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Ab 0?

Absolute Zero?




I've been playing around with it.


I dislike 3 D-Draw, 3 Miracle Fusion unless you are playing a very aggressive version.


2 each provide less explosiveness, but much more stable, control game. Bringing out Ab0 is a pressure card. Having it out on the field allows you to swing, or they get Rageki'd. You don't need a set up, unless you go for game. This either makes them waste a summon on something like Caius(which helps you in 2 ways) or they use something like MF or TT(when he is first summoned).


Wasting removal is awesome, because his effect still activates, and you make them waste a card. OR they let him do shenanigans, and give you tempo.

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1 "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero" or "Evil Hero" monster + 1 WATER monster

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. This card gains 500 ATK for each WATER monster on the field other than "Elemental Hero Absolute Zero". When this card is removed from the field, destroy all monsters your opponent controls.


It isn't optional : D

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I've wanted to make a deck out of this card for awhile, but i've been busy with other deck ideas.

Oh! I can do DDT 0! That... Dosen't seem to bad, actually. Hmm...

I like the option of Gaia in Diva Hero Zombies.


Future Fusion' date=' Dump Stratos and Mezuki. :P



That sounds pretty good. I'll look up gaia and see if he's worth playing.

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I love the idea of dumping Mezuki.


Gaia isnt that bad.


Glad someone said it.


Gaia at first thought is just there so you can dump Mezuki.


On the off chance of needing to get him out or getting 2 Standbys with Future Fusion, his effect becomes "Reduce the ATK of an opponent's face-up monster to zero if it battles with this card."


Decent way to get rid of Stardust and other monsters if need be.

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Playing one Gaia gives you the option to dump Mezuki. Since when has that been bad?


Since ff was limited.

l damn sure am not wasting it on that crap' date=' when zero awaits patiently for me to dump malicious. Uh-uh.




You've used up your Zeros, or you have Zombie Master/PSZ in the grave waiting to be summoned, to sync for Brionac.

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I saw it.


I've been using Mobi' date=' and I like him a lot, but my meta is not reflective of good decks, lol.


I'd rather use Return/Parrellel World Fusion, tbh.


I mainly use Diva and Mali for Ab 0, so I don't care if they get RFG'd.



Fair enough.


Trunade + Future Fusion'd Zero is such a funny play.


Yeah, I love storm + FF'd Zero too.


I f*cking love Kasha.

From now on' date=' my zombie decks will run this card. l just wish the pros see just how epic this card actually is.




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