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Pre-ordering games.


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Would'nt it be great that when you pre order a game you get something back? Like something useful? I reserved Mercenares 2 for the Xbox 360 and got a beanie and a art book and codes to download clothing for all the characters. Recentley I pre ordered Army of Two: The 40th Day and they gave me a coupon for 10$ off the game. Who the f**k knew? Reserving a game could be so rewarding. I don't know about any of you but to me thats a good reason and initiative and motivation to reserve a game. They should be doing more of this with every game. We paying for something thats not here, we are not enjoying it but they are cause they have our money. What other game was like that?? :/

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I pre-ordered Platinum and got the Giratina figure.


Though once, I pre-ordered Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness and was supposed to get a skin for my GameCube, but they didn't have any in stock when I recieved my game so I never got one. I bet I could still ask for one today, but I doubt it'd do any good.

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