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Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry [Advanced/Started/Accepting by PM]


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"Mine is made of Hawthorn, Phoenix feather, unicorn hair, and rumored to have a hair from the beard of a Leprechaun, though no one's actually proven it." Alyssa took out her wand and admired it. "Doesn't even have a scratch on it! Aww...I can't see a Thestral yet. And, no I've never met an Occlumens before. Have you?"

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OOC: You hit the wrong person, my character is Blues.


Quickly before the spell hit their mark Blues yelled "Protego!" and sheilded his brother from harm. "Hey whats your problem, this ougta do it, Incendio!" Blues fired a shot of flame at Alex, enraged that the girl would attack a new boy at the school. He was right to have jinxed her before. While attempting to keep out of the teachers view he pulled his brother into the carrage.

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~Sorry, I meant Blues. I keep getting you and Gary mixed up. Well, just whoever had petrified Alex.

"Umm... Well we might be able to see them at the Gryffindor table, if they're not arguing over Joshua." Alex said, getting into an empty carriage.. "Oh! And my classes are DADA, Charms, transfiguration, Potions, Care of magical creatures, and herbology. Oh, and why did you stun me anyway!?!?" Alex yelled at Blues.

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Britney quickly ran off the train and stopped right next to Alex and Alyssa. "Sorry i was so late people but Zhilo puked in the train and i fell in it slammed my head he almost died and stuff it was so crazzy". Britney said as fast as she could. "Question by the way can one of you hit me with a spell that drenches me in water i wanna get the smell of boy puke off of me". Britney said right before she smelt her hair and made a gagging noise.

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"Well it was mainly cause you and your friends were buggin' me on the train. But I also thought you would try to attack us sooner or later" He said, pointing to his little brother nearby the canoes to Hogwarts. "Anyways I just wanted to make sure this wand would be able to work in case some gits try to attack my bro there. He never tried any magic before you see and I figured if I tried it he would be more approving of it. Anyways I'm sorry for attacking you for no reason." "Also its Aquamenti" he quickly said to the girl.

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"Thanks for that and.....were you the one who stunned my sister boy...cause if you were you gunna end up like that slytherin boy i accidently ran over with a broomstick last year....and i mean it will hurt kid and you gunna be stuck in the hospital wing for the rest of your time in hogwarts but if you didnt...then were fine" Britney said a little angered and a little preppy like as she continuely kept smelling her hair.

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"Oh, okay then. Well, I guess it's fine. And we wouldn't attack you for no reason. Beware of the Gits of el Slytherin!" Alex joked. "Oh, and Aguamenti!" Alex said, soaking Brittney in wter again. "Oh, Alyssa alrady did that! Crud! SOrry! By the way, Do any of you guys know any Legilimens or Occlumensers?" Alex said

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Britney saw Zhilo get off the train and she pointed to him. "Thats him....but for some reason i kinda like him....and Joshua......i am so clueless on who i like more". Britney said in a confused but love-struck tone as she stratined her hair with her fingers quickly. "ZHILO!!!!!! CCOME OVER HERE!!!!!!". Britney yelled to Zhilo so loud that almost everyone heard her so she began to bluch uncontrolably.

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"Oh, I'm particularly good at Jinxes anyways, shouldn't be to difficult to find a way to stop that. Anyways Scourgify" he said as he pointed at the girls hair all traces of the boys vomit was gone and was speading off her hair. "I'm the Hufflepuff Keeper anyways, too bad no magic can be used during Quidditch, the wonders I could do then."

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"Really? I would've never guessed that." Alex said, thinking of the giant prefects bathroom. "Oh, and by the way, You've met a legilimence Alyssa." Alex said, not saying anything else about occlumecy and legilimency. "Hmmmmm I wonder what it would look like if smebody got run over by a thestral..." Alex thought, imagining a person being crushed by an invisible object. Alex shivered.

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