NeriesUmbra Posted December 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 25, 2009 One don't spam on my threads two don't call someone stupid while being stupid it has no meaning three would you like to elaborate on that comment or would you like me to report you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jappio Posted December 25, 2009 Report Share Posted December 25, 2009 I like critiques, as they can give me info on how to improve. I also know multiple other spriters who love to have critics come to their threads. Insult not towards you but to the horrible understanding of quality spriting amongst the entire community. You were a scapegoat, or perhaps a casualty. I mean no personal harm to you, nor to anyone. However people have a twisted idea of what "great" is, and I needed to step in to set things straight. Too many egos are bloated by empty compliments. As I said though, I couldn't just make my post about that alone. This thread is your showcase, the discussion is meant to be about your sprites. So I gave reasons and pointers on what you could improve to help you. Also I am not the type to say that line art requires color. Adding glows and stuff to a sprite is a different matter though. Your situation is more like you're adding color to what is suppose to be a B&W drawing. Splicing, a subsection of spriting, has rules and boundaries. Things like glows don't follow palette limitations or normal spriting rules, and that's why they shouldn't be used. Glows and shadows can be done, but not through fancy gimp or other photo editing tools. There are rules, and if they aren't followed it is considered a flaw. I'm sorry if your intent doesn't involve following these rules, but I am still able to call you on them. If it's not the way you want to go, fine, but don't expect your splices to look 'great'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 26, 2009 Dude I like to have people try to help with my flaws but I do not like the type of critic you where being you where just acting on rage and tried to emphasis the faults to make them look worse than what they where which is a coman sign of jealousy also I took everyone of your tips and memorized them like I always do. I just got annoyed at the fact that you where annoyed at the other people that commented on this thread and you took it out on me I can't help it they all think there great I also can't help you thinking there terrible and my personal taste will not allow me to think these are great nor terrible I simply think these are good and need a lil work to make them great. And if I do make the improvements that you have noted they will still look the same only with less faults so the sprites are good they where just done by a n00b so they need a lil work. And I don't have much of an ego I just put that personality on to debate with you lol I'm good at that lol. Also you are the only one to criticizes so I can't really take you seriously when everyone disagrees with you oh and skill is down to how much you learn and the extent of your mind so no n00bs do not deserve the same treatment since someone who has done this for years should be able to do better than a n00b it's common sense.Oh and Kuro no Keiyakushu you have 20 mins to move or elaborate on your post or I will report you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jappio Posted December 26, 2009 Report Share Posted December 26, 2009 Perhaps I didn't do well of it, but I wasn't trying to blame you for the comments you got, nor was I trying to take any rage out on you. My critique can often be a tad too harsh, but I also don't like to sugar coat. I use to do critique in the past, and this was mostly similar how I normally would have back then. And to set something straight. I don't find them 'horrible' or anything that low. Although you did hit my petpeave of unrecolored borders, you still save as .png, don't have nothing but horribly cliched idea, and have some good ideas. However spriting is a picky art, things have to be judged pixel by pixel since that is what makes up a sprite. I think if you did attend to some of your past errors more, it wouldn't be just a simple little fix up. A bunch of small errors can add up when it comes to spriting believe it or not. A picky art style it is. I am the only one to criticize you, which kind of surprised em that no one before me came. Perhaps all the normal spriters are off enjoying their xmas or something. Maybe standards have just dropped. Maybe I am too picky or something. There was a time in the past when there were like 6 other picky people who complained about common problems like .jpeg or unrecolored borders. I suppose they might be gone though. I still don't believe in curving critique much for beginners. Perhaps for a veteran I may not simplify my description well. For a beginner I usually might explain things out, like why something is wrong, while with a veteran I might just tell them whats wrong and not so much how to fix it if I know they know how to already. I did leave off a bit on the 'how' with yours more than I should have. Maybe I'm rusty... However if I don't tell even a rookie what is wrong, how are they suppose to learn? Ok I fear that I am being far too defensive with this post. I was hoping to try and get to a "agree to disagree" point or something, as I can tell you are too, however I am far too addicted to explaining myself. If you want to drop it at this point, I'd be ok with that. I've said what I've needed to. As anyone else, I think you have potential, and it's good you listened to my tips. Good luck with any future endeavors, and have a good day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 26, 2009 That was a hell of allot better and I actually thank you for the advice now which I must I was useing from your first post. When people insult me I get really defensive too and to tell you the truth I kinda like debating, good way to learn more about a person. You have intelligence but you try to keep your self looking like you are a law abider which means you don't say how you feel enough I understand that there comments are empty but I simply thank them for being nice and I also thank people for being helpful to and honest but I don't like insults but I think you have a good point about dropping this I'm in the middle of using RPG maker VX to make a comic type thing lol and talking to you seems to take allot of effort which makes it fun and interesting. Thank you for your input just try not to be so harsh with people, people like people giving advice they do not like critics. And just so you know I only think that the two blue ones are any good I don't really like the rest and I will be posting more don't you dare hold back on thoughts just less insults I am working with no guidelines you could say I'm working in the dark with no instruction book and only the knowledge I started with I have had no help what so ever I really do not know what I am doing I figured all this out my self. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
metalflygon08 Posted December 26, 2009 Report Share Posted December 26, 2009 These are fairly poor quality splices, mainly Wing splicing, taking another pokemon's wing and putting it on another sprite without showing connection is poor spritesmanship, as well as not taking Critique, There are many shading errors, mostly due to flipped parts, most of the sprites seem C&P(copy and pastish) and just have random parts sticking together, and a little side note Pokemon can only have a max of 16 colors in 1 sprite's pallete, I don't think yours have that problem, and almost under any circumstance, Never take a post such as "TheSe Arez awsOmez!!!11!!111!" twords whether your work is good or not, those are more ofton then not just people who are either A.) to lazy to actually critique and want to up their post-count[whith to me doesn't matter]. or B.) don't have any iota of what quality spriting is, Mindless Adoration=/=good sprites sorry if this already was established by Jappio, but I did'nt feel like reading through an argument. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 26, 2009 one it was a debate two this conversation is over stop stirring thing up or I will report you and I take all advice I don't take insults and if you actually read through the debate he admitted insulting me so I had every right to be annoyed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fighteronspeed Posted December 26, 2009 Report Share Posted December 26, 2009 WOW theres been alot of activity. Can you do a eevee (evoltion) / golem / gengar? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 26, 2009 Will do soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fighteronspeed Posted December 26, 2009 Report Share Posted December 26, 2009 Will do soon. Nice one! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 26, 2009 There you go fighter on speed anyone els want me to do a splice? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fighteronspeed Posted December 27, 2009 Report Share Posted December 27, 2009 Nice one, w00t w00t xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 27, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 27, 2009 added me what you think Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 27, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 27, 2009 bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 28, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 28, 2009 added another lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 28, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 28, 2009 bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
§hadow §triker Posted December 28, 2009 Report Share Posted December 28, 2009 The weapon is really cool imo. Nice job Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 29, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 29, 2009 Thank you for that appreciate the compliments. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 30, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 30, 2009 bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 30, 2009 Report Share Posted December 30, 2009 can you do kyogre, palkia and origin forme giritania please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexis Rhodes Posted December 30, 2009 Report Share Posted December 30, 2009 Some are good however some are very bad :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 30, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 30, 2009 Some are good however some are very bad :) good point lol but I just thought I'd put all of them instead of hiding my mistakes.and angusg I'll give it a try. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted December 31, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 put your splice on there angusg. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fighteronspeed Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 w00t w00t more splices. DUDE!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted January 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 1, 2010 Any more requests. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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