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Metroid - Large Sprite!

Kuro no Keiyakushu

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As much as this piece of art looks nice and all, I don't really think it counts as a sprite. Sprites usually aren't that big and don't use that type of style. Really it's just a general drawing more than a sprite.


Also am I the only one who thinks it looks like it was traced from Samus's brawl pictures?




After talking to Icy about this for a bit, we actually noticed that this has to be a tracing. Icy even whipped together a few example on how his thing really fits as a type of outline.





So really it's not a sprite at all. A simple outlining with the pencil tool. Perhaps one could argue a piece of pixel art, although pretty simple as one. I'm not into art types, so I don't know what it would be call, but I see it as a line art or something myself. I can't knock it for it's style though, which does still look good.

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As much as this piece of art looks nice and all' date=' I don't really think it counts as a sprite. Sprites usually aren't that big and don't use that type of style. Really it's just a general drawing more than a sprite.


Also am I the only one who thinks it looks like it was traced from Samus's brawl pictures?




After talking to Icy about this for a bit, we actually noticed that this has to be a tracing. Icy even whipped together a few example on how his thing really fits as a type of outline.




So really it's not a sprite at all. A simple outlining with the pencil tool. Perhaps one could argue a piece of pixel art, although pretty simple as one. I'm not into art types, so I don't know what it would be call, but I see it as a line art or something myself. I can't knock it for it's style though, which does still look good.


Thnx 3 brining that to my attention.

Sorry if I seemed to cause confusion.

Shall I lock this?

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