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Prototype for a Silent Magician Drawing.


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I fail to like the background. Otherwise' date=' this is quite good.



Thanks :D


I'll work on a different bg. Truth is, it was backgroundless and I had to meed a deadline xD



I like it the crosshatching on the background may need a little more detail. And the aura might need a little touchup work but it definately looks like a nice hand drawn. Hope to see more of your work.


I should've made the aura after doing the bg ^-^" I'll work on that too.


Very nice' date=' but I'd make the face seem a little bit more happy...



But she must look "Silent" xD

hmmm... I guess that doesn't make she can't be happy, I'll see what I can do *point taken*


The line art is very good I just don't really like how you have coloured it.


I'll have to admit I don't have much experience with coloring :lol:


Keep comments comming :D

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