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Life RP


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Good enough for me!


Name: Rio Tsuginawa

Age: 15

Appearance: [spoiler=Rio]rio-chan.jpg


Crush: Not yet

Bio(Optional): She treats everyone like garbage because her parents hated her, and she did in fact kill them herself, she only opens up her true self to true friends, deep down she's realy a sweet girl, she's very short for her age though, she's know how to make bombs since she was 8 years old.

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Rio sat in the park, alone, fiddling with a bizzare sort of metal ring, it shined in the sunlight and she looked to be enjoying it, even though she was lonely at heart, she even scared off an old age pensioner by shouting "CAN'T YOU SEE I'M SITTING HERE, GO FIND ANOTHER PARK!!!!" Without a doubt, the OAP had shot out of the park, and got in a taxi, he wouldn't go near her again, for sure.

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(Guess I'll start somewhere.)


Drew was hanging upside down in a tree, bird watching. "Blue Jay, Blue Jay, Blue Jay, leaf, another Blue J-OH GOSH!" Drew feel from the tree, headfirst. "Sigh, Note to Self: Always hang from a stronger branch. Gezz. Hey, a halk!" SPLAT! "Note to Self: Ew." Drew got up. "What else can I do 'round here?"

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