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About some people's sigs........


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Ask them to put it into spoilers, and provide the code for them to do so. If they do not comply, alert a Moderator. However since it is of little importance, do not press them to do so. Simply request that the Mod tell them to use spoilers or shrink, and maybe they will listen then


I feel your pain.

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I'll tighten it up a bit, before hand I had it if it exceeded the height of my browser window (from the very bottom of the bars on my file/search/favourite etc to the status bar) I'd pm telling them to reduce. I'll continue this with my laptop which is smaller, I can only get to members in my area on my own, just pm me if any members appear extensive size.


Mystik reduce the spaces and yours will fit in my window, currently it doesn't just.

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Alternative option: disable sigs so you get a cleaner-looking YCM =D



So you haven't seen my signature in wich I declare my love to you?!?! I spent 3 months in photoshop to draw that banner!


@Shradow: I putted the spoiler in your sig because I didn't like the kirby card.


Would the pic in my sig considered "too big"?

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