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guess the anime charecter get 2 REPS. RIDDLES 1-21 UP.EASY WAY TO GET REPS


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its that simple. I post clues to a anime charecter and 1st to answer corectly gets a rep. the 1st several riddles will be easy. the longer it goes the tougher the riddles. I'll give hints from time to time. good luck. you'll need it. letsa go!


reps owed.

El Beasto Perezoso=3





1. I love milk. I used to be part of a society. I'm fast enough to outrace a cheeta. *plus an extra rep if you can correctly guess my nickname. Yoruchi from Bleach


2. I'm a bit clumsy. I way stronger and possibly better looking evil. I have a crush on a former champion. hint I wear glasses.


Carly from Yugioh 5Ds


3. I'm a servent to a dragon. if you hurt my human misstress or make me mad I'll tear you shreds. hint I'm an animal.

Regulus from Yugioh 5ds


4. I'm a good boy. I'm after world dominaton.

Tobi/Madara from Naruto


5. I'm a princess. I have powers that define divine law.

Orihime from Bleach


6. I'm a witch. I love a certain food that most likely everyone loves. hint I have befriended a prince.

C.C. from Code Geass


7. I am very old and very big. I'm based off something that existsin real life. I have not been beat up though I am black and blue.


8. I'm a demon. I live within the soul of of a ideot who raps every sentence. I'm the 2nd strongest of my kind.

8 Tailed Ox from Naruto


9. I can control snow. I'm competeing against my 5 friends for the same boy. I have a favorite candy that I ALWAYS have with me. hint its 1 of the girls in my avatar. Mizore from Rosario Vampire


10. I'm part of an army. I'm sexist. I "pray" going gets tough.


11. I'm an elegent flower. I should be able to get all the boys. I have long hair.

Ino from Naruto


12 I have white eyes. I was only recently able to express my true feelings to the 1 I love. Hinata from Naruto


13. I'll give you nightmares. I only appear during a new moon.

Darkrai from Pokemon


14. I'm a sword. I'm beautiful unlike my mistriss. hint. I have the power to control ice and snow. Sode No Sayuki from Bleach.


15. I'm in love with a certain someone and his blood. I'm competeing against my 4 friends and my sister for his love. I get really scary when I take a cetain something off. hint 1 of the girls in my avitar. Moka from Rosario Vampire


16. I'm known by everyone. if you make me mad I'll shock you. Pikachu from Pokemon


17. I'm lazy. I'm ranked the strongest in a army. I have guns when my sword kicks about.


18. I love piggyback rides. I'm always eating. I have a unatural hair color. ( in real life its unurtal. ) hint. pink hair. Yachiru from Bleach


19. I'm a living skelleton. I live in the last place you would expect to see me and wanted dead or- eerrr.....well I'm wanted.

Brook from One Peice



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I KNOW SIX!!!!! (not the real name sorry) C.C. (pronounced C2 if that matters)


Witch because...well that's obvious. Food=pizza. Prince=Lelouch.


And does it count whether we can guess with 2 guesses? Because I think I know 4, and I'm not sure, it's kinda vague.


And I'll guess 4, because I'm not sure. Is it Light Yagami (Kira)?

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