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Incredibly difficult riddles. Reward for correct answer: +3 REPS!!!!


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hah you're all excited cause these riddle are gonna be easy right?




good luck




[spoiler=Riddle A answered]What English word is nine letters long, and can remain an English word at each step as you remove one letter at a time, all the way down to a single letter. List the letter you remove each time and the words that result at each step.

Startling - No letter removed.

Starting - L

Staring - T

String - A

Sting - R

Sing - T

Sin - G

In - S



[spoiler=Riddle B FINALLY ANSWERED]If you can read it through the eyes, it's lying at the lips.

If it meets its match, it's easy to be captured.

If money can buy it, it's worth nothing.

What is it?

A Heart


[spoiler=Riddle Γ answered]If you're 30 feet away from a door and with each move you advance half the distance to the door.


How many moves will it take to reach the door?

You'll never reach the door.


[spoiler=Riddle Δ answered]A college math teacher was teaching his class a new concept. On the board he wrote 100+10+1000=?


Everyone in his class answered 1110.


All of them were right and wrong.


The teacher explained to them why they were right and wrong, because...


Why were they right and wrong?


He was expexting the answer in base 2 (i.e. Binary).


[spoiler=Riddle E answered]Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not. What is it?

(Hint: it is something real, not an emotion or anything like that.)

Counterfeit Money


[spoiler=Riddle Z answered]Twelve people walk under an apple tree with exactly 12 apples. Each took one apple. When the people leave there are 11 apples left in the tree. How?

One of the men's name was Each!


[spoiler=Riddle H answered]Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die.

A Fire


[spoiler=Riddle Θ answered]What row of numbers comes next?















[spoiler=Riddle I answered]What's at the beggining of the end, at the end of time, in a minute, in a second, but never in an hour?

The letter 'E'




again, good luck!


people i owe in order:


~IceCold:.- 3reps

ΕεΔδΛλΙιΡρΣσςΕε- 3reps

tomtekorv- 2reps

Luna Lovegood- 2reps (this is separate, but i wana make a note of it)

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