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Mister Sir

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Remember kids, the more you get banned, the more you look like an internet tough guy and a martyr. Posting this for Qal'at because he sucked me off.


Yes' date=' I was banned for icy for calling Santas Little Helper a gay jabroni.


I've been testing Vayu @3 in BW, it's been testing amazingly, seeing as I run Grephers and Foolish.


Also, Reasoning has been playing amazingly for me in BW too.


So yeah, see you guys in a few days. bai.


Qal'at definately didn't write this.[/quote']

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Sorry, sorry dammint!!! Alright, wabby.


Wabby is a great card, it ensures you will survive everytime you pull it off. Safe for honest and kalut plays, epic in GB's, can be activated anytime and is a 1 turn monster's marshmallon. (Ah, marshmallon)...


However, besides from defending. it gives NO advantage. lt's a -1 and it is only good in desparation or GB's, usually the former. Even still, it pretty much stops JD, stardust can't negate it, etc.


All in all, good card is good. Use sparingly and wisely.

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