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The Official YCM Slots~Gamble Here~


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Welcome to the official YCM Slots

The basics is that you send points to a user here and they send you something equal or greater to the amount of points you sent to them it could be a rep,jackpot,tag anything equal or greater to the points you sent.

If you sent a high amount of points and don't think you got something equal or greater to your points please PM me and which "Slot" was it and we will report the "Slot" to a mod and neg rep the "Slot" unless the "Slot returns your lost points.


To become a Slot You must be able to give users what they came for also you can set a limit to how many points you receive and what items you can give away but what is mandatory is to give reps and points to users.


Jackpot all donations sent to "Slots" will be added to the Jackpotmust be sent to the "Allstar Machine"(Allstar 24) of which will give out the jackpot to a user that donated the highest amount of points during the day using "The Allstar Machine"no other "Slot" can

[spoiler=Slots]~The Allstar Machine~


[spoiler=Current Jackpot]Look how many points have been added to the Jackpot!: 0 That's a lot of points!


[spoiler=Form to become a slot]Username:

Link to your area of donation:

Requested Slot name:

donation limit: (optional ex. 30-100 points or leave blank if you can do whats worth the donation)

Random Items given away: (meaning GFX realated items)

PM me your form



Currently Beta

Currently Beta

For now until we have adleast 4 slots ready the game will be in the beta stage for now just say inserted coin and then another user says gets a car or something then that user says inserted coin....and the cycle continues

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