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Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry [Advanced/Started/Accepting by PM]


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Alyssa had also noticed the dessert appearance. "Ooh look, treacle tart! My favorite!" She grabbed some and heaped it on to her plate, then took a bite. "Mmm...it seems to be better than last year." She smiled briefly, then turned to Candice. "So which boy do you like best?" she whispered. "Joshua or Zhilo?"


OoC: we're on dessert, Luna, you're a bit late.

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Joshua reached out and grabbed a treacle tart. He just loved treacle tarts...almost as much as he loved pie. He really loved pie. He looked over and saw Alyssa whisper something to Candice. No matter, I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with me, he thought. He smiled. He could tell he had feelings for a lot of girls this year. Candice, he could understand. Alyssa too. But Britney, he couldn't figure out.

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Britney sat at the Ravenclaw table unaware of the multiple desserts around her as she was only interested in one thing......telling Joshua she loved him. "WOW i am so bored right now i mean even if this is the first day of my 6th year at hogwarts but i thought everything would completely change for me....like boys NOT falling for me every two seconds". Britney told another Ravenclaw girl she just nodded in complete agreement as Britney made a sigh. "I wonder why me and Alex got in seperate house's" .Britney said as she quickly looked over at the Gryfindor table.

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She leant in close to Alissa.

"Do you have to ask?" She smiled and looked Joshua up and down descretely.

"Look at him, and he's a great guy, he's been a good friend to me since we both joined the Quiditch team in second year, but I guess I always wanted more." With that she stopped whispering and sighed. She took a spoonful of icecream and looked down the Gryffindor table. "We didn't get many this year, but we got the pick of the litter I dare say."

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OoC: two things, Joshua has officially signed off, and Zhilo you had better make your posts 4-5 sentences or we're gonna be locked. just letting you know.


IC: She saw Britney sit down at the Ravenclaw table. She waved a little to let her know that she saw her, then sat back down and thought about the new potions master. That would mean a new head of house for Slytherin. She turned to Candice. "Yeah, hes a good guy. I want to be friends with him. Good friends, but not like-liking. If you know what I mean." she whispered back.

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Zhilo dissapeared he was real far away. He was in a real foul mood that day. In a coma that's where he was. Only to be awakened to help a cause. A spell was there with instructions how to bring him back but it won't work now. His soul is too tired. His soul to foul. Until he's prepared he is just like a dead owl.

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Britney just calmly ate some ice cream while twirling her hair. "Just remember girl if you lose Joshua cause of candace there's always Zhilo...and if not him their are tons of guys that would DIE to go out with me besides i am cute but clumsy" Britney thought to herself smiling at the end of her thought while looking at the new Ravenclaws all smart looking but some acted like they belonged in Slytherin.

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OoC; I got the signout message too.


IC: "I know what you mean. He's a great friend to have." Candice paused, looking to change the subject.

"I'm glad I find potions boring - look at this guy, I can't imagine being stuck with him. he looks kinda creepy. Like that Snape guy Harry Potter was stuck with when he was here.

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Britney kept constantly looking back at the Gryffindor table as they were at different sides of the room so she couldn't talk to them unfortunatly. "Why did i have to be the smart one...why can't Alex be the smart one i mean sure she's crazy acting but i've always wanted her life since her first day at hogwarts and its so angering to me". Britney said to one of her old friends and she agreed with her on every word Britney said.

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Britney still ignored the voice. "Zhilo is getting into my head.....maybe this is a sign...maybe i should pick Joshua....this voice is freaking me out....yeah its definited i am gunna pick Joshua". Britney thought to herself with a definite nod as she ate another spoonful of ice cream. "I wonder what my sister and my friends in Gryffindor are doing" .She said outloud as she looked over to see exactly what were they doing.

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Britney just ignored the situation that just happened. "WTF.....wait that could have just been a ghost...or peeves or something either way it was NOT Zhilo......I am so happy that i'm in Ravenclaw cause instead of using vileness like the slytherins i use knowledge and common sense in these kinds of situations". Britney said with a big tall grin on her face as she ate another bite of ice cream.

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Britney just made the -_- face as she looked at Zhilo. "Calm down Zhilo i thought it was a ghost and excuse me for thinking logically and not being paranoid for the rest of my life by that". Britney said with a firm tone to Zhilo. "Now be mad at me all you want but i did what any other Ravenclaw would do" .Britney said as every head at the Ravenclaw table nodded up and down.

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