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Make your own attributes on GIMP!!


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This is my tutorial on how to make Custom Attributes om GIMP

[spoiler=Step 1]Open GIMP. Go to File>New. Make it 34x34. Go to Advanceed Options and Fill with trasparency.


[spoiler=Step 2]Using the Elipse Select Tool (Like an oval on its side), make a circle in the middle. (Drag from the Top-Right Corner to Bottom left corner)


[spoiler=Step 3]Select the Blend tool (Like a square) and set the gradient to your liking. Draw and line across your circle and adjust until it suits you.


[spoiler=Step 4]Use the text tool,select the Font Sans and size 7.Select black for the colour. Draw a box at the Top abd write your Word e.g. Dark , Light etc.Then merge down the layer. (Layer>Merge Down)


[spoiler=Step 5]Find some Japanese writing on the net , and open it over your Attribute.Resize, fit and do any other neccesary things to it.


[spoiler=Step 6]Save as .png and upload to TinyPic.





[spoiler=Your result]22f9ud.png




I know its not the best but its good for GIMP.

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