 8: Because I'm INVUNCIBLE!!!


Question 9: Rick Roll.


Question 10: Say what?!




Section 3: Disdain


Tell whether or not the following is stupid and/or beneath you. If it’s a phrase, answer yes or no as to whether or not you use it with any regularity.


Question 1: Nope


Question 2: Rare


Question 3: Few


Question 4: Muahahaha.


Question 5: Nobody can change my mind and I don't care if others change.


Question 6: A lot.


Question 7: I use "gfy" more, but it does mean the same thing.


Question 8: Say WHAT?!


Question 9: Nope.


Question 10: Retards. But I son't really know what Guitar Hero is.





Section 4: “Deep” Stuff


Question 1: Yes. It is completely different from science so it cannot be explained. lolreligion


Question 2: Chill dude, morality and ethics are what makes us human beings. My principles are strong.


Question 3: I only use AND UNDERSTAND the second term.


Question 4: Communism is way better than Capitalism, but for apparently no reason, people treat it as a type of government (which it is not, being just a type of economy). But no real Communism ever appeared on Earth to date, so I'm gonna stick with Capitalism, simply because it is truthful about how much does it suck.


Question 5: ...no? Simpler is better - a wrong thing that works is not wrong - what I don't see does not exist - these are my mottos.


Question 6: Why would you ask anybody that if no one can answer it?


Question 7: I'm a materialistic philosopher, dude, a MATERIALISTIC PHILOSOPHER! So no.


Question 8: 1. Humans ARE animals. And yes, humans think at human level (obvious obviousness is obviously obvious).

2. Yes, animals that have a NEOCORTEX have emotions. (gtfo some birds, some reptiles, all fish, all insects and all that is beneath).

3. Inanimate objects?! Are you stupid or what?


Question 9: I don't claim, I DO have them. And if you reduce my correct answer average based on me answering affirmative on this matter, you're a moron.


Question 10: On this forum, no. Anywhere on the internet, rarely. IRL, 25 times per day, and counting.



Section 5: Sarcasm


Question 1: Sometimes, people do not get that I am sarcastic and blame me for that. it's kinda annoying...but I still don post "[/sarcasm]", it's too noobish.


Question 2: When I want to induce lulz, I don't use sarcasm. Although I must admit I try to induce lulz quite often.


Question 3: No. True, solid, checkable arguments that do not interfere with whatever the other may have said are the best.


Question 4: Yup. most of the time, my brainstorming abilities drop low. But it's still +1 post count, don't you agree?


Question 5: Game section only.


Question 6: I don't shift to a higher vocabulary. This is how I usually speak. The only time when the "height" of my vocabulary varies is when I roleplay/spam/flame.


Question 7: No, I don't think so. Maybe to this question in particular?


Question 8: Nah, you wanted to do something, you did it. Not my business.


Question 9: As I always said, there is not enough story/poetry on this site. But the fanfic is too high. So I don't mess up with it.


Question 10: Nope. Just "Nope".


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