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awesome66 vs overheat [VOTE NOW!!][WE HAVE BOUNCE BACK CARDS!!]


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Looking for a challenge!



Card Criteria


-The creator slot must be left blank.

-No holos are allowed.

-Any outside help with creating your card is forbidden. Which means no OCG fixes.

-The Card Rarity must be COMMON.

-No flashy editings to your card. This card must be plain except for effect and pic. Nothing flashy here.

-The card must have something to do with top decking or returning cards to the opponent's hand.

-It cannot be a Synchro



Posting Rules

-All posts must contain a valid reason and supporting fact for such. Which means no "Card A for better OCG and effect."

-No flaming

-NO disheartening others abilities. This is a friendly competition.

-Please, don't vote or your friend. Vote for whom YOU think did the best job.


Prizes/End Date


-It will end December 24, or when someone gains 10 votes.

-There will be 3 reps for the winner, from the loser of the competition. The loser shall recieve 1 rep consolation from the winner, so that when one of you guys beats me 10 to nothing, I get something as consolation. ;)



[align=center][spoiler=Card A]



Once per turn, by discarding from your hand a Monster with 0 ATK points, you can return up to 2 cards on the Field. If you chose 1 of your cards, you can choose 1 card on the Field and put it on the top of the owner's Deck. This card can not be Destroyed by Battle while in Attack Position.



[spoiler=Card B]



When a monster your opponent controls declares an attack, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is Special Summoned from your hand by it's own effect, return the attacking monster to your opponent's hand. If you have no monsters on your side of the field during the turn this card was Special Summoned from your hand, increase this card's ATK by the ATK of the monster that was sent back to your opponent's hand. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, both players must send 1 card in their control to the owner's hand.


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