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Necro Pheonix

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[spoiler= Plot]

A duel academy set out at sea has been targeted as a spot for the Spirit Hunters. The Spirit Hunters are out to gather Spirit Cards, and slaves, to rule the world. At the same time, the spirits are tired of just being cards, they are taking control of their owners at random times and doing mischief. While the spirits and the world are at danger, will the students be able to save them both, without being killed?





Pic or discription:



Student, Teacher or Hunter:

Spirit card:



[spoiler= My App]

Name: Haro Karuki


Gender: Male

Pic or discription:Tall with blood red, long hair. He normal wears jeans and has a tattoo on his left forearm that reads "Pain" in japanese and a tattoo on his right that says "Death" in Japanese


Bio:Both parents died at a very young age and he was shipped off to the academy. He lived their since he was 4 and has became a great duelist.

Student, Teacher or Hunter: Student

Spirit card: Ultima Necron



[spoiler= RULES! MUST READ!]

1. Follow Advanced Clause ( all posts must be at least 5 sentences)

2. No OOC only posts

3.No Flaming

4. No Spamming.

5. When dueling with created cards, be sure to post the cards when you play them, and make sure the cards are fair.



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  • 4 months later...

Name: Bretton Hawkings

Pic or discription:Black hair black coat red streak through hair, he wears black pants, he is tan,

Dorm:Black Rose

Bio:Very mysterious no one talks to this fellow he is very dark but duels with pation

Student, Teacher or Hunter: Student

Spirit card:Chrome rose dragon

511631.jpg this is chrome rose dragon

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