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[TEACHING] Seven Last Days <<>> Ninjas, Chainsaws, Robots and More!

Hydra of Ages

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[spoiler= March 26th]

The Time Apocalypse.


The Day of Darkness.


The Forbidden Descendant.

The Reign of Nothingness.

The Great Return.

The Transcendence.


All of these and more, prophecies of the end of all creation- Everything, all

civilization, all time, all life, all of everything that exists, would exist, or

existed, would simultaneously come to an unceremonious and complete -Stop-.


The problem? These aren't just retellings of the same fate. Each doomsday, each reasoning for the ending of everything that ever had been, is both entirely unique, and entirely true; while the exact numbers aren't quite well known, it's expected that there are between ten and fifteen different causes for the ending of all existence, each one completely separate and unrelated to the others.


Unfortunately, by some cosmic coincidence or divine intervention, they all appear to coincide on the same day- March 26.


On the day of March 18th 2011, the human Norbert Grant, age-old descendant of the God Odin, received a vision of the demise to come. Six hours later, he was skewered through the stomach with a blade from an unknown assailant, but died using his latent Divine Powers to spread the message throughout the various timestreams and alternate dimensions, each tied together with a common doom; the doomed day of March 26th.


You have seven days to identify and destroy the causes of each and every

Doom-point. Seven days to meet up with teammates and those with common interests at heart, Seven days to develop your combat and charisma to endear yourself to your foes and to kill your enemies. These are your challenges.


As for your assets? You have at your fingertips, an unlimited Pandimensional

network of alternate futures, Time Travellers, the aid of the Gods themselves, the skills of any sort of warrior ever created or ever could be created, and a whole barrel full of kick-ass.


So? What are you waiting for? It's time to Kick Ass and Chew Bubblegum.


...And we're all out of bubble gum.







Welcome to to Seven Last Days, the only active [TEACHING]-class Roleplay in existence in YCM currently.


Seven-Days is a multilayered system that I designed to provide a satisfying

level of quality to fulfill the interests of our valuable members, while simultaneously providing a great learning environment for lower-quality Roleplayers to hone their skills at both participating in Roleplays, and creating their own!


For your convenience, I've cut up this information tab into the relevant stuff pertaining to your skill level. I apologize in advance for making you all read, but yes, most of it is necessary.


[spoiler= Information]

[spoiler=Basic-Level Roleplayers]

Our dearest students, Seven-Days is built almost specifically for your sake, to help you increase your skills and hone your abilities in both participating and leading a Role Play. Here at Seven-Days, we focus on five main areas-

-Spelling and Grammar

-Character design and development

-Plot design and development as a RP Creator

-Plot design and development as an RP Participator

-Post etiquette and structure


However, don't be frightened off! Though advancement in all of these areas is our ultimate goal, we try to make learning as interactive, personal and fun as possible. After all, the purpose of role playing is to have fun, isn't it?


Firstly, we ask all students to label themselves based on what they perceive their Role-Play quality to be-


{Red} -Lowest tier. Limited or no understanding of RP workings or etiquette.

{Orange} -Amateur. Incredibly short or Script posts, limited concept of character and plot development. Difficulty developing original concepts.

{Yellow} -Average. Two or three sentence posts,

difficulty developing plot or character personalities. Difficulty developing

original concepts.

{Purple} -Highest tier. Five or six sentence posts.

Difficulty understanding some concepts of character or plot development. Can apply original concepts with some aptness.


If you don't fit into any of these categories, you probably do not belong in the Basic-Level Roleplayer grouping. Recall this color, as it will come into play at later times.


[spoiler= Student's FAQ]

What is a Teaching-tag Role Play?

Teaching Role-plays are designed to be a stepping-stone on the way for

members of YCM that formorly role-played in Basic-Level to advance to

Advanced-level. A Teaching Role-Play is more lenient than the usual Role-Play, and has a variety of teachers always ready to help you.


What is the plot of Seven Last Days?

Existence at a fundamental level in every single timeline, is coming to an end On the 26th of March. In order to combat this, I distress signal was sent across the entire Multiverse, in order to find warriors willing and able to stop the coming Apocalypsii.


How can I get involved in the Roleplay?

To Enroll, all you have to do is send me {Blazinghydra} a PM contining your application (Make sure you fill out as much of the Application as you're prompted to by your skill level). Further instructions will then be messaged to you either by me, or your assigned Teacher


How will this teach me how to MAKE Roleplays?

Students will be entrusted with the duty of not only creating their characters, but creating the dimensions they originally come from, and will at times, even become mini-GMs when it comes their turn to take over part of the plot. As mini-GMs, you will be taught various things about how to keep people on task, built the plot, and introduce plot twists.


Do I have to worry about the 'Civilian' information?

Not at all. Any and all required Student information can be found in the spoiler tags marked 'Student', or similar. 'Civilian' and 'Teacher' tags are for nonStudent particpaters in the RP.





[spoiler=Advanced-Level Roleplayers]

Seven Last Days is not only a schooling system, but an active Role-play on its own merits. We ask that non-students participating have patience with the less-able members of our Role-play, but don't restrict themselves or avoid roleplaying at their usual level. The best way to learn is through observation, and although we do not ask regular Advanced-Level Roleplayers to help with education, we do ask that they do not impede the teachers or argue with the students.

Students will have some privileges and abilities beyond that of the

Advanced-Level regular Role-players, however this is because the Teachers hope to use this additional space in order to help the Students understand how to run a Role Play of their own eventually, and act as GM, without running it into the ground or reducing the quality.


From now on, Advanced-Level Roleplayers will be termed 'Civilians'.



[spoiler=Civilians' FAQ]

What is our Role in the Roleplay?

The same as it is in any other Roleplay- the Heroes and the Main Characters.

You preform the same duties as the Student, however you do not have to report to a teacher, nor will you get chances to act as GM for a short period of time like the Student, but like any other RP, you ARE allowed to develop your own characters and make side plots that do not interfere with the main plot.


Can we take advantage of the Teaching-Level rating of the RP?

No. For non-students, Seven Last Days is considered Advanced Level, and breakers of that rule will be dealt with like with any other Roleplay- or even more harshly, considering you are to be role-models for the Students.[/b]


What is the plot of the RP? I don't get it.

In Seven Days, the entire Multiverse will be hit with an unavoidable, ultimate and destructive Armageddon of epic proportions- however, it won't just be ONE Armageddon. No, at least ten (possibly more) different space/time ending disasters happen simultaneously, and they all must be removed within the Seven Days between knowledge of this event and the the actual Dawn of the final day.

Luckilly, you have the entire multiverse to your advantage, including limited time travel that you may be able to use to extend the time you have somewhat.


Who do we play as?

The player characters are heroes from across the Pandimensional scope. You can come from any world, any time, as long as it comes from your own imagination. They can have any powers that are reasonably balanced- be they time travelers from an Android-infested future protecting the timeline, Ape-men with Snakes for tales from a jungle-like realm floating in space, or sentient wolves with ESP abilities, it doesn't matter, as they will all be contributing to stopping the ultimate destruction of Everything Everywhere.


Are there any limits to your abilities?

They will be judged on a case-to-case basis, however you should be able to judge yourself what overpowered is and is not.






Teachers are asked to be patient with all students and refrain from both

judgment and anger at all times, first of all. As teachers, imagining this

single RP as a Forum, you are the Moderators; it is your job to help the

Students, guide them, keep your assigned students on the track of the rules, and gradually teach them new concepts to enhance their existing skills. Teachers will be asked to also function as Advanced-Level Roleplayers for the purposes of this Roleplay, with additional duties. As Teachers, your jobs shall include-

-Proof-reading the posts of your assigned students for Grammar and Spelling errors.

-Showing how Character development, subtext, and plots are woven into a story.

-Explaining the literary devices shared in most great Role Plays with written stories.

-Listening to, and suggesting improvements to Student's Story Pitches and ideas.


Any questions about Teacher-dome shall be answered over PM personally.







After you are finished reading up on your duties and responsibilities in this

section, I invite you to skim or read the next few tabs that apply to you.

Students do not need to worry about the content in Advanced-Level or Teacher Tabs, Civilians do not need to worry about Basic or teacher, and so on.



[spoiler= Rules]

[spoiler= Students]

1. - As a teaching RP, any quality of post will be accepted; Advanced Clause is not technically enforced. HOWEVER, we strongly recommend attempting to improve your post quality as you continue in the school, as that is the purpose of a Teaching Role Play.

2. - Follow the other general Role-Play rules the best you can. These are simple things like keeping content like violence, swearing or sexuality appropriate for 16 and under, and is largely just common sense.

3. - Put forth as much effort as you can. The Teachers are here to help you the best way they can, however they can't help people who don't want to help themselves.


[spoiler= Civilians]

1. - Despite being a Teaching Role-Play, all Civilians MUST at least

follow Advanced-Clause rules. We reserve the right to bump you down to Student Level, or kick you from the RP for violation.

2. - All Forum-specific rules must be followed to the letter.

3. - No arguing with other players, or accusing others of Power Playing or God Modding. If you have a problem, PM myself or an appropriate teacher about the matter.

4. - Watch your spelling and grammar. Not really a rule, just something to remember, since your posts will be used as models for the student.

5. - You can volunteer to be upgraded to a Teacher, however I reserve the right to not accept you based on volume of available teachers and your general Role-playing skill.

6. - Aside from this, treat this like an ordinary Role play and have fun with it.


[spoiler= Teachers]

1. - Follow all rules set out for Civilians while Role-playing.

2. - Respond to questions and inquiries set by your assigned students quickly and promptly. If you take too long, we risk Students losing interest.

3. - Resist the urge to act incredibly snarky and deprecating towards

your students. In fact, avoid sarcasm all together. (Unless it's funny.)

4. - I will brief you on most plot twists and character changes and development before hand via. PM. Please keep this information relatively secret.






[spoiler= Application]

Fill out only the application required for your skill level.

[spoiler= Students]

Average Time able to RP per day:

Roleplaying ability color-code:

Any preferred Teacher?:


Name: {Pick something original, that you haven't used in an RP before}

Age: {Any. Avoid 1000-year-old characters without an original idea.}


Physical Appearance: {You MAY use a picture, however if so, you may be required to write it out later as an assignment.}

[spoiler={Orange+ Level Students}]

Weapons: {Be creative. Katanas are fine, but exercise your imagination.}

Biography: {Give me the life story in as much detail as possible. No minimum.}

[spoiler= {Yellow+ Level Students}]

Combat Styles: {The method your character uses to fight. If they use a sword, how is their style? Do they use fencing, or are they a more lose-cannon, power-based style? If they use their hands, do they use a martial art?}

Personal Skills: {What kind of skills do they use? Can they cook? a medical student? A world-champion class checkers player?}

Personality: {How do they act alone? Around others? With people they know? With strangers?}

[spoiler= {Purple Level Students}]

Occupation: {Mundane or not. Ninja would be perfectly viable, as would Pirate or ESPer. Hairdresser would be equally viable.}

Dimension: First big assignment-type thing. Describe the dimension they come from in as much detail as possible.









[spoiler= Civilians]




Physical Appearance:







Likes and Dislikes:


Job: {Method of Money or Food-Earning}

Personal Skills:

Classification: {Job as pertaining to combat}


Special Abilities: {Can include Telekinesis, Magic, modern skills, etcetera.}

Family: {Biological or adoptive. Anyone considered family.}


Ancestry: {Famous ancestors or notable people in the far past in relation to them.}

Relationships: {Both Romantic and Familial}


Dimension Name:

Dimension Description: {Short summary of what it is like.}

Dimension Technology:

Dimenion Geography:

Dimension Fauna: {Living creatures in the Dimension.}




[spoiler= Teachers]

*Please fill out the form for Civilians also.

-Average Time able to RP per day:

-Skill in Roleplaying:

-Reasoning You'd make a good Teacher:

-Example(s) of Role-playing:







Current Status:

Teachers: Blazinghydra, Dark Necro

Students: Bringerofcake, Spartan919

Civilians: Myteogre


This thread has been approved. ~Rinne.

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Guest TheFinalFan

Dammit! I wanted Bubblegum!

And I'll be a Teacher.


Name: John Smith

Age: Unknown, but looks to be about 20 or so.

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: He's kind of average. Caucasian, brown hair, brown eyes, and no real distinguishing features.

Clothing: Polarized sunglasses, a black trenchcoat, and black T-Shirt, black jeans, and black boots.

Birthdate: Unknown


Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Unknown, but very unpredictable. One minute, he could be calm and serious, the other, he could be cracking a joke.

Hobbies: Violence

Likes and Dislikes: Shiny, pointy weapons and explosions. Anyone who gets in his way.


Job: None at the moment.

Personal Skills: Tons.

Classification: Badass

Weapon(s): Any he can gets his hands on, but prefers katanas and Neo-Beretta .22s.

Special Abilities: Can manipulate time.

Family: None.

Biography: An unknown man from an unknown dimension. He seeks to figure out what the f**k is going on around here, and is mainly a rallying point for anyone that wants to help save the multiverse. Just a warning: Anyone who stays around him will probably die within 24 hours.

Ancestry: No real important relatives.

Relationships: None right now.


Dimension Name: Home Dimension Unknown

Dimension Description: Unknown

Dimension Technology: Unknown

Dimenion Geography: Unknown

Dimension Fauna: Unknown


-Average Time able to RP per day: 6 Hours, give or take a few.

-Skill in Roleplaying: Hyperactive Imagination, Expert Worldbuilder, Sharp Pointy Things Combat Save

-Reasoning You'd make a good Teacher: Because I'm a Veteran (or at least I think I am) Roleplayer.

-Example(s) of Role-playing:




Will this work?

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Name:Haruto Miginora



Physical Appearance: [spoiler=Appearance]reflection.jpg


Clothing: He usually wears a brown monks habit, though he sometimes will switch out for a loose fitting t shirt and a loose pair of hakama pants. He doesnt like to wear bright colors, because this attracts attention and is seen as a sign of vanity.

Birthdate: Sectum Sanctis, Ordo of 5981 (5981 years after the sealing of Halpescar, The Bringer of Night)


Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Kind, generous, open hearted, though easily suspicious. He is highly motivated to banish evil to protect those around him. Oturah is the opposite, being disgusting, dirty, rude, and having an evil tendency to want to kill those around him. Oturah only appears if Haruto becomes scared, angry, or knocked out.

Hobbies: He likes wood carving, helping people, training, stargazing.

Likes and Dislikes:

Likes: Singing, flying, praying, helping people, fighting(though he wont admit it), and eating

Dislikes: Oturah, evil, rude people, being defenseless, fighting for no reason, people getting hurt.


Job: Priest

Personal Skills: Hand to Hand combat, Various weapon skills

Classification: Monk

Weapon(s): Quarterstaff, dual katanas. If he is Oturah, a scythe.

Special Abilities: Depends on the elements around him. If he is on the ground, he can make a rock shield, not impenetrable, make projectiles, sometimes armor or weapons, but i cant fly and if separated from the earth for too long they return to the earth. If there is water nearby *size dependent* say a lake or heavy rain, he can turn into water for short periods, he can slow projectiles, and make them though they aren't very strong. Possibility of drowning opponent, though that's slim. Fire is very situational, so its rarely used. Wind is good for deflection of projectiles, speed increase, and throwing objects. Light can only be used if he has prayed in battle or before, even then only used for refraction=slight invisibility (with good perception you can see me.) Distractions and temporary blindness. In a desert i can make mirages at will. Oturah can control darkness. He can call darkness to shroud the battlefield, and can create and control antimatter, or dark matter (where the polarity is switched). His scythe has a demon trapped inside, making it stronger. (it had other abilities but i figured you wouldn't allow those.) They both have hyper-sensitive smell taste and hearing. (They can hear footsteps, heartbeats, breathing, smell blood, taste it in the air. Though those last two pretty much just Oturah)

Family: Owen Miginora (Owen Deathstalker)

Biography:As a baby, Haruto was touched by a psionic fire, blinding him, destroying his eyelids and forcing powers of the mind on him that he had no way to control. When he went to school as a child he would get picked on, for being blind with a blindfold on. Whenever a bully had the bright idea to tear off his bandages a catastrophe would occur, killing everyone at the school except for Haruto. When he turned 10 he was taken in by monks, who sealed away his powers under multiple shields so he would be protected. As he trained with the monks, they would remove a barrier as he got older, allowing him to slowly control his gift. They also taught him several forms of martial arts to defend himself, and how to see without seeing. Over the years he perfected the art of elemental control. When he turned 20, the monks embraced him as their brother and allowed him to take the Test of Silence. For one year he had to be completely silent, no footsteps, heavy breathing, and since he was blind, he had to know where everything was at all times. The punishment was one stripe for every sound heard. He survived the test with only two stripes. Passing with flying colors, he became a true monk in that year, cementing his close relationship with God. He was able to converse with Him and recieve answers, a talent few possesed. For three years he spent his whole life around God and the monks, praying, training, and other duties. When he turned 24 however, Haruto awoke to find he had been given two gifts, a beautiful set of wings, and the power to control light. The monks were overjoyed, but they were also saddened, knowing that this was a sure sign he was meant to leave, and share his gifts with the world. So Haruto gathered his things, said goodbye, and left, to pursue a lifestyle of preaching and helping people where he could. It wasnt long after he left he met the brother he never knew he had, a man named Owen Miginora, a powerful telekinetic and psychokinetic. Haruto blamed Owen for his parents deaths and attacked Owen with all his might. God realized Haruto's mistake though and stripped him of his powers, allowing Owen to strike him down. With Gods protection gone, Haruto went to hell, for all the children he had killed over the years. Once there a demon took Haruto and tortured him, stripping the flesh from his skin, healing him, and doing it again till he broke. With his mental shields defeated, the demon entered Haruto's mind so that he may torture him in more ways. God took pity on Haruto at this time and helped him escape from hell. The picture wasnt perfect though, he was scarred mentally. The demon, combined with the torture, gave Haruto a split personality, Oturah. This being was a mirror image of Haruto, vile, disgusting, even with black hair and wings. When Harutos are brown hair, white wings. He is able to control darkness, no elements, though the darkness is stronger. His spit is acidic, and a pus seeps from his eye sockets, turning the blindfold a sick yellowish color.

Ancestry: I like to RP as Owen Deathstalker, so I Use him as Haruto's brother.

Relationships: None of importance other than his brother.


Dimension Name: Estraan

Dimension Description: The ecology is fairly simple, though the land is Inyuasha like in that demons roam the land. Its fairly common for there to be mentalists, psychics, pyrokinetics, psycho-kinetics, etc.

Dimension Technology: Nothing beyond metal workshops and blacksmiths, though some are experimenting with steam engines.

Dimension Geography: Gentle, rolling, grassy hills. A few Volcanoes, more so the further you go up, where the land becomes more desolate and barren. Here the largest demons are said to reside, though anyone who ventures this far never returns. There are several castles that dot the countryside, ruled by more or less fair kings. In the south there are deserts and a nomadic people known as the Rakkspear, who shun magic for fighting prowess, believing all magic to be evil. Haruto came from a mountainous tribe of monks that lead hermitic lifestyles, growing their own vegetables and cattle.

Dimension Fauna: There are ordinary creatures alongside the demons. The forests are usually filled with carnivorous plants, capable of reproducing quicker than they can be burned, so they are monitored closely by the neighboring kingdoms and kept in check with psychokinetic barriers.

Extra: There are two active Deities and that is Sunsco The God of Light, and Halpescar The Bringer of Night. Haruto obviously prays to Sunsco.


If you want me to be a teacher i can, but i don't feel like it right now...

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Average Time able to RP per day: 30 min to 4 hour

Roleplaying ability color-code: Yellow

Any preferred Teacher?: None


Name: Kare Jyren

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: Six feet, two inches tall. Has prominent features, and dark shadowy eyes, brown in color. He wears a long flowing black cape, black trousers, and a grey tunic with a white japanese "Destruction" symbol on the front

Weapons: Carries dual steel short swords with obsidian pommels. Also has a hidden dagger with a bone handle.

Biography: Kare was raised as a martial artist, but he never seemed to get it right. When he was eight, he did happen to break something with his fist: his arm. When he was twelve years old, he discovered that he held a natural talent with the sword. When he turned eighteen, his parents gave him his short swords, as a gift, and as a testament to his powers with the blade. He was then sent to journey and learn more about sword fighting and blade wielding from the best of the best.

Combat Styles: Kare uses his swords mostly flat side, as he hates killing, and focuses on using speed as an asset. He views slowness as a weakness, and always exercises his speed every day. He uses the dagger as a secondary weapon, and on special occasions, uses it like an assassin would.

Personal Skills: Kare never was good at much other than sword fighting. Although he is extremely acrobatic, his parents once thought he belonged in a circus, as an acrobat.

Personality: Quiet, short temper, kind, aggressive, hates killing, friendly, loves fighting though

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